HPlogo Communicator e3000 MPE/iX Express 1 Based on Release 7.0 > Chapter 6 Technical Articles

CI Enhancements

MPE documents

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By Jeff Vance

enhancements summary:

  • The new PINFO evaluator function returns information for a process

  • The JINFO function has 4 new items and restriction changes on the IP address, CI PIN and JSMAIN PIN items.


Syntax: PINFO ( pin, item [,status] )

Required. String or integer identifying the target process or thread. The format for pin is: nnn or '[#P]nnn[.tid]' where nnn is a simple number and 'tid' is the optional thread id. A pin value of '0' refers to the caller's process.


Required. String label specifying the information requested for the target process. Only one item can be requested per call to PINFO, although some of the items below return multiple pieces of information


Optional. An unquoted CI variable name to hold the integer status value for PINFO. If passed, the variable named by this argument contains the status of the call to pinfo: zero indicates success, non-zero indicates a failure. When 'status' is passed and an error occurs, the CI ignores the error. Specifically, no message is written to $STDLIST or to $STDERR, and the CIERROR variable is not set. The PINFO function return is always -1 when 'status' is specified and a PINFO error occurs. If this argument is omitted and an error in PINFO occurs, a CI error message is written to $STDLIST (within the definition of the HPMSGFENCE variable).
status values:
0 - success
9952 - unknown PINFO item
9955 - information for the requested item is unavailable for the target process
9956 - item security violation, the user needs greater privileges to retrieve the item
11001 - cannot access pin
11004 - process does not exist
... and various SHOWPROC CIERROR values.

Example 6-2
  Example:   :calc PINFO('#P123','IPaddr')
  Example:   :calc PINFO(0,'ExecState')
  Result:    READY
  Example:   :calc PINFO(263,'NumProcesses')
  Result:    8, $8, %10
  Example:   :calc PINFO('263','children')
  Result:    8/277 281 290 155 120 311 296 315
  Example:   :calc PINFO( decimal( JINFO( '#J123' , 'CIpin'),'NumOpenFiles')
  Result:    10, $A, %12
  Example:   setvar i HPPIN
  (walk up   while PINFO( i ,'ProcType') <> 'JSMAIN' do         
   process     setvar i PINFO( i, 'parent')
     tree)   endwhile


PINFO does not allow users to access process data if the same user cannot issue the SHOWPROC command against the target PIN. Thus, SHOWPROC access rules are enforced by PINFO. Specifically, the user must have SM or OP capability, or the user must have AM capability and the target process has the same 'user.account', or the process' 'user.account' matches the user's and JOBSECURITY is low, or the target PIN is actually the user's PIN. Furthermore, certain items have additional restrictions: to obtain the IP address the user needs to posses one of: SM, OP, NM, NA or PM capbilities, which are the same rules enforced by the SHOWCONN utility. To retrieve the program name or the info= string the user needs full access to the PIN. The info= string has any text that resembles a lockword blanked out. Enter ':help showproc all' for more details on access and security rules.

