HPlogo Resource Management Programmer's Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems

Appendix A Global RIN Program Example


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This HP Pascal/XL program illustrates how you can use the two intrinsics, LOCKGLORIN and UNLOCKGLORIN, to prevent simultaneous access to a selected record in a shared file while one user is updating the record. Five global RINs were previously acquired through the :GETRIN command. Each RIN is associated with a subset of 4 records in a 20 record data file. This method of assigning RINs allows other users to concurrently access other subsets of records in the same file. RIN-locking occurs in procedure access_record_exclusively. This program is intended to be used with the file BOOKFILE (illustrated in Chapter 2).

   program global_RIN_example; 


   {                       DECLARATION PART                              } 



     rinbase        = 1;                   {Lowest RIN assigned          } 

     recds_per_rin  = 4;                   {Partition the datafile       } 

     maxrin         = 5;                   {Highest RIN assigned         } 

     CCG            = 0;                   {Condition Code Warning       } 

     CCL            = 1;                   {Condition Code Error         } 

     CCE            = 2;                   {Condition Code successful    } 

     maxbooks       =19;                   {Last record in datafile      } 

   type                                    {holds titles and locations   } 

     record_field   = packed array [1..36] of char; 

                                           {record structure of datafile } 

     library_record = packed record 

                        title: record_field;     {Holds book title       } 

                        location: record_field;  {Holds book location    } 


     hp_status = packed record 

                 case integer of 

                 0: (all:integer); 

                 1: (info:shortint;        {Error number from subsys     } 

                     subsys: shortint);    {Subsystem number             } 



     stdin,stdlist,booklist: integer;      {HPFOPEN file numbers         } 

     ascii,perm,rw,share,cctl:integer;     {HPFOPEN item variables       } 

     status: hp_status;                    {HPFOPEN intrinsic status     } 

     length,accno,rin: shortint;           {Vars required by intrinsics  } 

     lockflag: 0..65565;                   {Required by lock intrinsics  } 

     bookrecord: library_record;           {Used in read/write operations} 

     dummy: boolean;                       {Required by FCONTROL         } 

     infile,outfile,datafile,              {File names used with HPFOPEN } 

                                           {Required by LOCKGLORIN       } 

     rinpassword: packed array [1..12] of char; 

                                           {vars required by intrinsics  } 

     buffer,change,head,request: record_field; 

   procedure hpfopen;        intrinsic;    {Opens three files            } 

   function fread:shortint;  intrinsic;    {Reads from $STDIN            } 

   procedure fwrite;         intrinsic;    {Writes to $STDLIST           } 

   procedure fcontrol;       intrinsic;    {Post to disc                 } 

   procedure freaddir;       intrinsic;    {Random reads from datafile   } 

   procedure fwritedir;      intrinsic;    {Random writes to datafile    } 

   procedure lockglorin;     intrinsic;    {RIN-locking intrinsic        } 

   procedure unlockglorin;   intrinsic;    {RIN-unlocking intrinsic      } 

   function binary:shortint; intrinsic;    {Convert ASCII to binary      } 

   procedure printfileinfo;  intrinsic;    {Used in Error Handler        } 

   procedure quit;           intrinsic;    {Used in Error Handler        } 

   procedure error_handler(filenum,quitnum: shortint); 


   { procedure error_handler is invoked whenever a system intrinsic      } 

   { call is unsuccessful.                                               } 



                                           {If valid file number, then   } 

                                           {print file info to $STDLIST  } 

     if filenum >=0 then printfileinfo(filenum); 

     quit(quitnum);                        {Abort process                } 


   procedure initialize_variables; 


   { procedure initialize_variables initializes all global variables     } 

   { prior to use.                                                       } 



     infile:=  ' $stdin ';                  {associated with $STDIN      } 

     outfile:= ' $stdlist ';                {associated with $STDLIST    } 

     datafile:= ' bookfile ';               {formaldesignator = BOOKFILE } 

     lockflag:= 1; 

     rinpassword:= 'bookrin '; 

     dummy:= true; 

     status.all:= 0; 

     ascii := 1;                           {ascii/binary option ASCII    } 

     perm  := 1;                           {domain option PERMANENT      } 

     rw    := 4;                           {access type option READ/WRITE} 

     share := 3;                           {exclusive option SHARE       } 

     cctl  := 1;                           {carriage control option CCTL } 

     stdin := 0; 

     stdlist := 0; 

     booklist := 0; 

     head:= 'LIBRARY INFORMATION PROGRAM ';  {Header introduces program  } 

     change:= 'NEW LOCATION  ';              {User interface             } 

     request:= 'ACCESSION NO: ';             {User interface             } 


   procedure open_files; 


