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Appendix B Summary of PA-RISC Assembler Procedure Control

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The following table summarizes the PA-RISC assembler directives that are used to control procedure calling:
Directive Function
.CALL Specifies that the next statement is a procedure call.
.CALLINFOProvides information necessary for generating Entry and Exit code sequences and for creating unwind descriptors.
.ENTRY Marks the entry point of the procedure/unwind region. (when .ENTER is not used)
.EXIT Marks the return point of the procedure/unwind region. (when .LEAVE is not used)
.ENTER Marks the entry point of the procedure being called; causes the assembler to produce the entry code sequence.
.LEAVE Marks the exit point of the procedure being called; causes the assembler to produce the exit code sequence.
.PROC Marks the first statement in a procedure.
.PROCEND Marks the last statement in a procedure.

A.8 Assembly Documentation

Appendix C The Stack Unwind Library