AUTOPAT job to correctly retranslate SL.PUB.SYS The STRSL AUTOPAT job consists of 2 ascii files, I00STRSL and M00STRSL. Although it's installed using AUTOPAT, it's not really a patch -- it's just a way to retranslate SL.PUB.SYS the proper way, and create a CSLT with this new SL. It makes no changes to the system other than retranslating the SL, and also adding a few lines to HPSWINFO.PUB.SYS. Before running this job, we recommend that customers have a current CSLT of their system, as a fallback in case something goes wrong. Here are the steps to run the STRSL job: 1. Restore files I00STRSL and M00STRSL to PATCHXL.TELESUP. 2. Logon as MANAGER.SYS. 3. Run STRSL using AUTOPAT (the reactive patch installation tool before Patch/iX existed). Here's an example: -------------------------------------------------------------------- :purgegroup patchxl.sys GROUP PATCHXL.SYS TO BE PURGED? (YES/NO)yes :autopat.patchxl.telesup AUTOPAT: Start of patch installation procedure. All patch files must have previously been restored to PATCHXL.TELESUP. AUTOPAT Version: A.02.26 Patch Product ID compatible Your name and a time stamp will be saved in the patch installation record in HPSWINFO.PUB.SYS. Please enter your name. Name:John Doe You must give the passwords for MANAGER.SYS, which will be inserted into the patch job. You will be asked to confirm the account password and the user password. NOTE: The patch job with the passwords will be on the work group PATCHXL.SYS. If the patch job succeeds, it purges PATCHXL.SYS - erasing the record of passwords. IF THERE ARE NO PASSWORDS, you may press "return" at the prompts. Password for SYS account: Password for user MANAGER.SYS: Repeat passwords for confirmation Password for SYS account: Password for user MANAGER.SYS: Enter the patch ID's for the patches you wish installed. Type // or carriage return when you are finished with the list. Patch ID:strsl Patch ID:// END OF PROGRAM Patch Job file built. To install patches, type: stream PATINSTL.PATCHXL A system load tape will be required. The operator will be asked to mount a magnetic tape at the appropriate time. The tape should be used to UPDATE the system according to standard site procedures. :stream patinstl.patchxl #J7 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. When the PATINSTL job has finished creating the CSLT (verify that it worked OK by checking the job stdlist), shutdown the system. 5. Reboot from the tape drive which has the CSLT, and do an UPDATE. 6. Reboot from disk, and do a START NORECOVERY. The system is now running with a properly translated SL.