HPlogo EDIT/3000 Reference Manual: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems



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An error indication is produced whenever an error occurs during EDIT/3000 operation.

In an interactive session or batch job, EDIT/3000 normally displays the error number followed by the error message. For example,


In an interactive session, the user has the option to request a different error reporting scheme by initiating EDIT/3000 with the MPE command


In this case, only the error number is displayed. To skip the error message, merely press RETURN. To request the complete error message, type any character key except RETURN. For example,



To skip the error message, merely press RETURN.

This option is not available in a batch job. The complete error message is displayed by EDIT/3000 on the standard list device.

In case of a file system error, a tombstone and the file system error message are printed in addition to the EDIT/3000 message. For example:

                /T FILE1


                |   ERROR NUMBER: 52     RESIDUE:0               |

                |   BLOCK NUMBER: 0             NUMREC: 0        |


                *23*FAILURE TO OPEN TEXT FILE                     (52)

                NONEXISTENT PERMANENT FILE                  ( F S E R R 5 2 )


Three types of errors can occur: warn, soft and Hard. Warn errors do not cause an EDIT/3000 command function to terminate; they are solely for the user's information. Soft errors do cause the command to fail, although EDIT/3000 operation does not terminate. Hard errors result in termination of EDIT/3000 operation.

Table 5-1 “Error Messages” contains a list of all error messages that can occur during EDIT/3000 operation. The first column contains the error number. The type of error (warn, soft or hard) is shown in the second column. The error message is contained in the third column and the probable cause is shown in the fourth column, The last column contains corrective action information which will help you in initiating recovery procedures.

Each error that relates to an MPE/3000 file intrinsic is preceded by a File Information Display. See the MPE Intrinsics Reference Manual for descriptions of these displays. These types of errors contain the MPE/3000 errorcode in parentheses after the error message.

