
Using XML to Net-Enable Your Applications

Feature  by Mark Wonsil
One of today's most popular requests made of Information Technology organizations around the world is to unlock the data maintained by legacy applications and make it available to other resources on the network. While it may be trivial to publish these resources on a local network, the Internet introduces many new technological challenges to the legacy application programmer. At the same time, one of today's most touted technological breakthroughs is the Extensible Markup Language, or XML. Its proponents claim it is the solution to everything from seamless business-to-business application integration to world peace. Can markup technology help the typical application programmer share legacy data across the network and even the Internet?

A History of Markup Languages

Most people got their first exposure to markup in school. Instructors added notes to homework assignments, usually in red ink, indicating errors in spelling or grammar. Markup is information added to a document to further describe or interpret that document. Proofreading markup tells the author of the document where the errors are. Many people are also familiar with presentation markup. This kind of markup tells a page formatter when to change fonts, boldface, or underline. Content markup provides a context for a portion of a document. The word 'June' by itself is ambiguous, but adding markup tells one if the author is talking about a person's name, a month in the year, or a bug.

So, who gets the credit for the creation of content markup technology? Curiously, the credit may go to lawyers. More accurately, it goes to the lawyers' legal documents. In the 1960s, when Microsoft's Bill Gates was only a child, IBM was the darling of the U.S. Department of Justice. The DOJ accused IBM of using predatory and exclusionary practices to control the computer industry. IBM realized early on that taking on the U.S. Government in addition to its normal legal activity would generate a great deal of legal documentation. IBM assigned an employee to help organize and manage its legal documents. The employee's name was Charles Goldfarb. Because IBM hired many attorneys for their legal work, Mr. Goldfarb had to manage documents created by different word processors and computer systems. Mr. Goldfarb designed a system that stored the content of the legal document, stripping out the proprietary information from each of the different computer systems. To Goldfarb's credit, he designed the system in such a way that it would work with other types of documents and not just legal ones. In 1969, Charles Goldfarb and two associates, Ed Mosher and Ray Lorrie, created a system whose initials are the same as its creators - GML. GML also stands for the Generalized Markup Language. In order for the system to work in multiple problem domains, GML followed three design goals: separate content from the presentation, provide for extensibility, and create a facility to ensure a document's validity.

In 1986, the International Standards Organization released ISO 8879 based on the work of Goldfarb, Mosher, and Lorrie as SGML--the Standard Generalized Markup Language. SGML is a standard that describes the structure of documents. It is a large standard taking well over 100 pages to describe. In SGML, the document that describes other documents is called a Document Type Definition or DTD. Soon, authors created DTDs for many other types of documents outside the legal arena. There are DTDs for book publishing, aircraft manuals, and even recipes.

Besides legal documents, another unwieldy group of documents was the growing number of research documents at colleges, universities, and research facilities around the world. Users exchanged these documents using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) with the help of Gopher and Archie. In theory, SGML seemed to be an appropriate technology to aid in the sharing of these documents. However, SGML was so large and complex that it was difficult to implement in its entirety in a stand-alone program, let alone for use in a network environment. So in 1989, Tim Berners-Lee and Anders Berglund at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, used SGML to create the Hypertext Markup Language to help share these documents across a disparate computer base. The popularity of HTML is so great these days, few users even know or even care that it is an SGML application.

Issues with HTML

At the birth of HTML, a great deal of the content was still text. Users had character-based terminals and they used the Lynx command-line browser to browse the Web. It was the job of the Web master to mark up content and it was the job of the browser to render the document. There was a clear distinction of duties. The main purpose of the markup was to provide simple presentation effects and navigation. The navigation markup was a powerful tool that gave users an efficient way to jump to other documents, including any supporting graphics. A user could download a graphics file and then view it with a graphics program on a graphics terminal. Eventually came the idea to display the graphics inline with the text. The birth of the graphical browser changed the face of the World Wide Web forever. In the new graphical environment, presentation started to take precedence over content. Browser developers added so many extensions so quickly that HTML 3.0 never became a standard. Web masters invented clever schemes to control the presentation of documents. The distinction of duties between content and presentation blurred.

As the number of documents on the Web exploded, so did the need to organize all of these documents. Organizations created search engines that would "crawl" around the Web and catalogue all of the content. Users of the Web soon found that searching the Web became more of an art than a science. The problem was that the search engines just catalogued words with no regard to context. A search on the word "Bush" would bring up an airport, a league, a singer, the President, and invariably a few pornographic sites. If Web masters marked up occurrences of the President with the tag president, for example, <president>Bush</president>, search engines and other programs would have a better understanding of the context.

