HPlogo Process Management Programmer's Guide: 900 Series HP 3000 Computer Systems > Chapter 1 Processes and Process Management

Managing User Processes


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If you have standard MPE/iX capabilities (for example, IA, BA, SF), you can use many system intrinsics to access operating system features, but you are allowed only limited programmatic control over processes. For example, your program cannot use system intrinsics to create a new process.

If you wish to design large and/or complex applications that use process management capabilities to full advantage, MPE/iX provides Process Handling (PH) as an optional capability.

PH intrinsics require that the operating system check for additional capabilities at program load time and/or execution time. To execute any of the PH intrinsics, you must have the correct capability assigned prior to running the program.

In order for a program containing PH intrinsics to execute successfully, the following criteria must be met:

  • A System Manager (SM) or Account Manager (AM) must assign the PH capability to the group where the program is to execute; however, if the program file is a temporary file, PH must be assigned to the user who executes the program.

  • You must assign the PH capability to the program file at link time (using the caplist parameter of the :LINK command). The user who links the program does not need to be assigned the PH capability in order to assign it to the program file.

MPE/iX provides system intrinsics that allow you to create, activate, suspend, delete, interrogate, and provide communication between processes. Table 1-1 “Process Management Tasks/Intrinsics” lists the major tasks involved with managing processes and the intrinsics required to accomplish each of the tasks. Also noted is whether or not the intrinsic requires PH capability. Chapter 2 "Process Management Tasks", describes how you can use the intrinsics listed in Table 1-1 “Process Management Tasks/Intrinsics”.

Table 1-1 Process Management Tasks/Intrinsics

To Accomplish This Task:Use these Intrinsics:PH required?
Activate a suspended processACTIVATEYES
Suspend an executing processSUSPENDYES
Delete a processTERMINATENO
Interrogate a processFATHERYES
Provide communication betweenHPFOPEN, FOPENNO


NOTE: If you are interested in the task of providing communication between processes, refer to Interprocess Communication Programmer's Guide (32650-90019).
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