Lab Note #11: ODBC Setup

Many people are looking for industry standard tools that allow them to access their data more easily. ODBC is one
such tool, and in order to use its capabilities, ODBC needs to be installed on both the server and the client. ODBC
setup is a vendor specific topic; here I will reference the HP ODBCLink/SE product.

Host/Server setup
The files are found in the MPE group ODBCSE.SYS. New ODBC patches or OS upgrades are not automatically
installed. You need to stream the file I00IODBC.ODBCSE.SYS job to complete the ODBC update. You can see
the version by running ODBCUTSE with no parameters. After the I00IODBC job completes, start the ODBC
stream job.

      MB Foster ODBC Utility Version E.58.03
      Usage: odbcutil <DBEnvironmentName>

PC/Client setup
The client software is in the files ODBCCL16 and ODBCCL32. The *16 file is for Windows 3.1; the *32 file is for
Win95/98/NT/2000/etc. Using FTP from your PC, get the client installation file from your HP3000. Before version
F.00.00, this file is a self-extracting executable. With F.00.00, it is a zip file that you will need to extract all files.

      C:\>md ODBC
      C:\>cd ODBC
      ftp>open {hp3000 IP address}
      ftp>get ODBCCL32 odbccl32.exe

Running odbccl32 extracts the client setup files. When you have them, run the SETUP.EXE program.


On these screens, you should:
      1.   ODBCLink Driver Setup Program:     
click continue
      2.   Install Drivers:                   
select ODBCLink/SE-32 Driver; click OK
      3.   Data Sources (Driver):             
click close
      4.   ODBCLink Driver Setup Program:     
click OK

Data Source Name setup
The DSN (Data Source Name) is simply a name on the PC for the ODBC connection to the DBE or database on
the HP3000. In the Control-Panel, run ODBC Data Sources.
      1.   ODBC Data Source Administrator:   
Select the System DSN tab and click Add.
      2.   Create New Data Source:           
Select the ODBCLink/SE-32 Driver and click Finish.
      3.   ODBCLink/SE Setup:                
Enter a name for your data source, optional description, the DBE
name as found on the HP3000, and your HP3000 IP address or
hostname, server type is MPE/iX; click continue.
      4.   ODBCLink/SE Setup (MPE/iX):       
Enter logon information to access the database, example:
MNTODBC,MGR.MNT,HPMM2SQL; click continue.
      5.   ODBCLink/SE Setup Options:        
click OK.
      6.   Select Translator:                
click OK (default to <No Translator>).
      7.   ODBC Data Source Administrator:   
Note your new DSN. Click OK.

You now have a DSN ready for use with ODBC enabled PC applications!

Lab Note #11: ODBC Setup, 23 Jan 2002 Keven Miller
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Lab Notes are hints & technical notes from the "Labyrinth" (the eXegeSys software lab); so named because of our complex
mission to assimilate understanding the eRP product suite, it's source code, and our development procedures.