The ./setdate.tar.Z file is a compressed tar file containing XLSETDAT (the NMXL XL file) and SETDATE (the NMPRG program file). Download ./setdate.tar.Z to your e3000 in binary format. Get into the POSIX shell (:sh) and uncompress the file ($uncompress setdate.tar.Z). Extract the two archive files ($tar xvf setdate.tar). Place these files in PUB.SYS or any group with PM capabilities. *************** SETDATE A.01.00 Copyright (C) Hewlett-Packard Response Center Austria SETDATE Utility: Alters the date in the current session Usage: SETDATE {MM/DD/YY } {RESET } MM/DD/YY desired date RESET reset to system date (unbind procedure exit handler) Comment: Certain CI commands (e.g. showtime, showme, ...) are not affected and still show the sytem date. Please report any problems to