HPlogo HP/DDE Debugger User's Guide: HP 9000 Series 700/800 Computers > Chapter 8 Debugging in Special Situations

Running the Debugger Remotely


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You can use resources provided by the X Window System to run the debugger on one machine while displaying the user interface on another. To run a debugging session over two machines in a network, you must:

  1. Provide display access to the machine that will run the user interface. Enter the following command at a shell prompt on the machine that will display the user interface:

    xhost debugger_machine

    where debugger_machine is the hostname of the machine that will run the debugger. The hostnames are usually listed in /etc/hosts.

  2. Log in to the machine that will run the debugger from the machine that will display the user interface. Typically, at a shell prompt, you would enter:

    rlogin debugger_machine

    where debugger_machine is the name of the machine that will run the debugger.

  3. Invoke HP/DDE with the -display option from the shell where you logged into the debugger_machine:

    dde -display display_machine:0

    where display_machine is the name of the machine that will display the user interface. If you get a message stating that the dde command cannot be found, add /opt/langtools/bin to your PATH variable.

    Note that instead of using the debugger -display option, you can also set the DISPLAY environment variable to display_machine:0. You may get a Broken pipe error message if you forget to specify the -display option or set the DISPLAY variable.