pinfo item values and descriptions

 Label           Type    Description
 --------------  ------  --------------------------------------------------
 Alive           bool    True if pin is alive (not dead)
 Boosted         bool    True if pin's priority has been boosted
 BoostReason     string  'NO BOOST','OWNS PRI SEMA','OWNS SIR','LONG SYS
                         'PRI OSCILLATION'
 BoostType       string  'NO BOOST','LINEAR','DECAY'
 Child           int     pin of first child process
 ChildPin        int     same as 'child'
 Children        string  list of all descendant pins, format:
                         'total/pin1 pin2 ... pinN'.
                         Note that truncation is evident when 'total' is
                         greater than number of pins returned, e.g.
                         :setvar x pinfo('123','children')
                         :if wordcnt(x) < ![word(x,'/')] then
                         # truncation occurred...
 ChildrenPins    string  same as 'children'
 CMask           int     POSIX cmask for file creation security
 CMMode          bool    True if pin is currently in CM
 CMProg          bool    True if pin is a CM program (PROG filecode)
 CPUMilliSec     int     number of milliseconds of CPU
 Creator         int     creator pin, usually the parent pin
 CreatorPin      int     same as 'creator'
 CriticalDepth   int     > 0 means process is critical and cannot be aborted,
                         unless it is waiting on a terminal read
 EGID            int     POSIX effective group ID
 EUID            int     POSIX effective user ID
 ExecState       string  execution state: 'BLOCK MEM MGR','BLOCK CB',
                         'BLOCK MSG','READY','BLOCK TERM'
 Exist           bool    True if the target pin exists in any state
 Exists          bool    same as 'exist'
 FmtCPUMilliSec  string  formatted CPU time 'MM:SS.mls' or 'HH:MM:SS'
 FmtEGID         string  formatted EGID ('account name')
 FmtEUID         string  formatted EUID ('user.account')
 FmtGID          string  formatted GID ('account name')
 FmtPID          string  MPE internal process ID: 'pin reuse_cnt'
 FmtUID          string  formatted UID ('user.account')
 FmtWaitMilliSec string  formatted CPU time 'MM:SS.mls' or 'HH:MM:SS'
 GID             int     POSIX group ID
 HasSIR          bool    true if pin owns a SIR
 HPEPri          int     internal priority in the range of 0..32767; a
                         higher number is greater priority
 InBreak         bool    true if pin is in break mode
 Info            string  * info= string with all lockwords removed
 InfoString      string  same as 'info'
 InitThreadPin   int     the PIN of the initial thread, 0 if not a thread
 IntProcType     int     process type, 0=user, 1=son, 2=usermain,
                         3=task, 4=system, 5=detach, 6=jsmain
 IntWaitReason   int     see 'waitreason' item
 IPAddr          string  ** IP address in dotted format (xx.xx.xx.xx)
 JobNum          string  job/session ID, '#J|Snnn'
 JSMAIN          int     pin of JSMAIN process
 JSMAINPin       int     same as 'jsmain'
 Linear          bool    true if process priority does not decay
 LinearPriority  bool    same as 'linear'
 MPECmask        int     internal MPE cmask
 MPEPri          int     MPE external priority in the range 0..255; a
                         higher number is less priority
 NumFilesOpen    int     number of open files including system files
 NumOpenFiles    int     same a 'numopenfiles'
 NumPINs         int     number of descendant processes
 NumProcesses    int     same as 'numpins'
 Parent          int     parent pin
 ParentPin       int     same as 'parent'
 Parm            int     run/creation parm= value
 PendingIOCount  int     total IOs outstanding for pin
 PendIOs         int     same as 'pendingiocount'
 PIN             int     pin, useful if target pin is a thread
 PriAfterBoost   int     pin priority when boost period is over
 ProcState       string  'DYING','DEAD','ALIVE','INITIATE','UNBORN' --
                         all states but 'alive' are rare
 ProcType        string  'USER','SON','MAIN','TASK','SYSTEM','DETACH','JSMAIN'
 Program         string  * MPE or POSIX name of program file
 ProgramName     string  same as 'program'
 PxPID           int     POSIX PID: 16 bit reuse_cnt, 16 bit PIN
 QPri            string  scheduling queue followed by MPE priority
 QueuePriority   string  same as 'qpri'
 SchedQ          string  scheduling queue, 'AS','BS,'CS','DS','ES'
 SchedQueue      string  same as 'schedq'
 SchedState      string  'EXECUTING','READY','SHORT WAIT','LONG WAIT'
 SecondaryThreads string list of secondary threads in the same format
                                                  as used by "Children"
 Setdump         bool    true if SETDUMP enbabled
 Sibling         int     first sibling pin
 SiblingPin      int     same as 'sibling'
 SystemDepth     int     system code depth, >0 means in system code
 ThreadID        int     TIN (thread ID number), 1 for non-threaded
                         processes, > 1 for threaded processes
 ThreadType      string  'NONE','INITIAL','SECONDARY'
 TIN             int     same as 'threadid'
 UID             int     POSIX user ID
 UnboostPri      int     same as 'priafterboost'
 UserAcct        string  'user.account'
 UserProcess     bool    true if pin is a user process, process type is 0,1,2
 WaitMilliSec    int     time pin has been waiting (need MI)
 WaitReason      string  'PAGE FLT NM CODE','PAGE FLT NM STK','PAGE FLT
                          NM TRANSIENT','PAGE FLT FILE','PAGE FLT CM CODE',
                         'PAGE FLT CM STK','PAGE FLT CM TRANSIENT' (above
                          7 require MI),'TERMINAL READ','TERMINAL WRITE',
                         'DISC IO','OTHER IO','IPC TRANS COMPLETE','SIR',
                         'RIN','MM PREFETCH','EXPIRED QUANTUM','TIMER',
                         'PARENT','CB','CHILD','DATA COMM','RIT','DISP
                         'WAIT QUEUE','MEM MGR','PORT BLOCK','FILE BLOCK',
                         'FILE UNBLOCK','STORAGE MGT','DEBUG MSG','IO CONF',
                         'PFP REPLY','DBMON','FILL DISC','HILO','FS TERM IO',
                         'MM POST','SIG TIMER','PREEMPTION','DISC IO
                          PREMPTION','PRI PREEMPTION','SQL LOCK','SQL LATCH'
                         'SQL BUFF','LONG PAUSE','MM FREEZE','RELEASE',
                          WRITE','OTHER','NOT WAITING','DEAD PROCESS'
 WG              string  workgroup name
 WorkGroup       string  same as 'wg'

* indicates further restrictions apply to these items: you must have SM capability, or the PIN must be you, or the user.account of the PIN must be the same as your user.account and JOBSECURITY is low. Otherwise, the item is not returned and an error is generated.

