Version B.07 The ABORTJ script aborts one or more jobs based on one or more user IDs and/or job IDs. User IDs can be wildcarded and a list of jobs to exclude can be specified. The job or session executing this script is not aborted. The ABORTJ script verifies the job(s) were really aborted and tries a few tricks to abort the job if it didn't get aborted. Syntax: ABORTJOB [jobID ... userID ... jobID...] [- jobID - userID...] [;JOBQ= queuename] [;DEV=nn] [;IP=nn.nn.nn.nn] [;EXEC] [;SCHED] [;WAIT] [;SUSP] [;DOIT | VERIFY] An NSCONTROL KILLSESS= is done for sessions prior to the abortjob to reduce the chances of ghost sessions. Usage: ABORTJOB [jobIDs userIDs...] [- jobIDs - userIDs...] [;JOBQ= qname] [;DEV=ldev] [;IP=ip_addr] [;EXEC] [;SCHED] [;WAIT] [;SUSP] [;DOIT | VERIFY] where: jobID :: [#]J|Snnn userID :: [@J|S:][jobname,]username[.acctname] or @ or @J or @S qname :: the name of a job queue (jobs only). ldev :: a valid LDEV nmumber (pattern ok). ip_addr :: an IP address in dotted form (pattern ok). EXEC = abort only executing jobs that match. SCHED = abort only scheduled jobs that match. WAIT = abort only waiting jobs that match. SUSP = abort only suspended jobs that match. VERIFY = display matching jobs but don't abort them. DOIT = default, try to abort all matching jobs. The default is to abort all job/sessions that match the jobID specifications, regardless of their state (wait, exec, susp, sched) or job queue. If jobID is omitted '@' is assumed. Note: jobname, username, acctname, qname, ldev and ip address can be wildcarded. Note: the @S|J: format means to match all jobs or all sessions for the supplied user.acct. Jobs/sessions matching IDs after a minus ('-') are skipped and thus not aborted. Multiple jobIDs and userIDs can *only* be separated by a space since a comma is part of the userID specification. Author: Jeff Vance, CSY, July 1998. Updated: July 2005