HPlogo PA-RISC Procedure Calling Conventions Reference Manual > Chapter 6 Millicode Calls

Chapter 6 Millicode Calls

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Table of Contents
6.1 The Millicode Hierarchy
6.2 Descriptions
6.3 Introduction to Local and External Millicode
6.4 Efficiency Factors
6.5 Making a Millicode Call
6.6 Nested Millicode Calls
In a complex instruction set computer, it is relatively easy at system design time to make frequent additions to the instruction set based almost solely on the desire to achieve a specific performance enhancement, and the presence of microcode easily facilitates such developments. In a reduced instruction set computer, however, this microcode has been eliminated because it has been shown to be potentially detrimental to overall system performance (not only is instruction decode complicated, but the basic cycle time of the machine may be lengthened).

So while the functionality of these complex microcoded instructions (e.g. string moves, decimal arithmetic) is still necessary, a RISC- based system is confronted with a classic space-time dilemma: if the compilers are given sole responsibility for generating the necessary sequences, the resulting in-line code expansion becomes a problem; but if procedure calls to library routines are used for each operation, the overhead expense incurred (i.e. parameter passing, stack usage, etc.) is unacceptable.

In an effort to retain the advantages associated with each approach, the alternative concept of "millicode" was developed. Millicode is PA-RISC's simulation of complex microcoded instructions, accomplished through the creation of assembly-level subroutines that perform the desired tasks. While these subroutines perform comparably to their microcoded counterparts, they are architecturally similar to any other standard library routines, differing only in the manner in which they are accessed. As a result, millicode is portable across the entire family of PA-RISC machines, rather than being unique to a single machine (as is usually the case with traditional microcode).

There are many advantages to implementing complex functionality in millicode, most notably cost reduction and increased flexibility. Because millicode routines reside in system space like other library routines, the addition of millicode has no hardware cost, and consequently no direct influence on system cost. It is relatively easy and inexpensive to upgrade or modify millicode, and it can be continually improved in the future. Eventually, it may be possible for individual users to create their own millicode routines to fit specific needs.

Because it is costly to architect many variations of an instruction, most fixed instruction sets contain complex instructions that are overly general. Examples of this are the MVB (move bytes) and MOVE (move words) instructions on the HP3000, which are capable of moving any number of items from any arbitrary source location to any target location. Although the desired functionality is achieved with such generalized complex instruments, the code that is produced often lacks the optimization that could have been achieved if all information available at compile time had been utilized. On microcoded machines, this information (concerning operands, alignment, etc.) is lost after code generation and must be recreated by the microcode during each execution; but on PA-RISC machines, the code generators can apply such information to select a specialized millicode routine that will produce a faster run-time execution of the operation than would be possible using a generalized routine. For example, the move routines can execute much faster if they can assume a specified alignment, and therefore eliminate any error checking of that type.

The size and number of millicode routines are not constrained by the architecture or hardware considerations. This is because millicode resides in code libraries that can be managed in the same way as other run-time libraries. A consequence of not being bound by restrictive space considerations is that compilers can be developed with many more specialized functions in millicode than would be possible in a microcoded architecture, and thus are able to create more optimal solutions for specific source code occurrences.

Millicode routines are accessed through a mechanism similar to a procedure call, but with several significant differences. In general terms, the millicode calling convention stresses simplicity and speed, utilizing registers for all temporary argument storage and eliminating the need for the creation of excess stack frames. Thus, a great majority of the overhead expense associated with a standard procedure call is avoided, thereby reducing the cost of execution. (However, there are exceptions to these conventions, which are discussed in more detail throughout this chapter.)

The guidelines for the inclusion of a routine in the millicode library are not completely determined, but the general considerations are frequency of usage, processor expense (number of cycles necessary for execution), and size. Most routines perform common, specific tasks (such as integer multiply or divide), and require very little or no memory access.

5.3 PIC Requirements for Compilers and Assembly Code

6.1 The Millicode Hierarchy