** indicates you must have at least one of SM,OP,NA,NM,PM capabilities.

PINFO is a CI interface to the AIFPROCGET Architected Interface. In many cases there is a one-to-one mapping of a PINFO item and the associated item retrieved via AIFPROCGET. However, there are also many PINFO items that are formatted based on the raw data returned by the AIF. Below are a few notes on a subset of the returned PINFO items.

children - as mentioned above, the format for the returned string of all decendant processes is: 'NNN/pin1 pin2 ... pinN', where the actual (real) number of descendants is returned to the left of the '/' delimiter. CI string variables are currently limited to 1024 characters, and thus, subject to truncation if there are a large number of descendant processes. Even if the returned string is truncated the number left of the '/' is the true number of descendants. The easiest way to detect truncation is to compare the number of tokens in the returned string versus the first number in the string. For example:

  setvar kids PINFO('1234', 'children')
  setvar num_tokens WORDCNT(kids)      # '/' is not a delimiter to WORDCNT
  setvar num_kids ![WORD(kids, '/')]   # convert to integer
  if num_kids <> num_token then        # truncation

There is no work-around for truncation, other than choosing a PIN closer to the end of the process tree. Also note that the target PIN is not counted as a descendant nor is it included in the string of children. The same format and truncation logic applies to the secondarythreads item.

cmask - MPE stores a process' file creation default security (cmask) differently from the POSIX representation. PINFO returns the POSIX version and the MPE version of the cmask. For POSIX, the cmask is the ones compliment of the nine file permissions: read, write, execute access for Owner, for Group and for Other. The shell's umask and umask -S commands provide cmask information.

The mpecmask item returns the internal MPE cmask as shown below:

                  1                  2                  3
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7  8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6  7 8 9 0 1
 |R W X A L TdRdCdDd|R W X A L TdRdCdDd|R W X A L TdRdCdDd|I x x x x|
        OWNER              GROUP              OTHER

where 'A' is append access, 'L' is lock access, 'Td' is traverse directory entries permission, 'Rd' is read directory entries permission, 'Cd' is create directory entries permissions, 'Dd' is delete directory entries permission, and 'I' is an ACD validity bit. POSIX read access is granted if the 'R' or 'Rd' bits are set. POSIX write access is granted if the 'W', 'Cd', or 'Dd' bits are set. POSIX execute access is granted if the 'X' or 'Td' bits are set.

fmtcpumillisec - returns the same formatted time as shown by :SHOWPROC. The initial format is: MM:SS.milliseconds. Once this format overflows it is automatically converted to HH:MM:SS. The same formatting applies to fmtwaitmillisec.

fmtpid - a process ID (PID) is unique for the life of the system. It consists of 32 bits of a PIN and 32 bits of a reuse count. Since the CI does not yet support 64 bit numbers, the formatted MPE PID is returned in a string. The string contains the ASCII PIN, followed by a single space, followed by the ASCII reuse count. The pxpid is the POSIX PID and consists of the 16 bit reuse count followed by the 16 bit PIN. This value is returned as a 32 bit CI integer, and is the same number seen in the shell's 'ps' command output.

program - if the program filename can be representated in MPE syntax then it is returned in the traditional MPE 'file.group.account' format. Otherwise, the program name is returned in POSIX (HFS) syntax as an absolute pathname.


Four new items have been added to the JINFO function:

Executing           bool    True if the target job exists and is in the
                            INTRO, EXEC* or EXEC states.
Scheduled           bool    True if the target job exists and is in the
                            SCHED state.
Suspended           bool    True if the target job exists and is in the
                            SUSP state.
Waiting             bool    True if the target job exists and is in the
                            WAIT state.

ipaddr, the IP address item, now requires the same capabilities as enforced by the SHOWCONN utility and by the :LISTFILE,access command. Namely, one of: SM, OP, NA, NM, or PM capbility is required in order to obtain the IP address of the target session.

The cipin and jsmainpin items no longer have special restrictions in place. Any user can retrieve the CI PIN or the JSMAIN PIN for any job/session.

CPU time, in both seconds and milliseconds, is now accurate for all jobs and sessions.

Enhancements to DCE on MPE/iX

POSIX pthread (Draft 10) APIs