HPlogo HP e3000 MPE/iX System Software Maintenance Manual (Release C.75.00) > Chapter 7 Support Tools Manager (STM) for MPE/iX

7.5 Menus and Commands

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You simply enter the command name (or its abbreviated form) at the prompt. There are no menus and you can enter any command at any time.

The following lists the cstm commands by category. The format is command (abbreviation):

File:                    System:                Device:
saveconfig (scfg)        connectsys (cs)        currdevstatus (cds)
restoreconfig (rcfg)     selcurrentsys (scs)    cleartoolstatus (cts)
recordcmdfile (rcf)      disconnectsys (ds)     select (sel)
stoprecordcmd (srcf)     savemap (smap)         selall (sall)
runcmdfile (rncf)        printmap (pmap)        selclass (scl)
recordoutput (ro)        remapsystem (rs)       unselall (usal)
stoprecordout (sro)      maplog (ml)            unselclass (uscl)
uiactlog (uial)          displaylic (dl)
readuutconfig (ruc)      license (lic)
updatetoolinfo (uti)     hplicense (hlic)
stmstartup (ssu)         deinstalllic (dlic)
stmshutdown (ssd)        sysactlog (sal)
resetsysactlog (rsa)     daemonstartup (dsu)
localmaplog (lml)        daemonshutdown (dsd)
localsysactlog (lsal)    daemonkill (dk)
syslog (sl)              daemonactlog (dacl)
os (os)                  map (map)
exit (ex)

Tools:                   Tools (Continued)      Options:
information (info)       fwupdatefaillog (ffl)  infooptions (iop)
infolog (il)             fwupdateinfo (finf)    veroptions (vop)
infoactlog (ial)         experttool (xt)        diagoptions (dop)
infofaillog (ifl)        expactlog (xal)        exeroptions (eop)
infoinfo (iinf)          expfaillog (xfl)       fwupdateoptions (fop)
verify (ver)             expinfo (xinf)         expoptions (xop)
veractlog (val)          runutil (ru)           utiloptions (uop)
verfaillog (vfl)         utilactlog (ual)       launchoptions (lop)
verinfo (vinf)           utilfaillog (ufl)      mapoptions (mop)
diagnose (dgn)           utilinfo (uinf)        generaloptions (gop)
diagactlog (dal)         lateactlog (lal)
diagfaillog (dfl)        latefaillog (lfl)
diaginfo (dinf)          aborttool (abt)
exercise (exc)           suspendtool (st)       Help:
exeractlog (eal)         resumetool (ret)       help
exerfaillog (efl)        killtool (klt)         help more
exerinfo (einf)          abortutil (abu)        help syntax
firmwareupdate (fwu)     killutil (klu)         help all
fwupdatelog (fal)        displayquery (dq)      help COMMAND (ACCEL)
                         attach (at)            help help
                         wait (wait)            version (vers)

For more information on the commands, type help more or help syntax or help COMMAND_NAME at the cstm prompt.

7.4 Kinds of Support Tools

7.6 Getting Result Information (Logs)