FUNCTIONS - MPE vs. POSIX ========================= MPE Intrinsic POSIX Function ============= ============== ACTIVATE exec CATREAD strerror CLOCK time CREATE, CREATEPROCESS fork FATHER getppid FCLOSE close FFILEINFO fstat FLOCK fcntl FOPEN open FPOINT lseek FREAD read FUNLOCK fcntl FWRITE write HPACDPUT chmod, fchmod HPCICOMMAND, COMMAND system HPCIGETVAR getenv HPCIPUTVAR putenv HPERRMSG strerror HPFOPEN open HPPIPE pipe KILL kill PAUSE sleep PRINT printf PROCINFO getpid PROCTIME times QUIT exit, abort WHO getlogin COMMANDS - MPE vs. POSIX ======================== MPE Command POSIX Command =========== ============= abortjob kill altfile chown altsec similar to chmod ccxl (ANSI C compiler) c89 (POSIX C compiler) chdir cd copy cp discuse, diskuse du echo echo echo !HPCWD pwd echo !HPSYSTEM uname exit exit fcopy ;compare= diff, bdiff, cmp finddir (UDC in HPPXUDC.PUB.SYS) find -type d findfile (UDC in HPPXUDC.PUB.SYS) find -type f help man , help hpsearch " for " grep link ld, c89 listf, listfile ls @ is wildcard * is wildcard listf ,2 listfile ,2 ll (same as ls -l) listredo history listspf lpstat newdir mkdir newlink ln -s print (to display) more, cat print (to printer) lp purge rm purgedir rmdir purgelink rm redo r [...] rename mv setvar [export] = showme who am i showproc ps showtime date showvar @ env, set showvar HPCWD pwd showvar HPSYSTEM uname sort sort spoolf ;delete cancel store tar, cpio, pax Other Comparisions ================== clear display, clear ALT-J in Reflection 1 command file shell script UDC with option logon /etc/profile (system), .profile (individual) command interrupt: Break key CTRL-Y CI variable shell variable - dereference with ! - dereference with $ HPHGROUP HOME HPPATH PATH HPPROMPT PS1