Unmarked content mixed with presentation made maintenance of the content more difficult. A Web master can take months to design a Web site. Within a year, it is not uncommon to redesign that very same site. Often this meant starting from scratch because it was too time consuming to remove the current presentation markup. Management found the information on the Web site useful and asked to distribute the same content on other media such as CD-ROM or print. Today, many Web masters are also redesigning Web sites to handle accessibility issues, improving international support and wireless access. Again, this may mean starting over from scratch. Along the way, if the content changes, one must go back to each presentation medium and make changes.

The Extensible Markup Language

The goal of the XML working group was to address these shortcomings of HTML, and in February of 1998, the World Wide Web Consortium released the XML 1.0 recommendation. This recommendation is sometimes called a foundation standard. A foundation standard tends to be more general and vague, as it allows the building of other standards on top of it. Some believe it is this vagueness that has caused the unprecedented hype over XML as developers project their promising solutions onto the new unknown technology. At just over thirty pages, the XML standard is much smaller than its older sibling, but its goals of separation of content from presentation, extensibility, and document validity are the same. In addition, the group had other goals: XML should be compatible with SGML to leverage existing tools and it should be lightweight for use on the network.

Many have written books on XML and there are plenty of sources for learning the details of XML. (See the reference section for some helpful resources.) Listing 1 shows a simple XML document. The first line of the document is the prolog. It tells the parser basic information about the document. In this case, the prolog says this document conforms to version 1.0 of the XML recommendation. An XML document is text only and it is made up of elements. An element consists of a start tag, optionally some content, and an end tag. Start tags may also have attributes. The published element has an attribute named issue. All attribute content must be in quotes. Every start tag must have an end tag. The published tag is a special notation for an element with no content. All XML documents have one and only one root element. In this case, it is the EnterpriseSolutions element. All XML documents must be well formed. A well-formed document is one where all elements are fully contained in another element. This means each end tag closes the closest start tag. It is also worth noting that XML is case sensitive. The sample document would not be well formed if the final tag was </enterprisesolutions>.

As with SGML, an XML document may have a Document Type Definition (DTD). There are entire books devoted to the creation of DTDs, but here are some highlights. A DTD can be internal, located in the document, or held externally in another file. It is important to know that a DTD only tells the parser a valid sequence of the elements. A DTD does not in any way enforce any rules on the content itself. (There is a recommendation called XSchema that addresses content-type validation.) A DTD also defines the allowed element names and the use of attributes for those elements. If a document is well formed and it follows the constraints of the DTD, it is said to be valid. In addition to element order, the DTD may also include entities. An entity is a string that represents a character, another string, or a resource. A general entity is similar to a constant in popular computer languages. One good use for an entity is to hold a company name. In today's corporate environment, an employee may start the day working for Hewlett-Packard and by the end of the day be working for Agilent. An entity may refer to a properly formatted file to include in your document too.

The XML Files

Those are the foundation concepts. Here are a few of the standards that build on the XML recommendation.

Content Referencing ­ XPath and XPointer

One of the current issues with HTML is that in order to reference a portion of a document, the developer must have write access to that document in order to place an anchor (<a>...</a>) at the point of interest. XPath addresses this weakness. Remember the example file and the definition of being well formed: it can easily be seen how one could represent an XML document as a tree. XPath exploits the tree structure of XML documents. Each node on the tree has its own type. It could be an element node, an attribute node, or a text node, for example.

The fundamental building block of XPath is the expression. An expression evaluates to one of four distinct types: a collection of nodes, a Boolean value, a number, or a string. XPath supports the most straightforward method of element access, which is found in a typical file system. The developer can list all elements from the root or reference a relative location. XPath also supports direct element access, pattern matching, and tree navigation. In direct element access, the application can jump directly to an element that has an ID type attribute, which acts as a key to the element. One of the rules of the ID attribute type is that the value of the ID element must be unique within the document. Pattern matching returns a group of nodes that matches a selection. In tree navigation, the program can step from sibling to sibling, parent to child, or child to parent. It is also possible to inspect the type of nodes along the way.

The XPointer recommendation builds on XPath. Its purpose is to enhance document fragment access from a Universal Resource Indicator (URI). In HTML, one uses the "#" fragment identifier to load a document and then point to the named anchor. With XPointer, it is possible to return just a portion of the document. Even more useful is the ability to reference a document or portions of a document without modifying the document. XPath and XPointer are higher-level foundation specifications that other standards use.

