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The HP e3000--For Complete Novices
Part 30: IMAGE/SQL Application Logic--Preventing Database Corruption

Feature  by George Stachnik
Welcome to Part 30 of this series of articles on the HP e3000. For the past several installments, we've been examining the logic used by application programs to access the data in IMAGE/SQL databases. As shown in Table 1, we've discussed many of the intrinsics used to read, write, and update data in a database. In this article, we're going to turn our attention to other issues: how to maintain the physical integrity and the logical integrity of IMAGE/SQL databases.

In order to understand the importance of these concepts, it's necessary to understand the kinds of corruption that can occur in a database. IMAGE/SQL itself can (and does) prevent certain kinds of corruption automatically. This is how it preserves the physical integrity of the database. The database's structure depends on its physical integrity being intact. Without physical integrity, it would be impossible to access the data with predictable results.

There are other kinds of corruption that can be prevented only by the application programs themselves. The logical integrity of the database is maintained when the application programs that manage the data ensure that it is logically consistent.

Database Structure

Figure 1 shows the layout of a sample database that we've been using throughout this series of articles. The database is made up of two datasets, a manual master (CUSTOMER-MASTER) and a detail dataset (ORDER-NUMBER-DETAIL). The layout of the records in the detail dataset is visible at the bottom of the figure. The figure shows that each record (or each data-entry, if you prefer the database-specific terminology) is made up of five fields (or data-items): CUST-NAME, ORDER-NO, QUANT, DESC, and AMT.

Figure 1: Sample Database

The item called CUST-NAME is the one and only search item in this database. We can tell (even without having the schema in front of us) that CUST-NAME is a search item because the master dataset and the detail dataset share this item.

In order to understand physical integrity, it's important to understand that each IMAGE/SQL database contains a great deal of information above and beyond the user data that is stored there by application programs. IMAGE/SQL also stores a very complex collection of pointers in each database. These pointers are the building blocks of the chains that your application programs use to navigate their way through the data. If those pointers are inconsistent, then the database loses its physical integrity.

Let's begin by reviewing how IMAGE/SQL maintains chains of records in a database. Then we'll go on to see what these chains actually consist of, and learn how IMAGE/SQL guarantees the integrity of these chains. Figure 1 shows that for each record in the master dataset there is a corresponding chain of records in the detail dataset. There are four records in the master, and each is associated with a customer: Greg, Andrea, Ken, or George.

For example, three of the records in the detail dataset are associated with the customer named Greg. These records are organized in a chain. The chain is represented in the figure by the arrows that link the Greg records together. You can follow the arrows to see how the chain of Greg records is built. Figure 1 also shows that there is a chain of records for each of the other customers named in the master dataset (although for simplicity's sake, we've only shown the arrows for the Greg chain in this figure).

These chains of records are actually constructed of 32-bit data items called pointers. Each pointer contains the address of a data entry somewhere in the database. When an application program uses an IMAGE/SQL intrinsic to retrieve a record from a database, IMAGE/SQL can often use a pointer to quickly calculate the virtual address of the record. Pointers enable IMAGE/SQL to retrieve records very quickly, without having to spend a lot of time or system resources searching for them.

For example, the Greg record in the master dataset shown in Figure 1 contains a pointer to the first Greg record in the detail dataset (the record with ORDER-NO=0001). When an application program uses DBFIND or DBGET to retrieve the Greg record from the master dataset, IMAGE/SQL automatically sets itself up to retrieve the first Greg record from the detail. No searching will be necessary.

Similarly, each record in the detail dataset contains pointers to the next record in the chain (if there is one), and to the previous record in the chain (once again, assuming that one exists). Each pointer in Figure 1 is represented by an arrow. The Greg chain begins with the record with ORDER-NO=0001, continues with ORDER-NO=0009, and ends with ORDER-NO=0004.

