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The HP 3000--For Complete Novices
Part 26: IMAGE/SQL Application Logic--the Status Array

Feature by George Stachnik
In the previous article in this series, we began to explore the way IMAGE/SQL application programs work. We saw examples of how IMAGE/SQL uses a status array to tell a calling application program when something has gone wrong. We also saw how the DBEXPLAIN intrinsic can be used to display error messages, based on the contents of the status array. This time around, we're going to look at more IMAGE/SQL intrinsics, and see how they can be used in concert to produce an IMAGE/SQL application program.

Let's begin with a brief review of DBOPEN, an intrinsic that we've studied in at least two earlier articles in this series. Figure 1 shows the starting point for a typical IMAGE/SQL application program. It contains two pieces of sample COBOL code. At the top is the definition of the STATUS-ARRAY from the working storage section. An array of data items in exactly this format is used by virtually every IMAGE/SQL intrinsic, including DBOPEN. The bottom half of Figure 1 shows a piece of the procedure division of a COBOL program that uses DBOPEN to open an IMAGE/SQL database.

Figure 1: Calling DBOPEN
002380 01  STATUS-ARRAY.
002390     05  CONDITION-CODE          PIC S9(4) COMP.
002400     05  ENTRY-LENGTH            PIC S9(4) COMP.
002410     05  RECORD-NUMBER           PIC S9(9) COMP.
002420     05  CHAIN-LENGTH            PIC S9(9) COMP.
002430     05  BACKWARD-POINTER        PIC S9(9) COMP.
002440     05  FORWARD-POINTER         PIC S9(9) COMP.


024500     MOVE "  ORDERS;" TO DB-NAME.
024700     MOVE 1 TO DB-MODE.
025100                         DB-PASSWORD,
025200                         DB-MODE,
025300                         STATUS-ARRAY.
025800         PERFORM IMAGE-ERROR.
026100     DISPLAY "ORDERS Database successfully opened.".
026200     DISPLAY SPACE.
Managing Database Passwords

The sample code shown in Figure 1 should be pretty familiar to you if you've been following this series of articles for the last issue or two. For the moment, I'd like to focus on one particular parameter that must always be passed to DBOPEN--the database password. (In the figure, the password is stored in a variable called DB-PASSWORD).

A thorough discussion of IMAGE/SQL security is well beyond the scope of this article. But since we're discussing the DBOPEN intrinsic, it's worth taking a few minutes to discuss a few options for managing database passwords. The code shown in Figure 1 includes the database password ORIOLES. In this sample, the database password has been hard-coded into the source code of the application program itself. This may or may not be a desirable practice, depending on the security policies and practices at your particular installation. Every IMAGE/SQL application should have security policies that determine how to manage passwords.

With IMAGE/SQL database passwords, you have three basic options from which to choose:
  • You can hard code the passwords into the application program itself (as shown in Figure 1).
  • You can have your application program prompt the end user for the password.
  • You can create a system of your own (or buy one) for managing database passwords.
Each of these options has certain advantages and disadvantages. Hard-coding the passwords into the application programs frees users from having to remember passwords or enter them at their terminals, which is a definite advantage. Essentially, what this option does is to treat the application program as a trusted entity. You are assuming that the program cannot do any harm, by virtue of the way you've designed it and coded it. Of course, endowing your application programs with this kind of power means you must have good security procedures in place. It becomes more important than ever to ensure that no unauthorized users are able to access or abuse the program that contains hard-coded database passwords. If this assumption works for you, then you don't need to have this same level of trust in your users.

But by hard-coding database passwords into your program source code you create some administrative problems, even as you are solving some security problems. For one thing, it's a good security practice to change all the passwords from time to time--just in case a password falls into the wrong hands. Changing hard-coded passwords like those shown in Figure 1 entails making changes (and potentially recompiling) every application program that references a database.

The second option removes the passwords from the programs. In this scenario, the application programs prompt the end users for the database passwords. Even if an unauthorized user obtains access to one of your application programs, it won't do him any good unless he also knows the (current) database password. Effectively, you are putting two barriers between unauthorized users and your database: First, they must obtain access to an application program, and second, they must also know the database passwords.

The advantages gained in this way may be offset by the fact that end users must now know database passwords in order to do their jobs. This creates two potential problems. First of all, changes to the passwords must be communicated to the end users (which could be leaked to unauthorized users). And second, whenever users know a database password, you must take steps to ensure that they cannot use the password with other programs (such as Query or a 4GL) to do things to the database that your application program might not permit.

To operate a truly secure environment with IMAGE/SQL, you should consider option three carefully. This third option puts the management of database passwords into the hands of a specialist called a database administrator (or DBA) and provides this person with tools for managing database security. For example, some IMAGE/SQL applications keep database passwords in a separate security database that is accessible only to the DBA. Application programs that want to open a database must retrieve the current password from the security database.