Table 5-1 Error Messages

1HardINVALID COMMAND NAMECommand name incorrect.Re-enter the command.
2HardINVALID OPTION Command parameter incorrect.Re-enter the command.
3HardMISSING PARAMETERCommand parameter needed.Re-enter the command.
4HardFILE NOT ACCESSIBLE (errorcode)File requested is not accessible due to the errorcode reported.Check the errorcode in the MPE Intrinsics Reference Manual.
5HardFILE NOT TYPE ASCIIFile requested is a binary file.Terminate EDIT/3000 operation, then run a program such as the HP 3000 File Copier to create an ASCII version of the file.
6HardCHARACTER ADJUSTMENT RUNS OFF OF FILEA character string is too long.Verify LEFT, RIGHT, LENGTH options in effect and change accordingly, or change the string.
7HardREAD ERROR ON TEXT FILE (errorcode)File cannot be read due to the errorcode shown.Check the errorcode as shown in the MPE Intrinsics Reference Manual and try again. If error persists, copy error-free portions of TEXT file with TEXT command and use ADD command to correct the portion that is not read.
8SoftADJUSTMENT RUNS OFF OF FILECommand would move pointer off either end of WORK file.Verify FIRST and LAST options in effect and change accordingly or correct command.
9HardSYNTAX ERROR IN TEXT POSITION EXPRESSIONA position parameter is incorrect.Re-enter the command.
10SoftABSOLUTE COLUMN POSITION OUT OF RANGEA column parameter is outside the LEFT, RIGHT margins.Verify LEFT, RIGHT options in effect and change accordingly or re-enter the command.
11SoftPOSITION NOT FOUNDA position does not exist in the WORK fileList the lines where the position should be and re-enter the command accordingly.
12HardOVERSIZED LINE (linenumber)The line exceeds the LEFT, RIGHT, or LENGTH options in effect.Correct the LEFT, RIGHT, or LENGTH options and re-enter the command.
13HardTIMEOUT ERRORWHILE command construct wrong.Re-enter the command.
14HardINVALID LINE NUMBERA linenumber parameter is wrong under the SET FORMAT option in effect or contains an incorrect character.Correct the parameter or change the SET FORMAT option. Text the file in UNNUMBERED, examine and correct; then KEEP, UNNUMBERED.
15SoftCOMMAND WILL NOT REPLACE OR INTERLEAVE LINES A linenumber parameter in an ADD, GATHER, or JOIN command references a line that already exists.List the line number, then re-enter the command with correct linenumber parameter.
16WarnWARNING - LINE linenumber EXTENDS PAST colnumA line extends beyond the RIGHT margin option in effect.Change the RIGHT or LENGTH options, or correct the command, or modify the line.
17HardUNMATCHED END COMMANDA BEGIN END pair is incorrect.Correct the BEGIN-END command pairs.
18HardINSUFFICIENT LINE NUMBERS OR WORK SPACE -COMMAND NOT PERFORMEDNot enough line numbers are avail-able in the WORK file for a GATHER or JOIN where a TO linenumber parameter has been specified.Renumber the WORK file lines to accommodate the command, or re-enter the command with a smaller increment.
19SoftFALSE RETURN FROM EDITOR PROCEDUREA procedure has returned a value of false.See PROCEDURE command in Section IV.
20HardUNDELIMITED STRINGIncorrect delimiters enclosing a stringRe-enter the command.
21SoftSTRING NOT FOUND BEFORE LIMITA string was not found within the range specified or does not exist in the WORK file.Use the FIND FIRST command, then try again. Verify that string is correct.
22SoftLINE DOES NOT EXISTThe line does not exist in the WORK tie.List the line before and the line after the line, with NO TEXT. ADD linenumber, if necessary.
23HardFAILURE TO OPEN TEXT FILE (errorcode) File requested with a TEXT command was not opened due to the errorcode reported.Check the error code in the MPE Intrinsics Reference Manual.
24HardRECORD SIZE TOO LARGE (length)The length of the file is greater than 255 bytes. None within EDIT/3000.
25HardSCRATCH FILE OPEN FAILURE (errorcode)Work file could not be opened due to errorcode.See the MPE Intrinsics Reference Manual.
26HardGETDSEG FAILURE reason (see below) SEGMENT OF SAME IDENTITY ALREADY EXISTS ILLEGAL LENGTH SPECIFIED TOO MANY DATA SEGMENTS INSUFFICIENT STORAGE FOR SIZEStated in the reason appended to message.See the MPE Commands Reference Manual. System reconfiguration may be necessary. Extra data segments are necessary only when texting in numbered files. Text in the file UNNUMBERED.
27SoftAN E.O.D. RECEIVED BEFORE TEXT FILE ENDAn :EOD record was encountered before the physical end-of-file occured.None - warning only.
28HardSCRATCH FILE READ ERROR (errorcode)WORK file not read due to error-code reported.See the MPE Intrinsics Reference Manual.
29HardINVALID LINENUMBER ON NUMBERED TEXT OR JOIN FILE - RECORD (number)Sequence numbers incorrect for the requested function.Use following commands: TEXT filename, UNN or JOIN filename, UNN
30HardDMOVOUT ERRORData segment management error.Notify the System Manager.
31HardSCRATCH FILE WRITE ERROR (errorcode)WORK file could not be written to due to errorcode.See the MPE Intrinsics Reference Manual.
32HardDMOVIN ERRORData segment management error.Notify the System Manager.
33HardINVALID COLUMN RANGE (FIRST FOLLOWS SECOND)The range parameter is not in ascending order.Correct the range parameter of the command.
34WarnWARNING - HOLD FILE IS EMPTYHOLD file is emptyNone - warning, only
35HardFAILURE TO LOAD LIBRARY PROCEDUREThe procedure requested with a PROCEDURE command could not be loaded.Check the SL library. See Section IV, PROCEDURE command.
36HardSCRATCH FILE IS FULL. KEEP, THEN TEXT AGAIN The WORK file has no more space available.KEEP WORK file. TEXT file back into WORK file.
37HardINVALID INTEGERA linenumber parameter is incorrect or is outside the range defined by the SET FORMAT option in effect.Correct the linenumber parameter.
38HardINVALID RECORD LINE PAIR (SUBSYSTEM PROBLEM)Data segment management error. Notify the System Manager.
39HardRANGE IS NULL OR FIRST POSITION FOLLOWS SECONDThe range parameter is not in ascending order.Correct the range parameter
40HardUNDEFINED TEXTThe WORK file s empty.Use an ADD, JOIN, or TEXT command to enter text into WORK file.
41HardFAILURE TO OPEN KEEP FILE (errorcode)KEEP command could not be executed due to errorcode reported.Check KEEP command. If command OK, see MPE Commands Reference Manual.
42HardWRITE ERROR ON KEEP FILE (errorcode)File requested by KEEP command could not be written to due to errorcode reported.Check KEEP command. If command OK, see the MPE Intrinsics Reference Manual.
43HardOUT OF SEQUENCE LINE NUMBER IN TEXT FILE (linenumber)Line numbers in TEXT file are incorrect.Use TEXT filename, UNNUMBERED command. Correct line numbers. KEEP filename, UNNUMBERED.
44SoftLINE NUMBER ZERO CAN NOT BE ACCESSEDA command attempted to access line zero.Re-enter the command as FIND FIRST.
45HardREAD ERROR ON COMMAND FILE (errorcode)Commands could not be read from the file requested due to the errorcode reported.Verify that file exists and is correct If correct, see the MPE Commands Reference Manual.
46HardCOMMAND CONTINUES PAST 256 CHARACTERSCommand record too long.Re-enter the command record.
47HardFAILURE TO OPEN USE FILE (errorcode)USE command could not open USE file referenced due to error-code reported.Check that filename is correct. If OK, see the MPE Intrinsics Reference Manual.
48HardFAILURE TO OPEN WHILE FILE (errorcode) WHILE command could not execute due to errorcode reported.Check WHILE command. If OK, see the MPE Intrinsics Reference Manual.
49HardWRITE ERROR ON WHILE FILE (errorcode)WHILE command could not execute due to errorcode reported.Check the WHILE command expressions. IF OK, see the MPE Intrinsics Reference Manual.
50HardWHILE FILE OVERFLOWToo many expressions in a WHILE command block.Write the WHILE command expressions into a USE file.
51HardFAILURE TO OPEN JOIN FILE (errorcode)JOIN file could not be opened due to errorcode reported.See the MPE/3000 Operating System Reference Manual.
52HardREAD ERROR ON JOIN FILE (errorcode)JOIN file could not be read due to errorcode reported.Check filename parameter, if OK see the MPE Intrinsics Reference Manual.
53HardTIME-OUT ON WHILE ITERATIONSET TIME - limit has been exceeded or you typed CONTROL Y.Correct WHILE command or increase iterations allowed by altering SET TIME command.
54HardSYNTAX ERROR IN ABSOLUTE COLUMN POSITION EXPRESSIONA colnum parameter is incorrect. Correct the parameter.
55HardREAD ERROR ON HOLD FILE (errorcode) HOLD file could not be read due to errorcode reported.Check HOLD command, if OK, see the MPE Intrinsics Reference Manual.
56HardREAD ERROR ON INPUT (errorcode)TEXT or JOIN file could not be read due to errorcode reported.Check command and filename parameter, if OK, see the MPE Intrinsics Reference Manual.
57SoftEND OF INPUT FILEPhysical end-of-file reached.None-information only.
58HardFAILURE TO OPEN HOLD FILE (errorcode) Hold file could not be opened due to errorcode reported.Check HOLD command, if OK, see the MPE Intrinsics Reference Manual.
59Hard WRITE ERROR ON HOLD FILE (errorcode) HOLD file could not be written to due to errorcode reported. Check HOLD command, if OK, see the MPE Intrinsics Reference Manual.
60HardFCLOSE FAILURE (errorcode)A file could not be closed due to the errorcode reported. Check filename parameter, if OK see the MPE Intrinsics Reference Manual.
61HardMAXIMUM LINE NUMBER EXCEEDED ON COBOL FILE - RENUMBER AND KEEP AGAINSET COBOL is in effect and line number maximum has been exceeded.Renumber WORK file and try again.
62HardUNABLE TO EDIT FILES OF THIS CODE TYPE (filecode)File cannot be edited with this file code.See the MPE Commands Reference Manual.
63HardWRITE ERROR (errorcode) ON OUTPUT FILEThe listfile named could not be written on due to the errorcode reported.See the MPE Intrinsics Reference Manual.
64HardPOSITIONING ERROR ON WHILE FILE (errorcode) A command in a WHILE bock could not locate a position in a file due to the errorcode reported.Check the position parameter of the command, if OK, see the MPE Intrinsics Reference Manual.
65HardPOSITION BEYOND EOF ON WHILE FILEA command in a WHILE block tried to go to a location beyond the end-of-file in the WORK file.Correct the WHILE block.
66HardFREEDSEG REQUEST DENIEDData segment management error.Notify the System Manager.
67HardFRENAME ERROR ON TEXT FILE (errorcode)The WORK file could not be renamed due to the errorcode reported.Check the filename parameter if OK, see the MPE Intrinsics Reference Manual.
68HardFRENAME ERROR ON KEEP FILE (errorcode)The file could not be renamed due to the errorcode reported.Check the filename parameter, if OK, see the MPE Intrinsics Reference Manual.
69HardUNABLE TO UNLOAD PREVIOUS PROCEDUREA procedure named in a PROCEDURE command could not be loaded because the previous procedure has not been unloaded.Check the PROCEDURE command and any previous PROCEDURE commands. See the MPE Commands Reference Manual.Notify the System Manager.