When you retrieve a record using DBGET, the intrinsic places the user data that you requested in a data buffer. This buffer is one of the parameters that you had to specify when you called DBGET. But DBGET also retrieves some of the system data (i.e., the pointers) from the database. The pointers are placed in the status array. We discussed the status array in part 25 of this series of articles, but let's briefly review what it is. The status array is a buffer, made up of an array of 32-bit data-items. Like the data buffer, the status array must be passed as a parameter to DBGET. But unlike the data buffer, the same status array must be passed to each IMAGE/SQL intrinsic that you call.

Figure 2 shows the layout of in IMAGE/SQL status array in a sample COBOL program. Every time your program calls an IMAGE/SQL intrinsic, it will pass the address of this status array to the intrinsic as a parameter. The IMAGE/SQL intrinsic that you're calling will then pass information back to the calling program using the status array.

Figure 2: COBOL Definition of the Status Array--Showing the Pointers
002380   01 STATUS-ARRAY.
002390   05 CONDITION-CODE      PIC S9(4) COMP.
002400   05 ENTRY-LENGTH        PIC S9(4) COMP.
002410   05 RECORD-NUMBER       PIC S9(9) COMP.
002420   05 CHAIN-LENGTH        PIC S9(9) COMP.
002430   05 BACKWARD-POINTER    PIC S9(9) COMP.
002440   05 FORWARD-POINTER     PIC S9(9) COMP.
The status array is used chiefly to pass error condition codes from the intrinsics to the calling programs. In part 25 of this series, we concerned ourselves chiefly with the first data-item in the status array, which is where the CONDITION-CODE is located. We saw that whenever we call an IMAGE-SQL intrinsic, the intrinsic will return a zero value in the CONDITION-CODE data item if the intrinsic executed successfully, with no errors. But if something went wrong, the intrinsic will indicate that there was an error by placing a non-zero value in the CONDITION-CODE data item. The calling program can then use the value in CONDITION-CODE to try to figure out what went wrong.

Whenever you access a record in a database, IMAGE/SQL also places a great deal of additional information, some of which can be quite useful, in the status array. Table 2 contains a brief explanation of each of the data-items in the status array. In this article, we're going to concern ourselves with the pointers.

Table 2: Contents of the Status Array
CONDITION-CODE A binary value indicating whether or not the intrinsic call was successful (A zero value indicates success. A non- zero value indicates an error.)
ENTRY-LENGTH The length of the record retrieved
RECORD-NUMBER The relative record number of the record retrieved in its dataset
CHAIN-LENGTH The number of records in the chain
BACKWARD-POINTER The address of the previous record in the chain
FORWARD-POINTER The address of the next record in the chain

DBFIND, DBGET, and Pointers in the Status Array

In part 27 of this series, we learned how to use DBFIND and DBGET to access a chain of records. Let's watch what goes on in the status array as we use DBFIND and DBGET to walk our way through the Greg chain illustrated in Figure 1.

Assume that you called DBFIND to locate the Greg chain of records, and passed it the status array shown in Figure 2. When DBFIND returns control to your program, it will have placed a number of new values in the status array, including the following:
  • CONDITION-CODE now contains a zero (assuming that no errors were detected by DBFIND).
  • The item called CHAIN-LENGTH now contains a value of 3, because the detail dataset shown in Figure 1 contains three records in the Greg chain.
  • FORWARD-POINTER contains the pointer to the first Greg record in the chain. This is a 32-bit number that IMAGE/SQL can use to calculate the virtual address of this record, making it very easy (i.e., fast) to access.
In part 27 of this series, we showed you how an application program could navigate its way through the Greg chain of records by following a call to DBFIND with a call to DBGET. At this point, a call to DBGET that specified chained access (see part 27) would retrieve the first Greg record from the detail dataset. The status array is one of the parameters that you must pass to DBGET each time you call it. This must be the same status array that you used when you called DBFIND, because DBGET will use the address that DBFIND stored in FORWARD-POINTER to quickly locate the target record, i.e., the first record in the Greg chain.

