HPlogo HP Data Entry and Forms Management System (VPLUS) Reference Manual: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 3 INTRODUCTION TO FORMS DESIGN



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Once you have created a form and saved it in a forms file, you can create an associated application-ready buffer (ARB) for that form. There are two steps to the process; first, you must set up a data type conversion (DTC) record, then you can generate the ARB. The DTC record need only be set up once for the entire forms file.

You may want to transform data between the screen and application for several reasons. First, the data the application will store may differ from what appears on the screen: menu-selection and next-screen fields, for example, would normally be excluded from the ARB. Conversely, you may want to store data from a source other than the screen, such as key fields for an IMAGE dataset, along with the screen data. This can be done by using "filler" fields, fields that exist on the ARB but not on the corresponding form (see RES below).

Second, the order in which the application stores data may differ from the order in which it is entered on the screen. An arrangement of fields that makes logical sense to the user may not be suitable for a database, for example. Fields can be rearranged on the screen without affecting their order on the ARB, and vice versa.

Third, data type and length may differ from screen to ARB, and the designer uses the ARB screens, in conjunction with the Data Type Conversions Menu, to specify conversions (see discussion under "ARB Data Types").

Figure 3-25 “Menu Sequence for ARB Feature” shows the sequence of menus used to create, modify and delete an ARB and the fields on it.

Figure 3-25 Menu Sequence for ARB Feature

Menu Sequence for ARB Feature

Setting Up the Data Type Conversion Record

The data type conversion record allows the forms designer to define the default values for screen and ARB data types. You must define these values, even if you only press ENTER to accept FORMSPEC's preset defaults, shown in Figure 3-27 “Data Type Conversion Menu” You will probably want to replace some, if not all, of these defaults with your own.

Set up the data type conversion record by following these steps:

  1. Make sure you are at the FORMSPEC Main Menu and select G for "Go to Globals Menu". when you press ENTER, the Globals Menu is displayed.

    Figure 3-26 Globals Menu

    Globals Menu

  2. Enter Y for "Define Data Conversions" in the last box. The Data Type Conversions menu is displayed. This screen allows you to specify default conversions to and from every available screen and application data type.

    Figure 3-27 Data Type Conversion Menu

    Data Type Conversion Menu

    The n in the numeric types stands for a number of decimal places. When specifying a conversion to one of these types, you must replace n with a digit or a. When you set the number of decimals to a, you are instructing FORMSPEC to determine the decimals algorithmically on the basis of the source type. Note that you can only select the a option on this menu, and not on the field menus. For recommendations on data type conversions, see "Data Types" earlier in this section.

  3. When you have set your defaults, press ENTER and then press MAIN/RESUME at the SAVE FIELD Menu to return to the Main Menu.

Generating the ARB

Follow these steps to generate an ARB for a form.

  1. At the Main Menu, enter B for "Go to ARB Menu" in the Main Menu Selection box.

  2. In the "Go to ARB Menu" field, enter the name of the form for which you wish to generate an ARB and press ENTER. The ARB Menu is displayed.

    Figure 3-28 ARB Menu

    ARB Menu

    The form name is displayed in the first field. This is a display-only field: you cannot select a new form from this menu. If you want to create an ARB for a different form, you must go back to the Main Menu.

    The next field shows the number of fields in the ARB: in this case there are none, since there is no ARB yet.

Types of Field

An ARB may contain two kinds of field. They are live fields and filler fields.

  • Live fields exist on both the screen and the ARB.

  • Filler fields exist on the ARB only; for example, alignment and accumulator fields.

The designer can select one of four options on the ARB Menu.

GEN (Generate)

Create an ARB from scratch, containing a field for each field on the form. The sequence of the fields accords with their sequence on the form, and can be altered using the Restructure ARB Menu Figure 3-29 “Restructure ARB Menu” The type and length of the fields are determined by comparing the screen attributes with the data conversion record. They can be changed using the ARB Field Menu.

This option is only valid if no ARB exists for the form.

RES (Restructure)

Display the current ARB, showing the sequence of fields. Allows the designer to add, delete, move and rename fields using the Restructure ARB Menu.