   { procedure open_files opens all files used by program.               } 



     hpfopen(stdin,status,2,infile,3,perm,53,ascii);     {Open $STDIN    } 

     if status.all <> 0 then error_handler(-1, status.info); 


             7,cctl,53,ascii);                           {Open $STDLIST  } 

     if status.all <> 0 then error_handler(-1, status.info); 


             3,perm,53,ascii,11,rw,13,share);            {Open datafile  } 

     if status.all <> 0 then error_handler(-1, status.info); 



   procedure select_record(var record_length: shortint; 

                           var book_number: record_field); 


   { procedure select_record allows user to select the bookrecord for    } 

   { viewing and updating.                                               } 



     fwrite(stdlist,request,7,208);        {Ask user for Book number     } 

     if ccode <> CCE then error_handler(stdlist,101); 

     record_length:= fread(stdin,buffer ,-10);   {Read user input        } 

     if ccode <> CCE then error_handler(stdin,102); 


   procedure update_record; 


   { procedure update_record prints the selected book record to $STDLIST,} 

   { prompts user for new location, then reads the input from $STDIN.  If } 

   { user supplies a location, record is updated, then posted to disc.   } 



     fwrite(stdlist,bookrecord,-72,0);     {Print selected  bookrecord   } 

     if ccode <> CCE then error_handler(stdlist,105); 

     fwrite(stdlist,change,-14,208);       {Prompt user for new location } 

     if ccode <> CCE then error_handler(stdlist,106); 

     buffer:= '                                    '; {Clear variable    } 

     length:= fread(stdin,buffer,-36);     {Read user-input new location } 

     if ccode <> CCE then error_handler(stdin,107); 

                                           {If user input characters,    } 

                                           {update record in datafile    } 

     if length > 0 then 


       bookrecord.location:= buffer;         {Update location field      } 

       fwritedir(booklist,bookrecord,-72,accno);   {Update datafile      } 

       if ccode <> CCE then error_handler(booklist,108); 

       fcontrol(booklist,2,dummy);           {Force posting to disc      } 

       if ccode <> CCE then error_handler (booklist,109); 



   procedure access_record_exclusively(rinnum:shortint); 


   { procedure access_record_exclusively locks the global rin associated } 

   { with the selected bookrecord.  While the RIN is locked, others       } 

   { attempting to lock the same RIN are denied.  While RIN is locked,    } 

   { the user-selected  book record is read from the datafile, then      } 

   { PROCEDURE update_record is invoked to update the location field of  } 

   { the bookrecord.  After successful update, RIN is unlocked.           } 



     lockglorin(rinnum,lockflag,rinpassword);  {Lock global RIN          } 

     if ccode <> CCE then error_handler(-1,103); 

     freaddir(booklist,bookrecord,-72,accno);  {Read selected bookrecord } 

     if ccode = CCL then error_handler(booklist,104) else 

     if ccode = CCE then update_record;    {Call PROCEDURE update_record } 

     unlockglorin(rinnum);                 {Unlock global RIN            } 

     if ccode <> CCE then error_handler(-1, 110); 


   procedure update_book_information; 


   { procedure update_book_information is the main outer-block procedure.} 



     fwrite(stdlist,head,14,0);       {Print program intro to $STDLIST   } 

     if ccode <> CCE then error_handler(stdlist,4); 

     select_record(length,buffer);    {Call record selection procedure   } 

     while length <> 0 do 

                                      {Continue loop so long as user     } 

                                      {selects a bookrecord to update.   } 



    accno:= binary(buffer,length);    {Converts ascii to shortint     } 

       if ccode <> CCE then error_handler(-1,112) else 

         begin                        {If accno is successfully converted,} 

                                      {use it to compute RIN.            } 

         rin:= rinbase + (accno div recds_per_rin); 

                                      {If computed RIN one of those from } 

                                      {:GETRIN, call PROCEDURE to access } 

                                      {the selected record exclusively.  } 

         if rin in [rinbase..maxrin] 

         then access_record_exclusively(rin); 


       select_record(length,buffer);  {Select another record, loop       } 

       end;                           {Loop                              } 



   {                          MAIN PROGRAM PART                          } 







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