After the call to DBFIND, a subsequent call to DBGET will retrieve the data shown at the bottom of Figure 1 and put it in your application program's data buffer. When DBGET retrieves the first record in the Greg chain, it will also change the values in the status array:
  • CONDITION-CODE will contain a zero (again assuming that no errors have occurred).
  • FORWARD-POINTER will now contain the address of the second record in the Greg chain. (See Figure 1).
  • BACKWARD-POINTER will now contain a zero.
The zero in BACKWARD-POINTER is IMAGE/SQL's way of stating that "this is the first record in this chain." Because there is no "previous record," it zeroes that pointer out. The address in FORWARD-POINTER will point to the record shown in Figure 1 with ORDER-NO=0009; this is the second record in the Greg chain.

Now let's suppose that we call DBGET yet again, telling it to retrieve the next record in the Greg chain. DBGET will use the address in FORWARD-POINTER to quickly locate the second record in the Greg chain--the one with ORDER-NO=0009. Upon returning control to your application program, DBGET will have placed the second record in the Greg chain in your program's data buffer. It also will have left its tracks in the status array:
  • CONDITION-CODE will once again contain a zero (assuming that no errors have occurred).
  • FORWARD-POINTER will now contain the address of the third record in the Greg chain. In Figure 1, you can see that this is the record with ORDER-NO=0004.
  • BACKWARD-POINTER will now contain the address of the previous (first) record in the Greg chain. In Figure 1, this is the record with ORDER-NO=0001.
In this way, we can use DBGET to walk our way through the Greg chain, until eventually, there are no more records. Suppose we call DBGET one more time--retrieving the third (and last) record in the Greg chain in our program's data buffer. In the status array, we'd find the following:
  • CONDITION-CODE will contain a zero.
  • FORWARD-POINTER will now contain a zero, because we're at the end of the chain. There is no "next" record.
  • BACKWARD-POINTER will contain the address of the previous (i.e., the second) record in the Greg chain.
If we're smart, we can use the zero in FORWARD-POINTER to deduce that we are now at the end of the chain. There would be no point in calling DBGET again (at least not using chained access), because we're at the end of the chain.

In fact, if you did call DBGET again, and told it to retrieve the "next" record in the chain, DBGET would return an error. A value of 15 in the CONDITION-CODE is the "end of chain" error that many IMAGE/SQL application programs test for when doing chained access.

You can see that IMAGE/SQL uses these pointers as signposts to allow it to navigate quickly through your database. The network of pointers can become extremely complex. The database shown in Figure 1 is very simple--there's just one master dataset, one detail, and a handful of records. And yet the twelve records in the detail dataset contain some 24 pointers.

If we were to add a second search item to this database, the number of pointers in the detail dataset would double. You can imagine how many pointers would exist in a large database containing dozens of datasets and millions of records. Maintaining this labyrinth of pointers is one of the tasks that IMAGE/SQL must do perfectly--or your databases will quickly become corrupt and unusable.

Database Corruption

Imagine what would happen if one of these chains were somehow to become corrupt. What if the forward pointer in the record with ORDER-NO=0009 (the second record in the Greg chain) were to change so that instead of pointing to the third Greg record, it pointed to first record in the Ken chain. Immediately, chaos would reign. Programs trying to access the Greg chain would suddenly find themselves accessing data in the Ken chain instead. Subsequent DBUPDATEs could make matters even worse, writing data that belongs to one customer into a record made up of data belonging to a different customer. In very short order, the database (and quite possibly the business) would be beyond recovery.

If you have been around the HP e3000 for a long time, you may recall that this kind of corruption used to happen on a fairly regular basis. The old 16-bit "classic" HP 3000 architecture contained few safeguards against the corruption of database pointers. As a result, users of these systems had to protect themselves against so-called broken chains.