Content Linking

XLink defines how to set up links among documents. SGML has a similar standard called HyTime, the Hypermedia/Time Based Structuring Language. HTML links are very limited. They are one-way links to a hard-coded location in the target document. XLink provides several new capabilities. As in HTML, links may be in-line with the data. Links may be out-of-line too; that is, one can put them into a file external to the data. This is possible because of the XPath and XPointer recommendations mentioned above. Second, it is possible to set up a choice of links from a single point in the document. In the context of a browser, a user clicks on a link and a popup menu of potential destinations appears. One destination may be the next step in a tutorial, another may be a definition, and another may take the user to a quiz on the topic just covered. Third, XLink can control what happens when a user clicks a link. Today, Web masters use scripting languages to open a document in a new browser window. But in XLink, the link determines whether the browser opens a new window or replaces the current screen with the linked document.

Content Presentation

The Extensible Stylesheet Language, XSL, is the standard for formatting XML documents. SGML developers use DSSSL, Document Style Semantics and Specification Language to perform the same function for SGML documents. An understanding of Cascading Style Sheets, CSS, will help in the understanding of XSL. XSL breaks down a page into different formatting objects. Among them, there are page objects, block objects, line objects, and character objects. The Web master can assign properties such as font weight, size, color, and position to these objects. Unlike CSS, one has the capability to transform the original document before applying the formatting. The developer has the power to create a table of contents, a user's manual, and an administrator's guide all from the same original XML document. The capability to transform a document became so complex, however, that it was more manageable to put transformation into its own World Wide Web Consortium recommendation.

Content Transformation

XSLT, XSL Transformations, is a specification that transforms XML documents into other XML documents. It is not designed to be a general-purpose transformation tool; rather it is meant to rearrange and filter XML documents before formatting. XSLT is a declarative language, so it requires a different way of thinking for most procedural programmers. Once again, there are enough books on the capabilities of XSLT. XSLT contains many functions that allow the developer to select nodes by attributes, elements, and text values, and even to reorder the nodes. A Web master can also build templates of commonly used transformations for reuse. Developers can use XSLT to transform XML into (X)HTML or WML, or for use in other applications. These applications will parse the document to use the data as they see fit.

Parsing XML Documents

The typical way applications access an XML document is with an XML parser. Most parsers are generic tools meant to work in many situations. A parser can be validating or non-validating. A validating parser will check the document against its DTD to make sure it is valid. Although there are several ways to parse documents, parsers usually belong to one of two different processing models: the Document Object Model (DOM) and the Simple API for XML (SAX).

A DOM parser converts an XML document into a DOM Tree. As seen earlier, it is natural to represent XML documents as trees. This kind of parser will generally load the entire document into memory. Once there, the developer can traverse the tree and modify, add, or remove nodes. After the modifications are complete, the parser can save the document back to a file. This gives the greatest flexibility to the developer, but it is not the easiest to use and large documents may not fit into memory.

On the other hand, a SAX parser is an event driven parser. In this type of parser, the programmer registers callback functions with particular events. For example, there is a 'start document' event. If one registers a function with this event, the parser calls the routine at the start of the document. There are also events for start tags, end tags, and character data. This kind of parser tends to be fast and very memory efficient. Of course, it is a little more difficult to modify a document.

Most parsers are written in object-oriented languages such as C++ and Java. This is a problem for many programmers who use COBOL or Fortran. But there is a way for these non object-oriented languages to access XML files. Back in the early days of SGML, UNIX was the operating system of choice. The UNIX philosophy is to use small tools that are run in sequence. Most of these tools, such as grep, awk, wc, are record-oriented in nature. To take advantage of these tools, Charles Goldfarb came up with a way to represent XML files in a record-oriented format. It became an ISO standard called the Element Structure Information Set or ESIS. A Python developer created a notation based on ESIS called PYX. In PYX, each record begins with a character that identifies the kind of data on the line. Figure 1 shows the coding of the records and Listing 2 shows a portion of our original XML from Listing 1. (For more information on the PYX notation, see the reference section.) With the XML file in this format, it would be fairly easy for COBOL, Fortran, or Basic programmers to read and write these kinds of files.

    Figure 1: PYX Notation
    PYX     Meaning
    (       Start Tag
    )       End Tag
    A       Attribute
    -       Data
    ?       Processing Instruction

    Listing 1: Simple XML Document
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
     </Magazine>hp-ux usr</Magazine>
     <published issue="May/June" />

    Listing 2: PYX Sample
    ?xml version="1.0"
    Aissue "May/June"

Barriers to the Net

There are at least three basic issues when trying to expose legacy data to the network: client support, transport method, and data access.

