HPlogo MPE XL Native Language Programmer's Guide: 900 Series HP 3000 Computer Systems > Chapter 1 Introduction

Scope of Native Language Support


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NLS consists of features within MPE XL and in the FCOPY, IMAGE, KSAM, QUERY, SORT-MERGE, VPLUS, and COBOL II/XL subsystems. These facilities allow application programs to be designed and written with a local language user interface for the end user and locally correct internal processing.

The MPE XL interface, subsystems, programmer productivity tools, and compilers have not been localized. The applications designer must still interact with MPE XL and its subsystems using American English. For example, it is possible to write a complete local language application program using COBOL II/XL and VPLUS, but the COBOL II/XL compiler and the VPLUS FORMSPEC program retain their English-like characteristics.

Not all functions that vary from one language or country to another are provided by NLS. For example, tax calculation rules are usually country- or local-specific, and rules for word hyphenation are dependent upon individual languages. Functions such as these are considered application-specific and are beyond the scope of NLS.

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