Here's how broken chains happened, and what people had to do in order to protect themselves against them. Suppose you used DBPUT to add a fourth record to the Greg chain. Figure 3 shows a database that is very similar to the one we saw in Figure 1, except for the fact that the Greg chain now contains a fourth record. IMAGE/SQL has placed the new record at the end of the Greg chain, and at the end of the dataset. (This is the most efficient way of doing things, and the way IMAGE/SQL works, at least by default. If this database had been designed with sorted chains, the scenario we're about to lay out would be far worse.)

Figure 3: Second Sample Database

If you're used to file-oriented programming, then you might be tempted to think that adding a new record to the end of a dataset would not be any more complex than adding a new record to the end of a file. But even in this simple scenario, IMAGE/SQL has to do a lot of extra work. In order to add a record to the Greg chain, there are a number of other changes that must be made to the database; three records are affected by the addition of a new record to the Greg chain. In the very simple example shown in Figure 3, we've circled the affected records.
  • First of all, we have to write the new record itself. (The new record appears at the top of the figure, with ORDER-NO=0012.) This new record is now the last record in the chain. Therefore, its FORWARD-POINTER will contain a zero. Its BACKWARD-POINTER will be initialized to contain the address of the record that used to be the end of the Greg chain.
  • Second, we have to update the old end-of-chain record (the one with ORDER-NO=0004). The FORWARD-POINTER associated with this record used to contain a zero, but now it must contain a forward pointer to the new record.
  • Third, we have to update the Greg record in the master dataset. Keep in mind that this record contains the chain-count--the number of records in the Greg chain. When we add a record to the Greg chain, this record must also be updated from 3 to 4.
Keep in mind that the database shown in Figure 3 is far simpler than anything you'd be likely to encounter in the real world. And the more complex a database's structure is, the more pointers there are, and the more work IMAGE/SQL must do in order to maintain them. Suppose, for example, that we changed the database shown in Figure 3 to contain a second search item. In a detail dataset, each search item is associated with a chain--i.e., with a set of pointers in each record. When we add a new record to the detail dataset, it must be added to every chain to which the record belongs. It's not uncommon for real-world detail datasets to contain many search items, and therefore many pointers.

These pointer updates are transparent to the application programs that call IMAGE/SQL intrinsics. All the application program has to do in order to add a new record to a chain is call DBPUT, and call it one time only. What we're looking at are the various things that DBPUT itself must do in order to write the record to the database and maintain the database's structure and integrity.

Suppose that IMAGE/SQL was in the midst of adding the new record shown in Figure 3, when the system crashed because of an error, such as a power failure or a catastrophic software problem. When the system was restarted, it would be possible (or even likely) that the pointers would no longer be consistent. The chain counter might indicate that the chain contained three records, when in fact it contained four. Or one of the pointers might point to the wrong record, or to an address containing no record at all.

These phenomena used to be fairly common on the old classic HP 3000 systems. They were collectively referred to as broken chains. With the old 16-bit classic HP 3000 architecture, system managers had to worry about protecting databases from the scourge of broken chains. Popular third-party products such as Adager enjoyed much of their early success because they made it relatively easy to recover from broken chains after a failure.

When HP brought the 32-bit PA-RISC versions of the HP 3000 to the market in the early 1990s, one of the most important features of those systems was the integration of transaction management into the operating system. Transaction management is a feature of the MPE/iX operating system that makes it possible to group updates together, and ensure that even in the face of a crash, either all of the updates happen, or none of them happen.

In Figure 3, we used DBPUT to add a record to a chain, resulting in updates to three different records. DBPUT knows that it must make certain that all three of these updates take place. If for any reason only one or two of them took place (as might happen if the system were to fail while the DBPUT intrinsic was executing), the database would be left in a corrupt state. To prevent this from happening, the intrinsic groups these changes together into a transaction.

If the system should fail for any reason while a transaction is being processed, MPE/iX will automatically back out the incomplete transaction the next time the system is restarted. Transaction management guarantees the physical integrity of the database, because it ensures that either all of the records affected by the transaction are updated, or none of them are updated.

