HPlogo HP C/HP-UX Release Notes for HP-UX 11.01: HP 9000 Computers > Chapter 1 New and Changed Features

+ESconstlit and +ESnolit compiler options


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The +ESconstlit and +ESnolit compiler options have been added to HP C. These options, grouped with +ESlit, control HP C's storage mechanism for strings in read-only memory.

  • +ESconstlit introduces a new default behavior, in which the HP C compiler stores constant-qualified (const) objects and literals in read-only memory.

  • +ESnolit compiler option disables the default behavior, and causes the HP C compiler to no longer store literals in read-only memory. This restores the compiler's traditional behavior prior to this release.

  • Use of the +ESlit option places all string literals in read-only memory

Storing const-qualified string literals in read-only memory can cause a program which violates the semantics of const to abnormally terminate with a bus error and core dump. This is because literals, which have been placed in read-only memory may not be modified at runtime. Specifying +ESnolit will allow you to specify that literals not be placed in read-only memory.

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