If you are in the process of creating a new IMAGE/SQL application, or creating a new security architecture for an existing application, you should consider creating a security architecture of this type. You may even want to purchase a third-party product that enhances basic IMAGE/SQL security along these lines.

Condition Codes and Status Arrays

After calling DBOPEN, the sample code shown in Figure 1 immediately checks the condition code to ensure that the database has been opened successfully. As shown in the top part of Figure 1, the condition code is part of a larger array of binary numbers called the status array.

DBOPEN (like most of the intrinsics) expects that the calling program will pass it an array of integer items like the one shown at the top of Figure 1. The status array must be made up of two sixteen-bit integers (in the figure they are named CONDITION CODE and ENTRY-LENGTH) followed by four 32-bit integers (in the figure these are named RECORD-NUMBER, CHAIN-LENGTH, BACKWARD-POINTER and FORWARD-POINTER).

In your COBOL program, you can call these integers by whatever names you please, but the order and size of each of them is mandatory.

If the DBOPEN intrinsic detects an error condition, it will place a non-zero integer value in the first 16 bits of the status array (CONDITION CODE). It is then the responsibility of the calling program to detect this non-zero value and act accordingly. Let's see how it's handled by the code in Figure 1.

Line 025700 of the COBOL code shown in Figure 1 checks CONDITION CODE to see if it contains a zero value. If not, it calls a routine called IMAGE-ERROR. This routine (which is not shown in the figure) will call the DBEXPLAIN intrinsic. We discussed DBEXPLAIN in the previous article in this series. DBEXPLAIN's job is to interpret the value found in CONDITION CODE and display an appropriate error message. Then the IMAGE-ERROR routine will terminate the program, since there's not much left for it to do if the database cannot be successfully opened.

If, on the other hand, the condition code is indeed zero (meaning that the database has been opened successfully), then the code in Figure 1 displays a message to that effect in line 026100. At this point, we could use other IMAGE/SQL intrinsics to access the database in a variety of ways. But for the purposes of this article, we're going to focus first on the simplest thing that we could do. Let's suppose that we want our application program to display information about the database (without actually accessing any of the data that's stored there).

Obtaining Information About a Database

Figure 2 shows some sample COBOL code calling another IMAGE/SQL intrinsic. The intrinsic called DBINFO retrieves information about a database that you have opened with DBOPEN. Take a look at the parameters that we are passing to DBINFO. There are five of them: The first two are DB-NAME (an ASCII variable containing the name of the database) and SET-NAME (an ASCII variable containing the name of the dataset that you're interested in).

Figure 2: Calling DBINFO
030500     DISPLAY SPACE.
030700     MOVE 202 TO DB-MODE.
031200                         SET-NAME,
031300                         DB-MODE,
031400                         STATUS-ARRAY,
031500                         SET-INFO-BUFFER.
032000         PERFORM IMAGE-ERROR.
032208     DISPLAY DSET-NAME, " now has ",
032209             DISPLAY-NUM-ENTRIES " data entries.".
032210     DISPLAY "The capacity of the set is ", DISPLAY-CAPACITY, ".".
032700     DISPLAY SPACE.
So far, DBINFO doesn't seem all that interesting. The new wrinkle with the DBINFO intrinsic involves the third parameter, DB-MODE. We've seen database access modes before. DBOPEN uses the database access mode to determine what kind of access you want to have to this particular database. (In Figure 1, we moved a value of 1 to the DB-MODE variable before calling DBOPEN. This tells DBOPEN that you want to give the calling program exclusive access to the database.) The meaning of the various values of DB-MODE used by DBOPEN were discussed in the previous article in this series, and they are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1: Database Access Mode Summary
Access Mode Type of Access\Mode Granted Concurrent Access\Allowed Special\Requirements
1 Modify 1, 5 Modify (with locking) Locking must be used for update or modify.
2 Update 2, 6 Update 
3 Modify None Exclusive Access
4 Modify 6 Read  
5 Read 1, 5 Modify (with locking) TurboIMAGE/XL does not require locking, but it should be used to coordinate access with users who are modifying the database.
6 Read 2,4,6,8 Modify  
7 Read None Exclusive Access
8 Read 6, 8 Read  

The code shown in Figure 2 appears to be breaking the rules, however, by putting a value of 202 into the DB-MODE variable. The only valid values shown in Table 1 are 1 through 8. A value of 202 is nowhere to be found. But remember that Table 1. is meant to be used only with DBOPEN (and, coincidentally, by QUERY, which uses the same values as DBOPEN). The DBINFO intrinsic has its own table of valid DB-MODE values and these are shown in Table 2.

