HPlogo Using KSAM XL: 900 Series HP 3000 Computer Systems > Chapter 9 KSAM XL Intrinsics



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Returns specific details about error conditions that occurred when a file system intrinsic returned a condition code indicating an I/O error. FCHECK applies to files on any device.


          I16V      I16      I16      I32     I16




16-bit signed integer by value (optional)

Specifies the file number of the file for which error information is to be returned. If filenum is not specified or set to zero, error information is returned about the last failed FOPEN call.


16-bit signed integer by reference (optional)

Returns a file system error code indicating the type of error that occurred.


16-bit signed integer by reference (optional)

Returns the number of halfwords read or written if an I/O error occurred. (This value is recorded in the transmission log.)


32-bit signed integer by reference (optional)

Returns the physical record count for a nonspoolfile or the logical record count for a spoolfile:

  • For fixed-length and undefined-length record files, the physical count is the number of physical records transferred to or from the file since FOPEN.

  • For variable-length record files, the physical count is the last rewind, rewind/unload, space forward or backward to tape mark.


16-bit signed integer by reference (optional)

Returns the number of logical records in the bad block (blocking factor).

Operation Notes

FCHECK is used to determine the error conditions of the last failed FOPEN intrinsic call (even if a file number was not returned) by setting the filenum parameter to zero. In this case, only fserrorcode returns valid information.

Do not use FCHECK to determine error conditions of a last failed HPFOPEN call; error conditions are returned in the HPFOPEN status parameter.

Condition Codes


Request granted.


Not returned.


Request denied. The file number passed by filenum is invalid, or a bounds violation occurred while processing this request (fserrorcode=73).

Refer to this intrinsic in the MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual (32650-90028) for other codes pertaining to KSAM files.

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