HPlogo Configuring and Managing MPE/iX Internet Services > Chapter 9 HP WebWise MPE/iX Secure Web Server

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E0802 Edition 6 ♥
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Early versions of Apache for MPE/iX were installed under PUB.APACHE. Starting with Apache 1.3.14 and continuing with WebWise A.03.00, each web server version is installed in its own directory tree under the APACHE account and in a group named by its MPE/iX version. For example, WebWise A.03.00 has an MPE/iX version number of A.03.00 (VUUFF) so it resides in /APACHE/A0300 (/APACHE/VUUFF). The next release of WebWise would reside in /APACHE/A0400 and so on. A version-specific group is created for each new release of WebWise and all the files for that release are installed under that group.

The APACHE account and PUB group are still used, with file access still through the /APACHE/PUB directory. Symbolic links point from files and directories in PUB.APACHE to their corresponding files and directories in the version-specific group.

The installation also creates a symlink named CURRENT that points to the active version-specific group, since the system may contain multiple version-specific groups, for example (/APACHE/A0200, /APACHE/A0300, etc.). To view which version of WebWise is the current version:

  shell/iX> ll /APACHE/CURRENT
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 MGR.APACHE APACHE 5 Mar 27 20:03 CURRENT -> A0300

The symlinks in PUB.APACHE point indirectly via the CURRENT symlink into the version-specific group. For instance, the bin directory will point to the bin directory of the CURRENT version, so that a reference to /APACHE/PUB/bin/htpassword accesses /APACHE/A0300/bin/htpasswd.

  shell/iX> ll /APACHE/PUB/bin
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 MGR.APACHE APACHE 9 Mar 27 20:21
  /APACHE/PUB/bin ->

Users should modify or add files below the PUB group and never in the version-specific group. The version-specific group only contains files distributed as part of the WebWise product. This makes it possible to remove old releases by simply remove the entire /APACHE/VUUFF directory. Examples of files that should reside under /APACHE/PUB are configuration files, the WebWise startup job (JHTTPD), documents served to clients in htdocs/, and cgi scripts.The installation creates new files or directories under /APACHE/PUB if needed for operation with a new WebWise version.

With new WebWise releases, the previous version-specific group is not purged. When satisfied with the new version, the user can execute

:PURGEGROUP on the previous version-specific group to remove it from the machine.


To backdate, the CURRENT symlink should be purged and recreated to point to previous version-specific group.

  shell/iX> cd /APACHE
  shell/iX> rm CURRENT
  shell/iX> ln -s VUUFF CURRENT

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