HPlogo HP C/HP-UX Release Notes for HP-UX 11.01: HP 9000 Computers > Chapter 4 Problem Descriptions and Fixes

Defect fixes


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The following defect fixes are included with the BETA version of the HP C/ANSI C compiler:

  • +Onoinline has been corrected so that, when specified, inlining does not occur.

  • When compiled with -O +DA1.0 +DS1.1, the compiler occasionally terminated. This has been corrected.

  • swverify is properly running for all directories installed with the ANSI C Developer's Bundle.

  • The compiler has been corrected so that it no longer terminates when compiling a program with two or more functions at +O.

  • Inlining previously dropped the register storage class of a variable. This has been corrected.

  • A previous release of the compiler filesets did not specify the attributes architecture, machine_type, os_name, os_release, and os_version. This has been corrected.

  • HP C implements enumeration types and bit fields as signed by default, as specified by the ANSI C standard. As of HP-UX 11.0, HP C/ANSI C in 64-bit mode only incorrectly implemented enumeration types and bit fields as unsigned by default. This defect has been fixed in version A.11.01.00 of HP C/ANSI C. That is, in 64-bit mode, HP C/ANSI C now correctly implements enumeration types and bit fields as signed by default.

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