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The HP 3000--For Complete Novices
Part 24: IMAGE/SQL Database Access and Intrinsics

Feature by George Stachnik
In the last few installments, we've learned how to perform a few simple but practical tasks using HP's IMAGE/SQL database management system. We've created an IMAGE/SQL database, and seen how to add a single record to it using QUERY. We saw how to use IMAGE/SQL's Database Access Mode number to specify how a database is to be shared among multiple users.

This time around, we're going to begin looking at how to load our new database with records. It's true that we could load the database one record at a time using QUERY. But by contemporary standards, QUERY is pretty old and clunky. Using it to add hundreds or thousands of records to a database would be a very tedious and error-prone process. It's the kind of thing that a program could do much better. So in most cases, you'll want to load your database using an application program that was specially designed for that purpose.

For that reason, this month's article will begin focusing on application programs that use database intrinsics. Let's begin by reviewing how we used QUERY to enter a record into our IMAGE/SQL database. You may recall the example shown in Figure 1. This example came straight out of part 21 of this series. Figure 2 shows us a somewhat more graphical representation of what the database looks like after we perform the operation shown in this example.

Figure 1:

Figure 2:

As you can see in Figure 2, the database has three datasets--Customer, Date-Master, and Sales. (This is exactly the structure that we created in part 21 of this series, and which we will be using throughout our discussion of IMAGE/SQL.) The figure represents each dataset as a table.

Return to Figure 1 for a moment. We used QUERY to add a record to the Customer dataset, and then to add a matching record to the Sales dataset. You can see those records in tabular form in Figure 2-- but notice that Figure 2 also shows a third record in DATE-MASTER. Figure 1 did not show us entering a record into the DATE-MASTER dataset, but it's there nevertheless. Because Date-Master is an Automatic Master, the record was created for us automatically when we entered the record into the SALES detail dataset.

In addition to the user data that we actually typed into Query in Figure 1, our database also contains some system data that we'll need to discuss briefly. Remember that master datasets act as indices to the records in the detail datasets. In other words, every record in our master datasets contains pointers to the corresponding records in the matching detail datasets.

In Figure 2, we've represented this in the form of a number in the ACCOUNT column. Note the (1) that appears next to George's name in the CUSTOMER master dataset: this is telling us that the corresponding detail dataset (SALES) contains exactly one record that has the name GEORGE in the ACCOUNT item.

Don't forget that DATE-MASTER is also a master dataset. Like ACCOUNT, it acts as an index into the records in the SALES dataset. So, in Figure 2 we see the number (1) next to the date. This tells us that there is only one record in the SALES dataset that bears this date.

Suppose that our customer (George) were to phone in some more orders. What would the database look like after they were added? Figure 3 shows us.

Figure 3:

The first thing we notice in Figure 3 is that the contents of the Customer dataset haven't changed much. There's still only one record there, and it seems (at least at first glance) to contain the same data that it contained in Figure 2. But if you look closer, you'll see that there has been one small change. The only thing that's different is that the (1) that appeared next to George's name is now a (4). Remember that this number represents the number of records in the SALES dataset that have this search value. Remember too that, although it's not explicitly shown in the figure, the record in ACCOUNT also contains a pointer to the first record in SALES that is part of the George account.

Let's see how DATE-MASTER changed between Figure 2 and Figure 3. There are now three records in the DATE-MASTER dataset; before there was only one. At first glance this may seem wrong--didn't we say that DATE-MASTER records are added automatically when we add records to the SALES detail dataset?

Yes, they are. But these records are added only when the new SALES record contains a value in the DATE field that we haven't seen before. In Figure 2 there are four records in the SALES dataset, but two of them have the same date (11/12/99). So there are only three unique dates in SALES. Consequently, the DATE-MASTER dataset shown in Figure 2 contains three records--one for each of the three dates that have appeared in the SALES dataset.

Each DATE-MASTER record contains a pointer and a record-counter to the first SALES record with a matching date. In Figure 3, all the records have a record-counter of "1"--except for the 11/12/99 record, which has a record-counter of "2." This is because the SALES dataset contains two records with the date 11/12/99. All the other dates appear only once in SALES.

Here are some key things to remember about Figure 3. The CUSTOMER dataset contains one record, with the value GEORGE in the ACCOUNT field. The number (4) indicates that there are four records in the SALES dataset with ACCOUNT=GEORGE. A set of detail dataset records that share a common search-item value is sometimes referred to as a chain of records. So the four records in SALES might be called the GEORGE chain. Note that it's not enough for a bunch of records to share a common value in some field to qualify as a chain. There's one more requirement: the field must be defined as a search item. In this case, ACCOUNT is indeed a search item, which is why this field appears in two datasets--the detail dataset (SALES) and the corresponding manual master (CUSTOMER).