This idea is at the heart of transaction management. MPE/iX uses transaction management to guarantee the integrity of many different data structures. IMAGE/SQL databases are protected by it. So are MPE/iX's internal tables. So is the MPE/iX file system, which is why you don't need to run a utility like Microsoft's SCANDISK or UNIX's fsck after a failure on an HP e3000. When an HP e3000 system is restarted after a failure, MPE/iX's integrated transaction management will automatically check to see if any transactions were interrupted by the failure. If so, it will back out any partially completed transactions that may be on the system, regardless of whether these transactions were acting on the file system, on a database, or on some other structure.

Logical Transactions

Because of MPE/iX's integrated transaction management, broken chains and physical database corruption became a dim memory for most system managers after the move to PA-RISC. However, there is another kind of corruption that programmers must continue to worry about: logical corruption.

Logical corruption of a database happens because of an application programming error. It is not a condition that can be prevented by IMAGE/SQL itself. In this and the next couple of articles we're going to consider two kinds of logical database corruption:
  • Corruption due to poor database locking procedures. This will be discussed in detail next month.
  • Corruption due to poor logical transaction management. This is will form the focus of the remainder of this article.
We've seen that in order to guarantee the physical consistency of an IMAGE/SQL database, HP invented a feature called transaction management, which can group together a number of updates to the database into a transaction. Transaction management guarantees that either all of the updates happen, or none of them happen.

When designing complex business applications, it's important to keep the concept of transaction management in mind. In our simple example, adding an order to the database corresponds neatly to a single DBPUT, because each order is represented by a single record in the detail dataset. We don't have to worry about the addition of an order being interrupted by an error or a system failure, because IMAGE/SQL will make sure that things are left in a consistent state.

But in a more complex environment, a single business transaction such as "adding a part number" or "deleting an account" might correspond to multiple logical operations. What if adding a part number to a database involved doing not just one, but several DBPUTs? Even worse, "adding a part number" could involve multiple updates to multiple databases residing on multiple systems on a network.

In such an environment, the likelihood of something going wrong goes up astronomically. (If 10 systems are involved in a transaction, then the chances of the transaction being interrupted by a system failure are 10 times as high as they are when only one system is involved.)

In the early days of database management, it was comparatively easy to design applications so that each logical transaction corresponded neatly with one physical transaction. In other words, you could design your application so that the logical transaction of "adding an order" corresponded to one physical operation, such as a single call to DBPUT. As long as this was true, you didn't have to worry about logical corruption. But in today's world of network-driven computing, it's getting more difficult to design applications in this way.

A number of transaction management products and technologies have been proposed to protect distributed transactions from failures. The problem is an enormously complex one, because in order to be relevant, such a technology would have to be able to manage transactions on a wide variety of platforms, databases and file types--each of which offers varying levels of protection at the physical level.

IMAGE/SQL offers a level of protection for logical transactions. Suppose you are designing an application in which a business transaction such as "adding a part number" implies multiple database operations (multiple DBPUTs, DBDELETEs, or DBUPDATEs). You need more than MPE's integrated transaction management in order to keep things consistent. IMAGE/SQL uses MPE's integrated transaction management to guarantee the physical consistency of your database against failures, as we have seen. However, in order for IMAGE/SQL to guarantee the logical integrity of your database, your application must contain special logic that defines which database operations are to be grouped together into transactions.

The old TurboIMAGE DBMS (which was the predecessor of IMAGE/SQL) contained a facility for defining logical transactions. In TurboIMAGE, the DBBEGIN and DBEND intrinsics were used to define the scope of logical business transactions. When an application program calls the DBBEGIN intrinsic, it is effectively saying, "Here begins a logical transaction. I am now going to perform a number of updates to this database (DBPUTs, DBUPDATEs, DBDELETEs, etc.) followed by a call to DBEND. I am ordering IMAGE/SQL to ensure that either all of these updates happen, or none of them happen."