Once an organization decides to expose legacy data to the net, the developer has to choose which kind of client will have access to the legacy data. An organization could write a custom client. This solution can be problematic in larger audiences like the Internet because maintaining and distributing multiple versions of the client software for multiple operating environments can become a logistical nightmare. The organization could write a custom Java client, but client-side Java will still have to reconcile the different Java Development Kit versions (1.01, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.) and Java Virtual Machine implementation issues. For the broadest audience, many developers have turned to the Web browser and a lowest common subset of HTML.

As for transporting the data, a programmer could write a custom protocol. But this solution adds more work, and unknown protocols usually have a difficult time getting through firewalls. The most popular protocol on the net is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (RFC 2616) or HTTP. HTTP is a request-response protocol. In this model, a client opens a connection with a host and requests a resource. The host sends the resource and then closes the connection. This model scales well because network administrators can use load balancing technology with multiple servers to handle many requests. (Over time the HTTP protocol implemented features such as persistent connections and caching to improve its efficiency.) The trouble with the request-response is the way it maintains state. In legacy programs a client, usually a terminal, presents the screens of information and the host "remembers" what the user entered on previous screens. The HTTP protocol does define a method to maintain state between requests--the controversial cookie. After fulfilling a request, the host may send some data to the browser in the form of a cookie and associate that cookie with a particular URL. The next time the browser sends a request to that URL, the browser includes the information in the cookie. The controversy is about privacy and security. In the earlier browsers, the scripting languages had the capability to browse the cookies on the user's computer. If a Web site stored a customer's credit card number in a cookie, an unscrupulous hacker could access that data. Even if the hacker could not read the data in the cookie, the browsing patterns of a user could be sold to marketing firms. Because of this, many users turn off or limit the use of cookies in their browser. There are ways to track state outside the HTTP protocol, but they have a small performance penalty.

Data Access

Many companies try to expose legacy data to the net using technologies such as ODBC or JDBC. These tools are designed to make ad hoc requests and they return to the client exactly what is in the database. While this may sound like a good thing, the problem with this is that many database administrators use special codes to represent dates or options. Some applications store dates as an integer that represents the number of days since a fixed date, such as January 1, 1900. A client may ask for an order policy code or payment terms code and get a '6' with no description. Now the client must interpret the data, which adds to maintenance costs. Another issue is that some programmers share fields because it is easier than making a database change. For example the first four characters or bits may stand for one field and the remaining characters or bits for another field. In order to perform updates on the database, the developer will have to duplicate this logic as well as any business logic at the client. Finally, some (but not all) ODBC drivers will not be able to read non-database files. Even if they do, these drivers may not be able to take advantage of features of your software that improve performance (like B-tree access or keyword searching).

Others have used a "screen scraping" technique for data access. This had the benefit of using the current business logic but it restricted one to the data available to the screen and was vulnerable to screen changes or complex prompting patterns.

An XML Server for Legacy Data


So how does an organization expose legacy data that will handle the aforementioned barriers? One solution would be to use an XML data server. What kind of client will it support? Any client that can accept a text file or stream. Since there is no concern with presentation, the file is only marked-up text and this greatly increases the size of the audience. What transfer protocol would it use? It could use HTTP. But we know there is a problem with maintaining state in HTTP. How will the XML server handle it? The best plan is not to handle it. The server will only provide data, that's all. It is best to let frameworks such as Active Server Pages and Java Server Pages, and Application Servers such as Enhydra, maintain state. Finally, for data access, developers can use the same familiar tools used by legacy application programmers. Most legacy code already does the job of data access using native calls. All the developer needs to do is to format the responses in the PYX notation.

Borrowing from the object-oriented world, the XML data server would be based on the Model-View-Controller design pattern. In this pattern, there is data (model), the presentation (view), and the actions on the data (controller). The data model is based on the data that needs to be shared. It can be a purchase order, a medical claim, a bill of material, a service request, or the current disk usage of a computer.

Here are the steps for building an XML server that shows disk usage. The first step is to retrieve the data. A small routine calls the HPVOLINFO intrinsic to get the data. Instead of formatting the results for display, like the DISCFREE command, the XML server would just wrap tags around the data. To display the data in a browser, let a stylesheet convert the XML to (X)HTML.

The next step would be to add some commands to the server. One command would be to list all volumes. Another command would be to list one volume with all of the details. There could also be one command that worked on entire volume sets.

With HTTP as the command interface, a typical command would look like:

http://myhost:32000/mpeixml?model=hpvolinfo&view= summary&command=list&volume=all

Here, the XML server, listening on port 32000, will list all volume sets in a summary format. The developer can add other commands and views and even new elements to the server without breaking any current functionality.