MOD (Modify)

Modify the length and data type of the designated field in the ARB, using the ARB Field Menu.

DEL (Delete)

Delete the entire ARB. If you want to make a lot of changes to the fields on a form, it is usually better to delete the existing ARB and generate a new one once the form has been altered. If you copy or delete a form, the corresponding ARB will be copied or deleted as well.

Table 3-11 “Form/ARB Relationships” shows how an alteration made to the form will affect the ARB, if at all.

Table 3-11 Form/ARB Relationships



Adding a form...

Does not add an associated ARB.

Copy a form...

Copies the associated ARB.

Renaming a form...

Renames the associated ARB.

Deleting a form...

Deletes the associated ARB.

Changing a form:
- adding a field...

Does not add it to the ARB once the ARB has been created, unless you create a new ARB.

- changing a field...

Changes the screen length and screen data type on the ARB, but does not affect the ARB field length and data type.

- deleting a field...

Changes the corresponding ARB field to a "filler" field.

No effect on form...

Add, change delete ARB or the fields in it.

Form can exist without an ARB.

ARB cannot exist without a form.


The Effect of Renaming a Field on a Form

There are three possibilities, which are described below.

  • The old name is in the ARB but the new name is not: The ARB field is renamed to the new name, retaining its "live" field type, and the screen length and screen type are altered if necessary.

  • The old name is not in the ARB, but the new name is, as a "filler" field: The ARB field changes from "filler" to "live" field type, and the screen length and screen data type are updated if necessary.

  • Both old and new names exist in the ARB: The old name changes from "live" to "filler" type, and the screen length and screen data type change to zero and blanks respectively. The new name changes from "filler" to "live" field type, and the screen length and screen data type are updated.

NOTE: FORMSPEC allows the designer to delete a field from a form after a corresponding field has been added to the ARB. The field need not be deleted from the ARB as well; at compile-time, the ARB field is converted to a "filler" field, with screen length set to zero and screen type blank. The designer can; however, choose to delete or rename the ARB field.

It is possible, though usually not advisable, to create an ARB without using the GENerate feature. To do this, type RES and use the Restructure ARB Menu to add fields one at a time.

If your default conversion for any field(s) could cause run-time errors, you will get a message to that effect (see Appendix B, VPLUS ERROR MESSAGES). Go to the ARB Field Menu to check that the conversion does make sense in this case, or to change the target datatype if it doesn't.

  1. Enter GEN in the Selection box and press ENTER to generate an ARB for this form. The "No field(s) in ARB" changes to show a number equivalent to the number of fields on the form.

  2. You can now change the position of a field in the ARB, add or delete fields, or modify a field by changing its length and/or data type.

  3. To move, rename, add or delete fields, type RES in the Selection box and press ENTER. The Restructure ARB menu is displayed.

    This menu displays all the fields in the ARB by name and in sequence. The form name is displayed in the first field (display only). The lower part of the screen shows the ARB fields. Use PREV PAGE and NEXTPAGE to view them all if necessary.

    NOTE: ARB changes do not propagate to form family members. Changes impact the current form only.

    Figure 3-29 Restructure ARB Menu

    Restructure ARB Menu
  4. Use the fields at the top of the screen to change the order by moving fields or ranges. Press ENTER to execute all changes.


Must state MOVE, ADD, RENAME, or DELETE. DELETE must be spelled out; the other commands may be abbreviated.

Field or Range

Name(s) or numbers(s) of the field(s). A slash (/) indicates a range: valid for MOVE or DELETE only. Any field may be deleted.

You can ADD only a single field at a time; it may not already exist on the ARB and it must conform to FORMSPEC naming rules. You may add a field that does not exist on the associated form. This "filler" field will have an ARB default length of 1 byte, and ARB type of CHAR; screen length is zero and screen type is blank. Fillers are marked with a "+" on the Restructure ARB Menu.

To RENAME a field, enter the name of an existing field, and enter the new name of the field in DESTINATION. "Live" fields exist on both form and ARB; "filler" fields exist on the ARB only. The following defaults apply to renamed ARB fields:

  • Live name changed to live name (new ARB field has corresponding field on the form): new ARB field length and type derived algorithmically from the length and type of the corresponding field on the form.