DBBEGIN and DBEND act as "bookends" around a logical database transaction. However, the use of DBBEGIN and DBEND does not guarantee that incomplete transactions will be automatically backed out in the event of a system crash. In fact, DBBEGIN and DBEND have no impact on the database at all. Rather, these intrinsics write records to a separate IMAGE/SQL log file. We have not discussed IMAGE/SQL database logging in any detail in this series. For the moment, suffice it to say that if logging is enabled, every record that is written to a database is also written to a corresponding database logfile.

In the event of a failure (including one that involves the catastrophic loss of the database itself) a program called DBRECOV can be used together with a backup of the database to manually recover the database from the logfile. In that case, DBBEGIN and DBEND records in the logfile will be used to avoid applying partially completed transactions to the recovered database.

Clearly, this is not an ideal solution. There are a couple of reasons why. First of all, the overhead associated with doing IMAGE/SQL logging is significant. The impact on performance may not be acceptable. Second, if a transaction fails for any reason, you must do a fullblown database recovery (which can be extremely time consuming) in order to guarantee the logical consistency of your database. You must begin with a backup of the database, and then use DBRECOV to re-apply all the transactions that took place between the time of the backup and the time of the failure. In today's computing environments, this is not an acceptable solution. DBBEGIN and DBEND are primarily supported today in order to provide backward compatibility for older applications. They are relics of days gone by.

In the 1990s, HP enhanced IMAGE/SQL with two new intrinsics called DBXBEGIN and DBXEND. Like DBBEGIN and DBEND, these new intrinsics are used like bookends to define the beginning and end of a logical transaction. But unlike the transactions defined by DBBEGIN and DBEND, these new intrinsics define a so-called dynamic transaction.

A dynamic transaction is a sequence of IMAGE/SQL intrinsic calls (DBPUTs, DBUPDATEs, etc.) which alter an IMAGE/SQL database. When an application program "bookends" a series of intrinsic calls between calls to DBXBEGIN and DBXEND, MPE/iX's transaction manager guarantees that either all of these alterations will be committed to the database, or none of them will.

Dynamic transactions provide a number of useful characteristics. For one thing, dynamic transactions can be aborted, and partially completed transactions can be rolled back automatically. Let's look at an example.

Suppose your application program detects an error while it is processing a dynamic transaction. Our program has called DBXBEGIN, and done a series of DBDELETEs to delete a number records from the database. In order to continue the transaction, the application intends next to do a series of DBUPDATEs to alter any records in the database that might reference the ones we just deleted. Unexpectedly, our program discovers that one of the records it is supposed to be DBUPDATEing is missing. This is an error condition which our application should never encounter; the transaction cannot continue.

At this point, our application program can do one of two things. First, it can call DBXUNDO. This intrinsic rolls back the active sequence of IMAGE/SQL intrinsic calls that make up the dynamic transaction in process. In other words, all the records that we deleted since we called DBXBEGIN will be automatically restored to the database. Our brave little application program can then handle the error however it wants to, and continue processing the next transaction.

What if, in the programmer's judgement, the error is catastrophic? In that case, our application program can simply abort itself, using the standard tools provided in COBOL (or whatever language it's written in) to terminate abnormally the process that's running it. In this case, the dynamic transaction in process will be automatically rolled back. In our example, all the deleted records will be restored.

DBXBEGIN and DBXEND are a comparatively recent addition to the HP e3000 programmer's arsenal. They are powerful tools, that can be used to define logical transactions against a single database or against multiple databases. If you are maintaining an older application that predates these tools, you may want to consider enhancing the application, in order to provide it with protection from the kinds of failures that can affect the logical integrity of your data.

Next month, we'll turn our attention to another potential source of database problems--poor locking strategies.

George Stachnik works in Hewlett-Packard's Commercial Systems Division in Cupertino, California. He is responsible for the development and delivery of e3000 training.
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