The basic flow of an XML server is:
Initialize ­ connect to servlet

While not exit

 Wait for command from servlet

 Parse request

 Gather Data

 Select Data according to view

 Tag the Data

 Send Response

End While

One way to build a very scalable solution is to use servlet technology such as Apache JServ. A servlet would help solve several of the issues mentioned above. Servlets have a facility to maintain state, but they can also perform other vital services. First, a servlet would maintain a TCP/IP socket connection pool to our XML servers. This would provide quick access, as the requester would not have to wait for any program initialization. Second, the servlet would translate the XML to and from the PYX format. Third, the servlet would encode/decode the data to make sure it was safe for transport. For example, it would change all '<' characters to '&lt;'. Fourth, it could pass the data through a stylesheet to create (X)HTML for a browser or WML if the device was wireless.

Instead of writing a custom protocol for communicating between the servlet and the XML server, one can use an existing protocol. The Apache group developed the Apache JServ Protocol to provide communication between the Apache Web server and a Java Virtual Machine running the servlet. Apache sends all of the information that is available to the CGI programmer. This includes the authenticated user and the Query String. For more information on AJP, see the reference section.

Using the Server

Who can use an XML server? The first thing it does is to allow access to other programming languages such as Perl, Python, Java, Visual Basic, Active Server Pages, Java Server Pages, and even JavaScript. Each of these languages has support for XML. Many application servers, such as Enhydra, can also access the data.

Decision support systems accepting XML data sources can also use this server. Microsoft's Digital Dashboard technology is one of these systems. In fact, any application that can render HTML documents can use the XML server.

There has been some work done on using XML as a remote procedure mechanism. One is XML-RPC and another is the Simple Object Access Protocol or SOAP. The standards are just now gaining some momentum. Both of these protocols let a developer access objects across the network. Hewlett-Packard's eSpeak framework should also be able to access data from the XML server.

With the release of the Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE), XML plays many important roles. One of the most interesting roles is in the Java Message Service (JMS). JMS is a standard interface to messaging services. It allows Java to communicate with other, even proprietary, messaging systems such as IBM's MQ*Series. Messaging services provide reliable asynchronous communication between applications. It has been said that a reliable transport service is needed before more companies put their business transactions on the Internet. Organizations can use JMS to transport XML documents reliably to other disparate systems.

Some have argued that XML is the answer to seamless business-to-business (B2B) integration. While XML may provide a universal way to structure and distribute data, it does not solve many of the basic integration issues. There is the obvious problem of multiple element names for the same object, but there are still the issues of item identification, reconciling data structure differences, providing missing data, managing extra data, and recognizing organizational differences. XML provides a syntactical solution but alone it does not answer the semantic question, "What does this document mean?"

Advantages and Disadvantages

The main advantage of this solution is that the application programmer does not have to deal with the challenges of Web applications. By making the communication between the XML and the Web server, one can put the servers on one machine or across several machines. This provides scalability by allowing administrators to add Web servers to accommodate demand. Since the server runs in its own memory space, there is less of a chance of security issues by giving the Web service too much access. Also, if the XML server crashes, it does not take down the whole Web server with it. This approach is easier to use with firewalls, as HTTP is a protocol that can be easily passed through the firewall when allowed.

On the down side, communicating through a socket adds overhead and will not be as fast as an in-process routine running on the Web server. Socket communication may introduce some security risks as the data can be "sniffed" if no lower-level encryption techniques are used.


By keeping content separate from the presentation and keeping a clear distinction of duties, XML provides a framework that will help developers distribute data across the network. This solution lets the programmer focus on the business rules and not the idiosyncrasies of HTTP or (X)HTML. Using XML does not preclude the use of any other technology, but instead it helps extend the value of the current applications. It also protects the organization's investment in Web development. If or when the business application software changes, all the developer has to do is to provide the same XML files, and the Web interface will be available again. While the popular press has made endless promises about the capability of XML and what it will do for companies in the future, taking advantage of the philosophy of XML is something a development organization can do right now.

Mark Wonsil is President of 4M Enterprises. His interest in XML stems from his background in EDI integration. He has worked on versions of MPE for over 19 years.



Hyper Text Transfer Protocol v. 1.1; RFC 2616

World Wide Web Consortium Recommendations: //

SAX, Simple API for XML: //

Apache JServ Protocol: //

Web Sites

World Wide Web Consortium: //

Café Con Leche: // //

The XML Cover Pages: //



XML Info: //

PYX Notation: //

Enhydra: //



Goldfarb, Charles, The XML Handbook, Prentice Hall, 1998

St. Laurent, Simon, XML - Elements of Style, McGraw-Hill, 2000

Harold, Elliotte Rusty, The XML Bible, IDG Books, 1999
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