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TIXMXW7 has been made generally available and has also been superseded by additional TurboIMAGE changes. Please visit Hewlett-Packard's IT Resource Center to download or order the latest generally available TurboIMAGE patch.


There is a potential issue with the use of the Large File Data Sets (LFDS) feature of TurboIMAGE. This feature exists in TurboIMAGE versions C.10.03 through C.10.09. We know of no customers who are currently experiencing this issue and the potential for being impacted by it is extremely small.

Hewlett-Packard have taken the following steps to address this potential issue:

This LFDS web site details the steps which you should implement if you have TurboIMAGE versions C.10.03 through C.10.09 installed on any of your HPe3000 systems.

Determining Your TurboIMAGE Version

You can determine the version of TurboIMAGE installed on your system in one of two ways:

  1. RUN QUERY.PUB.SYS and issue the "VERSION" command which will display a list of TurboIMAGE component versions. The overall version will appear as
      TurboIMAGE Overall VUF:
          HP30391C.10.05 TurboIMAGE/XL
  2. RUN DBDRIVER.PUB.SYS,VUF which will also display a list of TurboIMAGE component versions. The overall version will appear as
      HP30391C.10.05  TurboIMAGE/XL 

If your version of TurboImage is less than C.10.03 it does not contain the LFDS features therefore no action is necessary.

Note: Throughout these LFDS pages we will refer to TurboIMAGE versions C.10.03 through C.10.09 as simply C.10.xx.

What Issues Exist With The C.10.xx Versions of LFDS?

Using an LFDS capable database created on C.10.xx could result in data corruption or abnormal termination of dataset access when records were written to the dataset at a 4GB boundary.

If a dataset was LFDS capable (i.e. greater than 4GB or able to grow larger than 4GB with either MDX or DDX) but no records have been written at or past the 4GB boundary then no difficulties would be experienced and the integrity of the database would not have been compromised.

Who Is At Risk

If TurboIMAGE version C.10.xx is installed on your system you may be at risk but only if you have created an extremely large dataset or you have created a dataset using either Master Dataset Expansion (MDX) or Detail Dataset Expansion (DDX) that could eventually grow to beyond 4GB in size.

If your schema files specify CONTROL JUMBO you will always get "Jumbo" datasets no matter how large your datasets may need to be. The only way for LFDS features to be enabled for a database are if this CONTROL specification is not used and datasets in the database are built greater than 4GB or could grow to be greater than 4GB using either MDX or DDX.

It is important to note that the LFDS feature should not be confused with LARGESET as this option forces the use of record numbers instead of record names, and allows larger JUMBO datasets. There are no known issues with the LARGESET CONTROL option.

Note: Simply having a C.10.xx release of TurboIMAGE does not automatically put you at risk! Only LFDS capable databases are potentially at risk, there are no known issues with any other TurboIMAGE database feature.

What Should Be Done?

Hewlett-Packard has developed patch TIXMXW7 that will disable the LFDS features of TurboIMAGE C.10.xx. This patch also includes an LFDS detection tool that will scan all databases on your system checking to see which, if any, are using the LFDS feature. The LFDS detection tool can also be downloaded separately from this web site. Please see the LFDS Detection Tool page.

If you are using TurboIMAGE C.10.xx you should install the TIXMXW7 patch (or the latest patch that supersedes it) at your earliest convenience.

We are also providing a copy of DBSCHEMA that can be downloaded separately from the TIXMXW7 patch. You can use this new DBSCHEMA to replace your existing copy and this will ensure that you do not accidentally create an LFDS capable C.10.xx database on your system.

Please visit the DBSCHEMA Download and Installation page for more details.

Note: Installing only DBSCHEMA either from this download page or from the TIXMXW7 (or superseding) patch will not prevent difficulties if you already have LFDS capable databases on your system. To determine whether you do you should download and run the LFDS Detection Tool.

What is LFDS?

The Large File Dataset or LFDS feature of TurboIMAGE was meant to allow a dataset to exceed 4 gigabytes in size in a single file (a gigabyte is 1,073,741,824 bytes).

Prior to the LFDS feature the only way to have a dataset that exceeded 4 gigabytes was to use the "Jumbo" feature. This used a CONTROL statement in the schema file to tell DBSCHEMA to create the dataset using 'chunks' which are files in the POSIX name space. For example, a database called "MYDB" with a jumbo dataset might have dataset files named "MYDB01.001", "MYDB01.002" etc.

Jumbo datasets did not permit the use of either Master Dataset Expansion (MDX) or Detail Dataset Expansion (DDX). These are features that allow datasets to be created smaller with the ability to expand as their capacity increases.

Using the LFDS feature allowed the dataset to exist within a single file and would also allow both MDX and DDX to be used.

How Was The LFDS Feature Delivered?

The Large File Datasets feature was originally included with the C.10.03 release of TurboIMAGE. This release of TurboIMAGE was included with the base MPE/iX 7.5 (C.75.00).

MPE/iX 6.5 (C.65.00) and MPE/iX 7.0 (C.70.00) did not include the LFDS feature. However, this feature could be acquired by installation of a limited distribution patch TIXMXK2. As a result it is highly unlikely that any MPE/iX 6.5 or MPE/iX 7.0 sites have installed an affected version of TurboIMAGE.

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