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Alpha Semaphore Structures


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Alpha semaphores are defined as type sema_t. The following figure shows its principal elements and how it is implemented in relation with other kernel structures.

Figure 1-8 Alpha semaphore vs-a-vs spinlock and kthreads

[Alpha semaphore vs-a-vs spinlock and kthreads]

A spinlock is used to protect the data structures that implement the semaphore.

Table 1-9 Principal elements of struct sema (sema_t)


Pointer to spinlock protecting the semaphore.


Value of semaphore count, which indicates whether the semaphore is available.


Pointer to kernel thread that owns a lock on the semaphore.


Pointer to head of kthread waiting on the semaphore.

*sa_prev, *sa_next

Previous and next semaphore in per-kthread list; used to link semaphores owned by a given thread together.


Deadlock protocol order for semaphore.


Priority of a mutual exclusion semaphore.

sa_missersArray of processors used for semaphore arbitration.


Performance is a key consideration for use of alpha semaphores. To prevent "starvation" of code, the following algorithm governs their use:

When a CPU misses on an alpha semaphore, the CPU's number is put in an array (sa_missers), indexed according to the priority of that processor for the semaphore. The processor with the lowest entry in the array is favored. This arrangement ensures fair access to the semaphore.

A value called asema_max_ignore limits the number of times a semaphore is checked and found unavailable. Once this value is exceeded, arbitration code (asema_available()) ensures that the CPU does not get starved for a semaphore.