Table 2: DBINFO Modes
Value Description
items 101



item number for item name

item table: name, type, sublen, subcnt, 0, 0

items in base (count and 1-1023 item nums)

fields in set (count and 1-255 item num
sets 201






set number for set name

set table: name, type, entrylen, blkfac, 0, 0, entries, capacity

sets in base (count and 1-199 setnums)

sets with item (count and 1-199 setnums)

plus highwater mark, max capacity, initial capacity, incremental entries, incremental percent,
dynamic capacity flag (1=on).

number of dataset chunks for jumbo dataset (16b)

plus entries per chunk (32b)
paths 301


paths for set (count, n * [setnum, keynum, sortnum])

primary key into set (keynum, setnum or 0 for master)
log 401



logid name, base flag, user flag, trans flag, trans #.

ILR info (IRL flag, date, time, 12 more words).

Dynamic Roll-back (same as 401, plus XM set size, XM set type, attached flag, dynamic flag, XM set name).

Multi-base (base flag, user flag, roll-back flag, ILRflag, mustrecover flag, remote flag, logical trans flag, logid name, log index, transid, base count, baseids).
sys 501

Subsystem access (0=no access, 1=read, 3=read/write).

CIupdate (0 for no, 1 for ok, 2 for on; current setting).
TPI 8nn Third-Party Indexing.
NLS 901 Native Language Support (langid for base).

A quick glance through Table 2. will confirm that application programs can use DBINFO to obtain a wide variety of information about IMAGE/SQL databases, or about particular datasets or even data items. Sticking for the moment to the sample code found in Figure 2, we see that the mode we've selected (202) is intended to retrieve information about a particular dataset. The information that is returned by DBINFO will be placed into an array identified in the fifth parameter shown in Figure 2, SET-INFO-BUFFER. To see the format of SET-INFO-BUFFER, refer to Figure 3.

002260 01  SET-INFO-BUFFER.
002270     05  DSET-NAME               PIC X(16).
002280     05  DSET-TYPE               PIC X(02).
002290     05  SET-ENTRY-LENGTH        PIC S9(4) COMP.
002300     05  BLOCKING-FACTOR         PIC S9(4) COMP.
002310     05  ZERO1                   PIC S9(4) COMP.
002320     05  ZERO2                   PIC S9(4) COMP.
002330     05  TOTAL-ENTRIES           PIC S9(9) COMP.
002340     05  CAPACITY                PIC S9(9) COMP.
002360 01  SET-NAME                    PIC X(16).
002380 01  STATUS-ARRAY.
002390     05  CONDITION-CODE          PIC S9(4) COMP.
002400     05  ENTRY-LENGTH            PIC S9(4) COMP.
002410     05  RECORD-NUMBER           PIC S9(9) COMP.
002420     05  CHAIN-LENGTH            PIC S9(9) COMP.
002430     05  BACKWARD-POINTER        PIC S9(9) COMP.
002440     05  FORWARD-POINTER         PIC S9(9) COMP.
As in the case of the STATUS-ARRAY, the format of SET-INFO-BUFFER is predefined and must be made up of variables of a predefined size, and organized in a predefined order. The format of the SET-INFO-BUFFER depends on the value being passed to DBINFO in DB-MODE. So in this case, we are seeing the format that goes with a value of 202 (see line 030700). This value effectively tells DBINFO that we want it to return specific information about a particular dataset:
  • the dataset name
  • the dataset type (manual master, automatic master, or detail)
  • the entry length (that is, the physical length of each record in the dataset)
  • the blocking factor--this number determines the number of entries in a block. It was once very critical to the performance of some application programs but is now less important. It has been maintained in order to preserve compatibility.
  • the total number of entries present in the dataset at this time
  • the capacity--that is, the number of entries that can physically fit in this dataset.

As you can see in Figure 3, the layout of SET-INFO-BUFFER matches the above list pretty closely. The chief difference is that SET-INFO-BUFFER contains two extra words of zeroes after the blocking factor. These words are reserved for use by IMAGE/SQL itself. Of course, all this information is documented in far greater detail in the IMAGE/SQL manuals that are available from Hewlett-Packard.

The sample code in Figure 3. displays the information that it received from DBINFO in a series of messages (lines 32205 through 32700).

Retrieving Information From a Dataset

To wrap up this month's article, we will now proceed to Figure 4, which shows how our program would go about retrieving an order.

