POSIX SCANNER REPORT (after reduction) for MPE/iX release C.60.00 *** Customer Application *** POSIX functions in libc, but defective: (wrapper EXISTS; go to jazz.external.hp.com, Freeware, POSIX wrappers) alarm source.c POSIX functions in libc, but return "Function not implemented" error: (wrapper EXISTS; go to jazz.external.hp.com, Freeware, POSIX wrappers) fpathconf source.c setuid source.c POSIX functions in libc: _exit source.c getopt source.c rand source.c sprintf source.c times source.c times times.h POSIX functions in libm: sin source.c POSIX functions in libpthread: pthread_create source.c POSIX - some other component available: assert source.c errno source.c optarg source.c POSIX functions not available: (wrapper MAY exist; go to jazz.external.hp.com, Freeware, POSIX wrappers) ftruncate source.c mmap source.c munmap source.c pthread_attr_destroy source.c tcgetpgrp source.c tcsetattr source.c ISO C functions (not POSIX) in libc: abort source.c div cstd.h raise source.c ISO C - some other component available: va_list source.c va_start source.c C Library functions (not POSIX or ISO C) in libc: mallinfo source.c C Library functions (not POSIX or ISO C) in libm: hypot source.c Other functions (not POSIX, ISO C, or C Library) in libc, but return "Function not implemented" error (deleted from POSIX.1): (wrapper MAY exist; go to jazz.external.hp.com, Freeware, POSIX wrappers) setegid source.c seteuid source.c Other functions (not POSIX, ISO C, or C Library) in libc: putenv source.c symlink source.c Other math functions (not POSIX, ISO C, or C Library) in libm: isnan source.c Other PThread functions (not POSIX, ISO C, or C Library) in libpthread: pthread_attr_create source.c thd__assert source.c thd__exit source.c thd_abort source.c thd_perror source.c thd_printf source.c thd_sprintf source.c Appletalk functions in libatalk: atp_close source.c Berkeley Sockets functions in libsocket: select source.c Curses functions in libcurses: mvwin source.c DCE functions in libdce: _thderrno__getsockopt source.c _thderrno__socket source.c rpc_mgmt_is_server_listening source.c Motif functions in libMrm: MrmInitialize source.c Motif functions in libUil: UilDumpSymbolTable source.c Motif functions in libXm: XmStringFree source.c NWAPI functions in libnwapi: NWReadFile source.c Other thread functions in libothd: mutex_lock source.c Stream functions in libstr: getpmsg source.c SVID IPC functions in libsvipc: shmat source.c TLI functions in libtli: catgets source.c X11 functions in libX11: XOpenDisplay source.c X11 functions in libXt: XtError source.c Some other component in MPE available: _thd_errno source.c BSD functions in libbsd: (go to jazz.external.hp.com, Freeware, BSD) gettimeofday source.c HP-UX system calls not available: (wrapper MAY exist; go to jazz.external.hp.com, Freeware) audswitch source.c HP-UX subroutine or library functions not available: (wrapper MAY exist; go to jazz.external.hp.com, Freeware) dbminit source.c Other functions, not part of any library above: (review these; are they from sources not included or from a third party product?) DB_connect db.h DB_release db.h SCR_read source.c SCR_write screen.h catgetmsg source.c