HPlogo Troubleshooting Terminal, Printer, and Serial Device Connections: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 3 Introduction to TermDSM

TermDSM Commands


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Troubleshooting tasks are accomplished through a set of commands. Each command and its basic functionality is as follows:

  • C[OMMENT] is used to type informational comments for reference later. The security level of this command is 2.

  • DI[AG] allows several diagnostic functions to be run on a port. It is also used to initiate a DTC selftest. The security level of this command is 1 for the DTC selftest, and 2 for the individual port tests.

  • DT[C] lists each DTC associated with the system along with its descriptive name and the IEEE 802.3 station address. The security level of this command is 2.

  • DU[MP] allows the data area of a port to be copied to a disk file for troubleshooting use by HP factory personnel. The security level of this command is 2. The data area of an entire asynchronous processor board of a DTC 72MX or an entire DTC can also be copied to a disk file. The security level of this command is 1.

  • EE[PROM] DT[C] allows the user to download the new ROM code on the DTC 72MX and DTC 16iX/16MX. The security level of this command is 1.

  • EX[IT] allows the user to exit the TermDSM program and return to the DUI prompt. The security level of this command is 2.

  • H[ELP] displays information regarding TermDSM and its commands. The security level of this command is 2.

  • R[ESET] allows a port, a board, a single DTC, or multiple DTCs to accept new sessions. The security level of resetting ports is 2, and the security level of resetting DTCs is 1.

  • S[TATUS] lists the node name of a specific device's DTC, whether the port has a session running on it, and whether the device is connected to an interface card capable of modem connections. The security level of this command is 2.

  • T[RACE] enables and disables tracing for a port on an asynchronous processor board of a DTC 72MX or a DTC/X.25 Network Access card. Options allow trace to be activated for level 2, level 3, or a specific VC of the DTC/X.25 card. The security level of this command is 2.

Further explanation for each command is contained in Chapter 4 “TermDSM Commands”

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