  • Filler name changed to live name (new ARB field has corresponding field on the form): new ARB field length and type derived algorithmically from the length and type of the corresponding field on the form.

  • Live name changed to filler name (new ARB field has no corresponding field on the form): new field retains length and type of old ARB, and screen length becomes zero and type blank.

  • Filler name changed to filler name (new ARB field has no corresponding field on the form): new field retains length and type of old ARB, and screen length remains zero and type blank.

  1. When you have finished modifying the field order on the ARB, press ARB MENU to return to the ARB Menu, or MAIN/RESUME to go back to the Main Menu.

  2. To change the length or data type of an ARB field, type MOD on the ARB Menu. The ARB Field menu is displayed.

    Figure 3-30 ARB Field Menu

    ARB Field Menu

    This screen allows you to scroll through all the fields in the ARB and change their length and data type if required.

NOTE: You can change only the ARB field type and length. To change the characteristics of the field on the form, you must use the FORMSPEC Field Menu (see figure 3-22). If you use this menu to change the length or type of a field on the form, the corresponding screen length and screen type of the field in the ARB will be changed accordingly, but the ARB length and ARB type will remain the same.
Using and Defining ARBs

The programmer is responsible for:

  • Using the correct data types for each programming language; for example, REAL is invalid for COBOL applications.

  • Aligning and/or padding the ARB/source code. If an odd number of bytes is followed by an integer, some languages, including Pascal and FORTRAN, automatically pad the record definition, forcing the integer to be word-aligned. No such padding occurs in COBOL unless the SYNCHRONIZED clause is used (see the COBOL II/3000 Reference Manual).

If you use a language whose compiler pads to ensure word alignment for integers, you must pad your ARB correspondingly. For example, suppose you are coding in Pascal and you declare a record that looks like this:


The Pascal compiler will insert an additional byte after THREE_BYTES to align the integer on a word boundary. You must do the same with the ARB record; use the ARB LAYOUT screen to add a filler field after the three-byte field so that the ARB looks like this:

Field Name                ARB Type                 ARB Length



  • Ensuring the application specifications match the ARB specifications, for example, if the ARB type is PACK, the COBOL specification should be COMP-3, not COMP.

  • Avoiding run-time errors, which may occur when:

    • Converting a CHAR or date source to a numeric destination

    • Converting a numeric or CHAR source to a date destination

    • Invalid length specifications are encountered

    • There are alignment problems; FORMSPEC does not detect these

      There is also the possibility that data will be truncated; for example, if DIG -> INT, but screenlen is greater than 5.

The ARB Trace Facility

The ARB trace facility may be enabled by setting the JCW VPLUSARBTRACE to 1. This will print trace messages to the stdlist. You may direct VPLUS screens to a different device by using a FILE command to set the device of the filename used by VOPENTERM to a device other than the stdlist device.

This is an example of a trace from a form that has seven fields.


Field 1 : Buffer offset from 0 = 1
Length = 2
Type = INT
Value = 1234

Field 2 : Buffer offset from 0 = 3
Length = 2
Type = INT
Value = 1234

Field 3 : Buffer offset from 0 = 6
Length = 2
Type = INT
Value = 1234

Field 4 : Buffer offset from 0 = 9
Length = 4
Type = DINT
Value = 12345678

Field 5 : Buffer offset from 0 = 14
Length = 4
Type = DINT
Value = -1234567

Field 6 : Buffer offset from 0 = 19
Length = 4
Type = DINT
Value = 12345678

Field 7 : Buffer offset from 0 = 23
Length = 8
Type = CHAR


The trace provides the following information. It shows:

  • The location of each field in the ARB (Buffer offset);

  • The length of each field in the ARB (Length);

  • The type of transformation that occurs (Type);

  • The value that is transformed in the ARB field (Value).

NOTE: This ARB is tied to seven form fields, but there are gaps in the buffer before field 1, and between each field from 2 to 6. These gaps are one-byte filler fields.
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