PARM entry=main comment This script checks the current system for one or more configured HP-IB comment or FL Device Adapters. If any are found they and the attached devices comment are reported. comment Jeff Vance, CSY Apr 2000 comment if "!entry" = "main" then echo echo *** HP-IB and FL device checker for 5.0 and later MPE/iX systems *** echo setvar _hpib_conf_file "IOPATHP.CONFIG.SYS" if not finfo(_hpib_conf_file, "exists") or & setvar(_hpib_eof,finfo(_hpib_conf_file,"eof")) = 0 then echo WARNING!!! The IO configuration file "!_hpib_conf_file" does not echo exist or is empty! echo return endif comment read the IO config file continue xeq !hpfile read = 0 do setvar _hpib_path "" if pos("HPIB_DAM",_hpib_rec) > 0 then setvar _hpib_hpib_dam_cnt _hpib_hpib_dam_cnt+1 setvar _hpib_path rtrim(str(_hpib_rec,2,16)) echo HP-IB Device Adapter at path !_hpib_path. Card ID: & ![str(_hpib_rec,42,16)] elseif pos("ALINK_DAM",_hpib_rec) > 0 or & pos("NIO_ALINK_DAM",_hpib_rec) > 0 then setvar _hpib_fl_dam_cnt _hpib_fl_dam_cnt+1 setvar _hpib_path rtrim(str(_hpib_rec,2,16)) echo FL Device Adapter at path !_hpib_path. Card ID: & ![str(_hpib_rec,42,16)] endif if _hpib_path <> "" then comment scan for the hp-ib or FL devices off this DAM setvar _hpib_save_eof _hpib_eof while setvar(_hpib_eof,_hpib_eof-1) >= 0 and & pos(_hpib_path,setvar(_hpib_rec,input())) > 0 do setvar _hpib_dev_cnt _hpib_dev_cnt+1 setvar _hpib_dev_path rtrim(str(_hpib_rec,2,16)) echo !_hpib_dev_path ![rpt(" ",12-len("!_hpib_dev_path"))] & ![str(_hpib_rec,34,26)] endwhile comment adjust eof cntr for "read-ahead" feature above setvar _hpib_eof _hpib_eof+1 if _hpib_save_eof = _hpib_eof then echo (no devices for this DAM) endif echo elseif _hpib_eof > 0 then comment read next record input _hpib_rec endif endwhile return endif