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Table B-1 “Command Language Reference Chart” allows you to determine the precise syntax requirements of a command, or to quickly refresh your knowledge of the command language. The table is helpful to have, particularly during an interactive session, as a general reference tool. If further clarification is needed, the page number of a complete explanation of each command is provided.

Table B-1 Command Language Reference Chart

ADD ADD[Q] [linenumber] [,HOLD[Q] [,NOW] ] To enter lines of text into the WORK file from an input file or from the HOLD file. ADD 60, HOLD The contents of the HOLD file are entered into the WORK file beginning with the line number 60.
BEGINBEGIN[Q]Used as the first expression in a matching BEGIN-END pair.WHILE FINDQ"this"(+3) BEGINQ FINDQ "program" /*(+20) LIST* ENDThis is a blocked set of commands within a BEGIN-END pair.

CHANGE[Q] {oldstring} {startcolumn} [/startcolumn]

TO newstring [IN rangelist]

To replace old text with new text.CHANGE "RECORD" TO "LINE" IN 40/70 All occurrences of RECORD in lines 40 through 70 will be changed to LINE.
COPYCOPY[Q]range TO linenumber [BY increment]To copy text from one location into another in the WORK file.COPY 2/2.15 to 8.01 BY .01Lines 2 through 2.15 will be copied to begin at line 8.01 with lines numbered in increments of .01
DELETEDELETE[Q] [rangelist]To delete characters and lines from the WORK file.DELETE 50/75, 150(3)/ 155(7)Lines 50 through 75 and characters in the range beginning with the third column in line 150 through the seventh column in line 155 will be deleted.
ENDENDTo terminate execution of EDIT/3000 or, when used with a matching BEGIN command, to terminate an iterative operation.ENDControl is returned to MPE/3000.

FIND[Q][*] [range]

To locate a point in the WORK file.FIND "PROGRAM"The pointer will move to the next occurrence of the string PROGRAM.
GATHERGATHER[Q] range TO linenumber [BY increment]To move portions of text from one location to another in the WORK file and renumber the lines.GATHER 50/55 TO 5.1 by .1Lines 50 through 55 will be moved to begin at line 5.1 and will be renumbered in increments of .1.
HOLDHOLD[Q] [range] [,APPEND]To copy text from the WORK file into the HOLD file.HOLD 100/150, APPENDLines 100 through 150 are copied into the HOLD file and are appended to the text that already exists in the HOLD file.
INSERTINSERT[Q] position [BY increment] [,HOLD[Q] [,NOW] ]To insert text into the WORK file from an input file or the HOLD file.INSERT 25 (4)Line 25 is printed with the pointer indicated directly under column 4. Any text may then be typed in, The remainder of line 25 is saved and printed following the insertion.

JOIN[Q] file name

[ (linenumber [/linenumber] ) (#recnum/ #recnum) ] [TO linenumber] [BY increment]

To add all or part of a JOIN file to the WORK file.JOIN EDIT02 TO 1000 BY .1The text in EDIT02 is added to the WORK file beginning at line 1000. Lines are numbered in increments of .1.

KEEP [ [Q] filename] [(range) ] [,UNNUMBERED]

To save all or part of the WORK file in a user file.KEEP EDIT02The contents of the WORK file are saved in EDIT02, a user file, and the line numbers are stored in ASCII format at the front or rear of each line.
LISTLIST[Q] [range] [,UNN[UMBERED]] [,OFFLINE] [,TRANSLATE] [,NOTEXT]To print out any portion or all of the WORK file.LIST ALL UNNUMBERED, OFFLINEThe contents of the WORK file are printed on the file printer or at the device specified in the system log-on command. Line numbers are not printed.
MODIFYMODIFY[Q] range listTo modify text in the WORK file using three operations: delete (D), insert (1), and replace (R).MODIFY 50/100Lines 50 through 100 are printed line by line to allow a modification templet to be entered for each line in the range.
NOTNOTCauses setting of FLAG to be reversed after the next following expression is interpreted.WHILE FINDQ,"this"(+3) BEGINQ NOT FINDQ s"program" *(+20) LIST* ENDOccurrences of "this" that are not followed by "program" are listed.
ORORResets FLAG to true if it is false, or skips OR command and command following if FLAG is true.BEGINQ FINDQ"this"/* (+40) OR FINDQ "program"/*(+20) ENDIf "this" is found within 40 nonblank characters of the pointer, the second FIND command is skipped over. If "this" is not found, the FLAG is set to true, and the second FIND is executed.


[pname,[G] [P] [S] [range list]

Calls logical procedure stored in a library outside the subsystem.PROCEDURE CARDTEST, G, 100/300Logical procedure CAR DTEST is called from the group library. Records 100 through 300 of the WORK file are affected by the procedure.
QQcharacter stringTo print a message at the terminal.Q "HELLO. PLEASE ENTER YOUR IDENTITY CODE."When this command is executed, the delimited message will be printed at the terminal.
REPLACE REPLACE[Q] rangelist [,HOLD[Q] [,NOW] ]To replace lines in the WORK file.REPLACE 10/20Each line in the range from 10 through 20 is listed followed by the line number to allow you to enter a text replacment

SET[FROM= linenumber] [,DELTA= increment] [,LEFT=colnum] [,RIGHT=colnum] [,LENGTH= colnum]


[,DEPTH=limit] [,TIME=limit] [,SIZE=limit]



[,{TABS[= (colnum [,colnum]...)] NOTABS} ]

[,TABCHAR [=string] ]

To alter options that are normally set by the subsystem and that govern editing operations.SET FROM=100 DELTA= 10, QUIET,SHORT Lines in the WORK file will begin with line number 100 and will be numbered in increments of 10. The position of the pointer will not be displayed each time a location in the WORK file is found, and commands that take "Q" operate as if Q had been specified. Commands can be entered using only their initial character. Otherwise, the first and last column position read in a line of the WORK file will be 1 T and 72, respectively.

TEXT [filename]

[ {linenumber linenumber) (#recnum/ #recnum) } ] [,UNNUMBERED]

To copy contents of a user file into the WORK file to be edited.TEXT EDIT02Contents of EDIT02 are copied into the WORK file and numbered using the line numbers stored in the front or rear bytes of each line.
USEUSE[filename]To instruct EDIT/ 3000 to read commands from a user file but to send messages to and, normally, to expect text from the terminal.USE EDFILEDIT/3000 will go to the beginning of EDFIL and execute commands from that file until it finds end-of-file mark.

VERIFY[{ALL } {option list }]

To obtain a reminder of the values of options declared in the SET command.VERIFY DELTA, FROMThe values set up for DELTA and FROM when EDIT/3000 was initialized are listed.
WHILEWHILE[FLAG)Causes EDIT/3000 to iterate the next two edit expressions (or one, if FLAG is declared) until the first one fails.WHILE FIND "this" LIST*Each occurrence of "this" following the pointer is found and listed until the end of the WORK file is found before another "this" is found, The FLAG is then set to false.

XPLAIN[{com, name list} {ALL} ] [,OFFLINE]

To obtain an explanation of the commands.XPLAIN A,SExplanations of the ADD and SET commands will be printed at the terminal.
YESYESSets the FLAG to true  
Z::= Z::=object recordTo assign the value of the character string Z::=::="DOUBLE PRECISION" The string "DOUBLE PRECISION" will be substituted for Z::= whenever Z:: occurs in a command outside of a string.
::MPE commandTo enter system commands from within EDIT/3000:PURGE AFILEThe MPE PURGE command is executed.


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