HPlogo HP Xlib Extensions: > Chapter 6 HP Input Device Extension Functions

Getting the Modifier Mapping of Extended Input Devices


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To get the modifier mapping of an extended input device, use XHPGetDeviceModifierMapping.

XModifierKeymap *XHPGetDeviceModifierMapping(display,
Display *display;
XID deviceid;

Title not available (Getting the Modifier Mapping of Extended Input Devices)


Specifies the connection to the X server.


Specifies the ID of the device whose modifier map is requested.

XHPGetDeviceModifierMapping allows a client program to read and use the keys being used as modifiers for an extended input device.

XHPGetDeviceModifierMapping returns a newly created XModifierKeymap structure that contains the keys being used as modifiers for the specified device. The structure should be freed after use by calling XFreeModifiermap. If only zero values appear in the set for any modifier, that modifier is disabled.

XHPGetDeviceModifierMapping can generate a BadDevice error.

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