ANYPARM job=![""] # Version A.02 # The SHOWJ script displays one or more jobs based on one or more a user IDs # and/or job IDs. User IDs can be wildcarded and a list of jobs and users to # exclude can be specified. # # Syntax: # SHOWJ [jobID ... userID ... jobID...] [- jobID - userID...] # [;JOBQ=qname] [;DEV=ldev] [;IP=nn.nn.nn.nn] # [;EXEC] [;SCHED] [;WAIT] [;SUSP] # # See 'help' text below for parameter descriptions. # # Author: Jeff Vance, CSY, May 2004. Based on the ABORTJ script from 1998. # if pos('entry=',"!job") = 0 then # ** main entry ** if '!job' = '?' then echo echo Usage: ![word(hpfile,'.')] [jobIDs userIDs...] & [- jobIDs - userIDs...] echo [;JOBQ= qname] [;DEV=ldev] [;IP=ip_addr] echo [;EXEC] [;SCHED] [;WAIT] [;SUSP] echo echo where: jobID :: [#]J|Snnn echo userID :: [@J|S:][jobname,]username[.acctname] or echo @ or @J or @S echo * a specified jobname, even '@', means that a echo jobname must be present to match. echo * an omitted jobname means the jobname does not echo affect the selection, it is ignored. echo * a null jobname ',' means a jobname must not be echo present in order to match. echo echo qname :: the name of a job queue (jobs only). echo ldev :: a valid LDEV number. echo ip_addr :: an IP address in dotted form (sessions only). echo EXEC = show only executing jobs that match. echo SCHED = show only scheduled jobs that match. echo WAIT = show only waiting jobs that match. echo SUSP = show only suspended jobs that match. echo EXEC, SCHED, WAIT, SUSP can be combined, e.g., echo ;exec ;wait echo echo The default is to show all job/sessions that match the jobID & specifications. echo If jobID is omitted '@' is assumed. echo echo Note: jobname, username, acctname, qname, ldev and ip address can & be echo wildcarded. echo Note: the @S|J: format means to match only jobs or only sessions & for the echo supplied user.acct. echo echo Jobs/sessions matching IDs after a minus ('-') are skipped and & thus not echo displayed. echo echo Multiple jobIDs and userIDs can *only* be separated by a space & since a echo comma is part of the userID specification. echo echo The number of jobs and sessions as well as the number skipped (due & to echo filtering) are reported at the end. Additionally, 3 CI variables & are set echo to contain these values: SJ_NUM_SESSIONS, SJ_NUM_JOBS, and & SJ_NUM_SKIPPED. echo return endif setvar _sj_job ups("!job") if setvar(_sj_pos,pos(';',_sj_job)) > 0 then # remove spaces beyond the 1st semicolon for easier parsing setvar _sj_job repl(_sj_job,' ','',,_sj_pos) endif # initialze counters setvar _sj_cnt 0 setvar _sj_j_cnt 0 setvar _sj_s_cnt 0 setvar _sj_skip_cnt 0 # ** parse the command line. The strategy is to extract first the filters, # such as IP= or ;EXEC. Then parse out minus job/sessions and last parse # the target job/session ID(s) or user name(s). # # parse out JOBQ= setvar _sj_jobq_filter '' if setvar(_sj_pos,pos(';JOBQ=',_sj_job)) > 0 then setvar _sj_jobq_filter word(_sj_job,,2,,_sj_pos+1) # remove jobq= and queuename setvar _sj_job