HPlogo HP C/HP-UX Reference Manual: Version A.05.55.02 > Chapter 3 Data Types and Declarations

Type Specifiers


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Type specifiers indicate the format of the storage associated with a given data object or the return type of a function.


   type-specifier ::=
      long long


Most of the type specifiers are single keywords. (Refer to Chapter 10 “HP C/HP-UX Implementation Topics ” for sizes of types.) The syntax of the type specifiers permits more types than are actually allowed in the C language. The various combinations of type specifiers that are allowed are shown in Table 3-1 “C Type Specifiers ”. Type specifiers that are equivalent appear together in a box. For example, specifying unsigned is equivalent to unsigned int. Type specifiers may appear in any order, possibly intermixed with other declaration specifiers.

Table 3-1 C Type Specifiers



signed char

unsigned char

short, signed short, short int, or signed short int

unsigned short, or unsigned short int

int, signed, signed int, or no type specifiers

unsigned, or unsigned int

long, signed long, long int, or signed long int

long long, signed long long, long long int, or signed long long int

unsigned long, or unsigned long int

unsigned long long, or unsigned long long int



long double




long double_Complex



long double_Imaginary

struct-or-union specifier




If no type specifier is provided in a declaration, the default type is int.

Floating-point types in C are float (32 bits), double (64 bits), and long double (128 bits).

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