HPlogo Using KSAM XL: 900 Series HP 3000 Computer Systems > Chapter 7 Protecting the File and Its Data

Checking Error Information


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When a file intrinsic returns a condition code indicating that a physical input or output error has occurred, additional details can be obtained by calling the FCHECK intrinsic. The parameters of the FCHECK intrinsic can be designated to return the following error information:

  • The error code that identifies the type of error that occurred.

  • The transmission log value that specifies the number of words not read or written before the input or output error.

  • The relative number of the block involved with the error.

  • The number of logical records that were in the bad block at the time of the error.

This error information can be expanded to include a description of the error by calling the FERRMSG intrinsic. This intrinsic uses the error code returned by the FCHECK intrinsic. By supplying the returned FCHECK error code and defining a message buffer in the FERRMSG intrinsic call , a corresponding message can be displayed from your program. The error code returned by FCHECK and its corresponding message can also be found in the MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual (32650-90028).

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