xword(_sj_job,,,,_sj_pos+1) setvar _sj_job xword(_sj_job,,,,_sj_pos+1) endif # parse out DEV= (or LDEV=) setvar _sj_ldev_filter '' if (setvar(_sj_pos,pos(';DEV=',_sj_job)) > 0) or & (setvar(_sj_pos,pos(';LDEV=',_sj_job)) > 0) then setvar _sj_ldev_filter word(_sj_job,,2,,_sj_pos+1) # remove dev= and ldev number setvar _sj_job xword(_sj_job,,,,_sj_pos+1) setvar _sj_job xword(_sj_job,,,,_sj_pos+1) endif # parse out IP= setvar _sj_ip_filter '' if setvar(_sj_pos,pos(';IP=',_sj_job)) > 0 then setvar _sj_ip_filter word(_sj_job,,2,,_sj_pos+1) # remove ip= and ip address setvar _sj_job xword(_sj_job,,,,_sj_pos+1) setvar _sj_job xword(_sj_job,,,,_sj_pos+1) endif # parse out ;EXEC ;SCHED...filter options setvar _sj_state_filter '' if setvar(_sj_pos,pos(';SCHED',_sj_job)) > 0 then setvar _sj_state_filter _sj_state_filter + 'SCHED ' # remove filter option setvar _sj_job xword(_sj_job,,,,_sj_pos+1) endif if setvar(_sj_pos,pos(';WAIT',_sj_job)) > 0 then setvar _sj_state_filter _sj_state_filter + 'WAIT ' # remove filter option setvar _sj_job xword(_sj_job,,,,_sj_pos+1) endif if setvar(_sj_pos,pos(';SUSP',_sj_job)) > 0 then setvar _sj_state_filter _sj_state_filter + 'SUSP ' # remove filter option setvar _sj_job xword(_sj_job,,,,_sj_pos+1) endif if setvar(_sj_pos,pos(';EXEC',_sj_job)) > 0 then setvar _sj_state_filter _sj_state_filter + 'EXEC EXEC* ' # remove filter option setvar _sj_job xword(_sj_job,,,,_sj_pos+1) endif # see if any jobs are being skipped (minus list) setvar _sj_skip_jobIDs '' setvar _sj_skip_users '' setvar _sj_skip_types '' if setvar(_sj_pos,pos('-',_sj_job)) > 0 then # create two separate lists of jobIDs and userIDs to be skipped setvar _sj_i 1 while setvar(_sj_j,& word(_sj_job,'-',setvar(_sj_i,_sj_i+1),,_sj_pos)) <> "" do if setvar(_sj_char,lft(_sj_j,1)) = '#' or & ((_sj_char='J' or _sj_char='S') and numeric(rht(_sj_j,-2))) then # have a jobID setvar _sj_skip_jobIDs _sj_skip_jobIDs+" #"+(_sj_j-'#') elseif _sj_j = '@' then echo echo Minusing all (-@) means no job/sessions will be selected. echo escape else # have '[@S|@J:][jobname,]user[.acct]' or '@s' or '@j' or '@' if _sj_j = '@J' or _sj_j = '@S' then # convert to generic @J|S:jname,usr.acct format setvar _sj_j _sj_j+":@.@" endif # separate @J:/@S: from user.acct and place J,S,or @ into # its own "array" (_sj_skip_types). if pos(':',_sj_j) > 0 then setvar _sj_skip_types _sj_skip_types+str(_sj_j,2,1)+' ' setvar _sj_j xword(_sj_j,':') else setvar _sj_skip_types _sj_skip_types+'@ ' endif setvar _sj_skip_users _sj_skip_users + " " + _sj_j endif endwhile setvar _sj_job lft(_sj_job,_sj_pos-1) endif # if, after all of the above parsing and extracting, there is nothing left # set the jobID to '@' as the default if _sj_job = '' then setvar _sj_job '@' endif # parse target jobIDs and userIDs (non-skipped list). Note this is basically # the same code as used in the minusing logic above. setvar _sj_jobIDs '' setvar _sj_users '' setvar _sj_types '' setvar _sj_i 0 while setvar(_sj_j,word(_sj_job,' ',setvar(_sj_i,_sj_i+1))) <> "" do if setvar(_sj_char,lft(_sj_j,1)) = '#' or & ((_sj_char='J' or _sj_char='S') and numeric(rht(_sj_j,-2))) then # have a [#]job or [#]session id setvar _sj_jobIDs _sj_jobIDs+"#"+(_sj_j-'#')+" " elseif numeric(_sj_j) then # common syntax error, skip this one setvar cierror 1509 echo "!