Figure 4: Order Retrieval
051800   DISPLAY "Please enter the Order Number to retrieve: "
051900      WITH NO ADVANCING.
052500   MOVE 1               TO    DB-MODE.
053100                       SET-NAME,
053200                       DB-MODE,
053300                       STATUS-ARRAY,
053400                       SEARCH-ITEM-NAME,
053500                       SEARCH-ITEM-VALUE.
053900     IF CONDITION-CODE = 17
054000       DISPLAY "The Order does not exist."
054100     ELSE
054300   ELSE
054600     MOVE "@;" TO ITEMS-LIST
054700     MOVE 5    TO DB-MODE
055100                       SET-NAME,
055200                       DB-MODE,
055300                       STATUS-ARRAY,
055400                       ITEMS-LIST,
055500                       ORDER-DETAIL-BUFFER,
055600                       IGNORED-PARM
056200      IF CONDITION-CODE = 15
056300        DISPLAY "No more entries for that Order."
056400      ELSE
056600    ELSE
056700      DISPLAY "Purchase Order Number = ",ORDER-NO-VALUE
056800      DISPLAY "Line Item Number     = ",ITEM-NO-VALUE
056900      DISPLAY "Part Number         = ",PART-NO-VALUE
057000                             OF ORDER-DETAIL-BUFFER
057100      DISPLAY "Quantity Ordered     = ",QUANTITY-VALUE
057200      DISPLAY "Date Part Shipped    = ",SHIPMENT-DATE-VALUE.
The first intrinsic that we're calling in Figure 4 is DBFIND (see line 053000). To understand what DBFIND is doing in this example, we must first understand some structural basics about this particular IMAGE/SQL database.

This database contains a detail dataset called ORDER-DETAIL. This dataset contains entries (or records if you prefer) that describe the orders that have been taken. Each order may be made up of one or more entries. This means that for a given order, there may be many records in the ORDER-DETAIL dataset.

In order to process an order, therefore, we must first find all the records in ORDER-DETAIL that belong to this particular order. That is, effectively, what DBFIND is doing in Figure 4. It's important to understand that DBFIND isn't retrieving the order from the database. It's only determining whether it exists (that is, whether there are any records that match the specified order number) and, if so, how many matching records exist. Let's walk through the code in Figure 4 to see exactly how this is done.

Beginning on line 051800, we ask the user what order-number he is interested in. The value that the user types is placed in a variable called SEARCH-ITEM-VALUE. Then, beginning on line 052500, we start getting set up to call DBFIND. The call actually happens on line 053000, but there's a lot of housekeeping that takes place first.

On line 052600, we tell DBFIND that we want it to search a particular dataset (ORDER-DETAIL) and that we want it to look for records that have a particular value in a data item (or field, if you prefer) that is named ORDER-NO (see line 052700). The ASCII name of this data item is passed to DBFIND in a variable called SEARCH-ITEM-NAME (see line 053400), and the value that we want DBFIND to search for is the one that we placed in SEARCH-ITEM-VALUE in line 52000.

Remember that DBFIND doesn't actually retrieve the records that make up the order. Its sole purpose is to find out how many records (if any) match the specified criteria. In earlier articles in this series, we said that the set of records that contain matching values in a search item is called a chain. DBFIND's job, in the simplest terms, is to find chains of records.

Before we see what happens when a chain exists that matches our order number, let's pause to see what happens when no such order exists. If there are no records that match the criteria, DBFIND will return a value of 17 in the condition code. As you can see in Figure 4, (line 053900), our application program traps that error and handles it gracefully. Any other non-zero value in the condition code is treated as a fatal error to be handled by DBEXPLAIN in the IMAGE-ERROR routine (see line 054200).

On the other hand, if there are one or more entries that match the order number specified in SEARCH-ITEM-VALUE, then the code in Figure 4 will fall through to line 054600. Here we will begin retrieving the records in this chain, one at a time, using another intrinsic, DBGET.

The DBGET intrinsic, when called as shown in the figure, will retrieve the first item in the chain that was found by DBFIND. In the sample code shown in Figure 4, the call to DBGET is followed by code that displays the results (lines 056700 through 057200). Of course, in a real application program, you would probably want to do considerably more than that--but keep in mind that this is just sample code being used to illustrate a point, not a real application.

The logic found in typical IMAGE/SQL applications would call DBFIND once--to locate the chain of records that match the search criteria. Then the program would call DBGET repeatedly at this point, until all the records in the chain were exhausted. Remember that each call to DBGET retrieves one (and only one) record (or data entry, if you prefer) from the database. These records are not being read in sequential order. They are being read in chained order. That is, the chain of records that matches a particular search item value is being read in the order in which they appear in the chain. When the last record in the chain is retrieved, DBGET will return a condition code value of 15, which indicates that the end of the chain has been reached. (Note that the sample code in Figure 4 includes a trap for this condition so that the program can handle it gracefully, rather than treating it as a fatal error by calling the IMAGE-ERROR routine.)

In this article, we've taken a much closer look at how IMAGE/SQL applications use the intrinsic interface to read data from a database, and handle certain kinds of errors. Next time, we'll learn more about IMAGE/SQL applications.

George Stachnik works in technical training in HP's Network Server Division.
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