The STREAM UDC supports a simple job queue configuration file which is searched for all streamed jobs that do not have ";jobq=" specified in the stream command itself, or in the JOB "card". The default name for this config file is "QFILE.PUB.SYS" but can be changed by altering the _str_config_file variable defined near the start of this UDC. Config file format: [jobname,]user.acct jobQueueName Spaces or a single semicolon separates the two fields in the file. Wildcarding is permitted in all names other than the actual job queue name. More specific entries should procede more generic (wildcarded) entries. Thus, an individual user.acct name should appear before wildcarding is used in in the user or account names. To specify all user in act acct use "@.acctname". Blank lines and records beginning with a '#' are ignored. Note: interactive STREAM is not supported. A stream jobfile must be specified. Note: this UDC requires MPE/iX release 6.0. Author: Jeff Vance (with inspiration from Sally Blackwell), CSY 1998.