So far, our company has only one customer--George. Let's add three more customers named Moe, Larry, and Curly. In this way, we'll create three more chains of records--one for Moe, one for Larry, and one for Curly. Remember that we cannot add SALES records for our new customers to the database until we have first added records to the CUSTOMER dataset. This must be done manually, because CUSTOMER is a manual-master.

By manually I mean that some piece of software must explicitly request that the new CUSTOMER records be added. You could do this with QUERY (as we saw with George in Figure 1). But it's far more likely that an application program would do this for you with an intrinsic call. We first encountered intrinsics in our discussion of the MPE/iX file system some months back. In just a moment, we're going to begin looking at how programmers can use intrinsics to add, delete, and update records in an IMAGE/SQL database. But it doesn't make any difference to the structure of the database. Whether we use intrinsics or QUERY (or any other software), the structure of the database will be the same.

Figure 4 shows what our database might look like after we have added three new records to the CUSTOMER dataset. Note that adding new customers to the CUSTOMER master has no impact on the SALES detail dataset, or on the DATE-MASTER dataset. All we've done is add records to CUSTOMER--all the pointers and record-counters that we talked about earlier are (so far) zeroed out. That's because there are no records in SALES for them to point to--at least, not yet.

Figure 4:

In Figure 4 our database contains four chains. One of them (GEORGE) has four records. In spite of the fact that the other three (Moe, Larry, Curly) have no records in them, they are still technically called chains. Every chain begins in a master dataset (in this case CUSTOMER). So a chain is created by inserting a record in a master dataset. Records are added to a chain by adding matching records to the corresponding detail dataset--in this case the SALES dataset. So, let's create some orders for Moe, Larry, and Curly and develop those chains. Figure 5 shows what our database might look like after adding a few orders for each of our three new customers (two orders for Moe and one each for Larry and Curly). Take a moment to verify that the records in each of the three datasets are as you think they should be.

Figure 5:

I hope this walkthrough has helped you understand a little bit about how records in an IMAGE/SQL database are organized. It may seem like a lot to remember, but really, we can summarize what we've talked about in three rules:
  • You can't add a record to a detail dataset until there's a corresponding record in each manual-master that indexes that detail. (In our example, we couldn't enter a record in SALES for the GEORGE account until we had placed a record in the CUSTOMER master dataset for GEORGE.)
  • On the other hand, whenever you add a record to a detail dataset, the corresponding automatic master datasets are updated automatically. (In our example, every time we entered a record into the SALES dataset, a corresponding record was added to DATE-MASTER--unless there was already a record in DATE-MASTER bearing that date. In that case, the existing DATE-MASTER record would be updated; that is, the record counter would be incremented by one.)
  • Every record in a master dataset contains a pointer to the first corresponding record in the detail dataset, as well as a count of how many corresponding records there are. (In our example, the GEORGE record in the CUSTOMER master contains a pointer to the first GEORGE record in the SALES dataset, as well as a counter showing how many GEORGE records are in the sales dataset.)
It's worth noting briefly that (referring once again to Figure 5) each of the records in the SALES dataset belongs to two chains. As we've developed this database, we've spent a good deal of time talking about the ACCOUNT field. In the schema, we defined ACCOUNT as a search item, which means that all the records in SALES that share a common value in ACCOUNT represent a chain of records. But don't forget that ACCOUNT isn't the only search item in SALES. We also defined DATE to be a search item. That's why IMAGE/SQL created DATE-MASTER. So just as all the records with a value of GEORGE in the account field form a chain, so too do the records that share a common value in the DATE field also represent a chain. For example, there are two records in SALES that share a common date of 11/12/99, and these two records form the "11/12/99" chain.

Let's wrap up this installment by taking a quick tour of the intrinsics that programmers use to manipulate the data in IMAGE/SQL databases. Remember that intrinsics are routines bundled with every HP 3000 that can be called by your application programs. Table 1 summarizes of a few of the most frequently used IMAGE/SQL intrinsics.

Let's see how an application program might call these intrinsics in order to load a database or handle a typical online transaction processing environment.

When your application program begins executing, one of the first things it will do is to open the files and databases it is going to use. In the case of IMAGE/ SQL, this is accomplished using the DBOPEN intrinsic. The programmer who calls DBOPEN will pass it a set of parameters that specify the name of the database, the database password, and the access mode. There's also a parameter that contains the address of a status array that will be used to return error codes in the event that something goes wrong. This status array parameter is used by all the intrinsics, not just DBOPEN. Figure 6 shows an example of how you might call DBOPEN from a COBOL program.