_sj_j": !hpcierrmsg ... or, setvar cierror 3080 echo ![rpt(" ",len(_sj_j)+3)] !hpcierrmsg else # have '[@S|@J:][jobname,]user[.acct]' or '@s' or '@j' or '@' if _sj_j = '@' then # append @J and @S to orig jobID string and repeat loop setvar _sj_job _sj_job + " @J @S " else if _sj_j = '@J' or _sj_j = '@S' then # convert to generic @J|S:usr.acct format setvar _sj_j _sj_j+":@.@" endif # separate @J:/@S: from user.acct and place J,S,or @ into # its own "array" (_sj_types). if pos(':',_sj_j) > 0 then setvar _sj_types _sj_types+str(_sj_j,2,1)+' ' setvar _sj_j xword(_sj_j,':') else setvar _sj_types _sj_types+'@ ' endif setvar _sj_users _sj_users+" "+_sj_j endif endif endwhile # execute SHOWJOB @ ;JOBQ command redirected to disk errclear continue showjob ;jobq >sjtmp if hpcierr > 0 then echo !hpcierrmsg escape !cierror endif # display header line echo & JobNum State InPri JIn JList JobQ Introduced Job Name echo # read SHOWJOB output and display matches continue xeq !hpfile entry=alt_showjob 0 then echo Number of sessions displayed: !_sj_s_cnt echo Number of jobs displayed: !_sj_j_cnt echo endif echo Total: !_sj_cnt Skipped: !_sj_skip_cnt echo # return these statistics to the user via CI variables setvar SJ_NUM_JOBS _sj_j_cnt setvar SJ_NUM_SESSIONS _sj_s_cnt setvar SJ_NUM_SKIPPED _sj_skip_cnt # cleanup deletevar _sj_@ return else # alternate entry points setvar _sj_entry word('!job',,-1) # remove entry=name from parm line setvar _sj_parm lft('!job',pos('entry=','!job')-1) #### 'alt_showjob' entry #### if _sj_entry = 'alt_showjob' then # Returns: _sj_cnt, _sj_j_cnt and _sj_s_cnt, _sj_skip_cnt # Redirection: input from :showjob ;jobq # This entry determines if each job record in SHOWJOB matches the user # criteria. If so, it is displayed to $stdlist. If not, it is quietly # skipped, though a skip count is tracked. # setvar _sj_eof finfo(hpstdin,'eof') setvar _sj_i 0 while setvar(_sj_i,_sj_i+1) <= _sj_eof do # ** read each record of the showjob output file if lft(setvar(_sj_job,word(setvar(_sj_rec,rtrim(input())))),1) = '#' then # found a #J or #S job record # parse out the :showjob user string: '[jname,]user.acct' setvar _sj_usr word(_sj_rec," ",-1) # extract jobname from :showjob's user.acct if pos(',',_sj_usr) = 0 then setvar _sj_jn '' else setvar _sj_jn word(_sj_usr) setvar _sj_usr xword(_sj_usr) endif # extract :showjob job type as 'J' or 'S' setvar _sj_ty str(_sj_job,2,1) # does this showjob record match the target jobID setvar _sj_do_it pos(_sj_job+' ',_sj_jobIDs) > 0 if not _sj_do_it and _sj_users <> '' then # no jobID match, check for userID match setvar _sj_skipx 0 while not (_sj_do_it) and setvar(_sj_u,word(_sj_users,' ',& setvar(_sj_skipx,_sj_skipx+1)))<>'' do setvar _sj_do_it ( & pmatch(word(_sj_types,,_sj_skipx),_sj_ty) and & pmatch(word(_sj_u,',',-1),_sj_usr) and & (pos(',',_sj_u) = 0 or & ((_sj_jn = '' and pos(',',_sj_u) = 1) or & (_sj_jn <> '' and pos(',',_sj_u) > 1) and & (pmatch(word(_sj_u),_sj_jn)))) ) # job types match, user.accts match, and jname match per the # version A.01 comments at the end of this script endwhile endif # ** process all jobID and userID minusing # skip job based on job number? setvar _sj_do_it (_sj_do_it and & pos(_sj_job+' ',_sj_skip_jobIDs+' ') = 0) # skip job based on the userID skip list? if _sj_do_it and _sj_skip_users <> '' then # process user IDs to skip... setvar _sj_skipx 0 while _sj_do_it and & setvar(_sj_u,word(_sj_skip_users,' ', & setvar(_sj_skipx,_sj_skipx+1)))<>'' setvar _sj_do_it not ( & pmatch(word(_sj_skip_types,,_sj_skipx),_sj_ty) and & pmatch(word(_sj_u,',',-1),_sj_usr) and & (pos(',',_sj_u) = 0 or & ((_sj_jn = '' and pos(',',_sj_u) = 1) or & (_sj_jn <> '' and pos(',',_sj_u) > 1) and & (pmatch(word(_sj_u),_sj_jn)))) ) # job types match, user.accts match, and jname match per the # version A.01 comments at the end of this script endwhile endif # ** process all other selection filters. Note: don't optimize for job # type = 'S','J' or else the IP and JOBQ filters won't work # correctly. # ;JOBQ= ? if _sj_do_it and _sj_jobq_filter <> '' then if _sj_ty = 'J' then setvar _sj_q word(_sj_rec,' ',-4) else setvar _sj_q '' endif setvar _sj_do_it pmatch(_sj_jobq_filter,_sj_q) endif # ;SCHED ; WAIT ;etc. ? setvar _sj_do_it (_sj_do_it and & (_sj_state_filter = '' or & pos(word(_sj_rec,' ',2),_sj_state_filter) > 0) ) # ;IP= ? setvar _sj_ip '' if _sj_do_it and _sj_ip_filter <> '' then if _sj_ty = 'J' then setvar cierror 0 else setvar _sj_ip jinfo(_sj_job,'ipaddr',cierror) endif setvar _sj_do_it (cierror = 0 and & pmatch(_sj_ip_filter,_sj_ip) ) endif # ;DEV= ? if _sj_do_it and _sj_ldev_filter <> '' then if _sj_ty = 'S' then setvar _sj_in word(_sj_rec,' ',-5) else setvar _sj_in word(_sj_rec,' ',-6) endif setvar _sj_do_it pmatch(_sj_ldev_filter,_sj_in) endif # ** display the matching job/session if _sj_do_it then echo !_sj_rec if _sj_ip <> '' then echo !_sj_ip endif setvar _sj_cnt _sj_cnt+1 if _sj_ty = 'S' then setvar _sj_s_cnt _sj_s_cnt+1 else setvar _sj_j_cnt _sj_j_cnt+1 endif else setvar _sj_skip_cnt _sj_skip_cnt+1 endif endif endwhile return endif endif # Version History: A.02 JV 05/19/04 Return the final counts (# sessions and job displayed and # of of J/S's skipped in the CI variables: SJ_NUM_JOBS, SJ_NUM_SESSIONS, SJ_NUM_SKIPPED. A.01 JV 05/16/04 Initial version. Note on jobnames: jobname matching follows the same rules as for PAUSE and JOBCNT(). That is, if the jobname is specified then only job/sessions with jobnames will be considered for further matching. If the jobname is omitted then it is not used at all in determining which job/sessions match. If a null jobname is provided e.g. :showj @s:,, then only job/sessions without jobnames are considered for further matching. These rules apply to both the selection step and the "minusing" step. *** end of SHOWJ script ***