The WORK file is temporary due to reason specified.Check your library of files; your disc space may be exceeded and you may need to purge some files to make space.
71HardKEEP FILE MUST BE WITHIN LOG-ON ACCOUNTFile name used in KEEP command cannot be qualified by an account name other than log-on account.KEEP the file within the logon account.
72HardINVALID TAB OPTIONSyntax of a SET command TABS or TABCHAR parameter is incorrect: Tab stops must be within LEFT and RIGHT margins and must be specified in increasing order, TABS keyword must be followed by = or comma, tab list must be enclosed within left and right parentheses, number of tab stops cannot exceed 12, TABCHAR must be enclosed in quotes and cannot exceed one character.Check SET command and reenter command with correct syntax.
73HardFREAD LABEL ERROR(errorcode)It is not possible to read the user labels from the old file that is kept. This is due to the errorcode.Re-try or use a different filename with the KEEP command.
74HardFWRITE LABEL ERROR (errorcode) It is not possible to write the user label to a new file that is kept. This is due to the errorcode.Re-try or use a different filename with the KEEP command.
75SoftRECORDS TOO WIDE - KEEP UNNUMBEREDFile width exceeds maximum of 256 bytes when line numbers are appended.KEEP the file UNNUMBERED or adjust SET LENGTH to smaller value.


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