Figure 6:

We mentioned earlier that QUERY is a useful learning tool, because its commands are very analogous to the intrinsics. Referring back to Figure 1 for a moment, note that the first QUERY command that we entered was DATA-BASE=ORDERS. This command forces QUERY to call the DBOPEN intrinsic in exactly the same way that a COBOL program that you write might call DBOPEN. QUERY prompts us for values to use in the parameters (password, access-mode) and then calls DBOPEN to open the database.

Once your program has opened the database, it may want to begin retrieving records from it, especially if the program will be doing some kind of transaction processing. Keep in mind that the records in IMAGE/ SQL databases are organized into chains. A chain is a set of records having a common search item. Each chain is represented by a record in a master dataset.

For example, in the database shown in Figure 5, there are a total of four CUSTOMER chains: George, Moe, Larry, and Curly. When the programmer calls DBFIND, he will pass it a string of parameters that tell it what search item to look for. Based on the criteria in the parameters, DBFIND will return a record from a master dataset. This record will contain a pointer to the first record in the corresponding chain of records in a detail dataset.

If the idea of chains still seems a little confusing, think of it this way: Imagine each dataset as a box of index cards, with each card representing a record in the dataset. Suppose each card in the master datasets has a piece of string attached to it. And each card in the detail datasets has a small hole punched in the corner of the card just above the ACCOUNT field.

To understand how chains work, imagine that you threaded the string that's attached to the "GEORGE" card from the CUSTOMER dataset through the little hole in the corner of each "GEORGE" card in the SALES dataset. Now pull the GEORGE card out of the CUSTOMER box and pull on that string. The string would lead you to the GEORGE cards (and only the GEORGE cards) from the SALES box.

Similarly, each record in DATE-MASTER would also have a string attached to it--one that was threaded through a hole in each SALES card that bore the same date. Pull on the 2/3/00 string, and you will be led directly to the records in SALES that bear the date: 2/3/00.

DBFIND is the intrinsic that your programs use to find a chain. Figure 7 shows sample COBOL code that calls DBFIND. Note that the first two parameters being passed to DBFIND are the names of the database and dataset that we're searching. The dataset name must specify a master dataset because every chain is represented by a unique record in a master dataset. The item-name and item-value are two parameters passed to DBFIND that tell it which chain to find. So, for example, in the sample code in Figure 7, if we had moved the string "GEORGE" to the COBOL data-item named SEARCH-ITEM-VALUE, and moved the string "ACCOUNT" to the data-item named SEARCH-ITEM-NAME, we would be telling IMAGE/SQL to find the string of records with ACCOUNT=GEORGE. DBFIND returns information to the calling program, telling it whether or not a chain of records with the specified value was found, and if so, how many records are in the chain.

Figure 7:

If you wish to retrieve records from an IMAGE/SQL database using QUERY, you will usually begin by using the FIND command to locate the beginning of a chain. It's no coincidence that the QUERY command's name is so similar to the name of the corresponding intrinsic. The FIND command is used to identify a particular chain of records. For example, consider the following QUERY command:


This command causes QUERY to call the DBFIND intrinsic, locating the chain of records that bear the string GEORGE in the ACCOUNT field.

Once a chain of records has been located by DBFIND, the next step is to retrieve the first record in the chain. This can be done using an intrinsic called DBGET.

Referring to Figure 5, once we've done a DBFIND on the GEORGE chain, a subsequent call to DBGET will retrieve the first GEORGE record in the SALES dataset (in this case, the first record in SALES). If we had done a DBFIND on Moe (instead of GEORGE), then our DBGET would have retrieved the first Moe record in SALES instead (that is, the fifth record in the SALES dataset--the one that has Moe ordering a pie). The next two intrinsics in Table 1 (DBUPDATE and DBDELETE) can be used, respectively, to update or delete a record that you've just retrieved with DBGET. We'll discuss those--and all the IMAGE intrinsics--in more detail in a future article.

We've taken a quick look at all the intrinsics in Table 1 except the one that is most likely to be used to load a new database. Loading a database is mostly a matter of inserting new records into a database. This is achieved using DBPUT.

A call to DBPUT can be used to insert a new record into a manual master dataset. We've seen that this must be done before writing corresponding records to the detail datasets. Once the manual-master records are in place, DBPUT can also be used to add the records to the detail datasets.

Keep in mind that you cannot use DBPUT to explicitly add a record to an automatic master. Automatic-master records are inserted automatically when the detail dataset records are added using DBPUT.

And finally, DBCLOSE is used to close the database when you're finished with it.

That wraps up this quick look at how IMAGE/SQL databases are structured, and how some of the most frequently used intrinsics interact with one another. Clearly, we have not explained these intrinsics in any detail--nor was that our intent. At least not yet. Next time, we'll take a closer look at COBOL programming with IMAGE/SQL databases.

George Stachnik works in technical training in HP's Network Server Division.
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