This distribution has three directories. 1) glimpse-4.0.bin - contains the binaries for the glimpse package. You can use these right away. 2) glimpse-4.0.src - contains the sources modified for the MPE. This is provided for people who would like to see the source code and do their own stuff with it. People who just want to use the glimpse search engine do not need this directory, glimpse-4.0.bin has everything you need. You would need gcc in order to do the compilation. To compile run make from the root of the source distribution. The glimpse-4.0.src/lib contains libbsd.a. I have included this as it is requierd for the final build. libbsd.a is not part of standard glimpse distribution. 3) glimpse-4.0.doc - Contains the docs in html format for easy reference. The README file in this direcroty contains an introduction to the glimpse search engine. 4) To use the glimpseserver, copy the glimpseserver binary to a MPE name space (eg: /SYS/UTIL/GLSERVER) and run it in a job. A sample job called JGLSRVR is present in glimpse-4.0.bin directory. 5) The URL for the standard distribution is: 6) Please, send mails to for feedback, bug reports, comments and suggestions. I do not guarantee back a reply. I will attend to them, if need be on a best effort basis as time permits.