HPlogo HP/DDE Debugger User's Guide: HP 9000 Series 700/800 Computers > Chapter 2 Compiling, Loading, and Executing the Target Program

Invoking the Debugger


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To invoke the debugger, enter the dde command in a shell process window. For detailed information on the dde command and its options, refer to the dde(1) man page.

When you invoke the debugger, it first executes a user interface startup file. Then, it executes any commands specified with the -do option. For example, the following command line specifies where the debugger should search for source files:

$ dde -do "property sdir ~/src"

Next, the debugger executes startup command files, including your personal startup file if you have created one. See “Using Startup Command Files ” for more information on startup files.

When you invoke the debugger, the debugger's main window appears (see Figure 1-1 “Debugger Main Window”).

NOTE: Starting the debugger from the command line is not supported on Solaris systems. See the softdebug(1) man page for information on starting the debugger.

Setting PATH and MANPATH Variables

You must have the /opt/langtools/bin directory in your PATH in order to use the dde command. If you have /usr/softbench/bin in your PATH, /opt/langtools/bin must precede it.

You must have the /opt/langtools/share/man directory in your MANPATH to access the dde(1) man page.

Stopping the Debugger

To stop and exit the debugger, choose File:Quit from the menu bar or enter the quit command.

If a target program is running, the debugger kills it. However, if the target program is an attached process (see “Attaching the Debugger to a Running Process ”), the debugger frees it.