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Pascal/iX has $VOLATILE_WITH Option Enhancement

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By James Overman
Computer Systems Division

The HP31502A.05.04 release of Pascal/iX has changes for processing of the $VOLATILE option results. The compiler will now flag as errors certain uses of volatile references that are questionable as to the user's desired meaning. The new error message will only be produced if a $VOLATILE variable is used in a WITH statement. A new option $VOLATILE_WITH has been created to allow users to specify the compiler's processing of WITHs with volatile references. Also, the $VOLATILE option has been expanded to be valid in a new position within a type declaration.

In previous versions of Pascal/iX, the volatility of a WITH expression was not taken into consideration when generating alias information for the optimizer. A WITH result pointer is actually the address of the record referenced by the WITH expression. Although there is no documentation about what should happen when volatile pointers occur in WITH expressions, the previous situation is questionable since at least some existing code assumes that the volatility is transferred to the WITH result pointer. There is also the question of how far down the WITH expression to look for volatility before making the WITH result pointer volatile. Some users may want to make the WITH volatile if either the record or pointer is volatile, and some may not want the WITH volatile at all.

Here are the details of the change:
  1. The compiler was enhanced to allow users to specify that the pointed-to type is volatile. This was done by adding a new place where $VOLATILE$ is legal:

      <simple-type> = $VOLATILE$ <ident>
    For example, the following code declares a volatile pointer:
      ptr_mytype = ^ $VOLATILE$ mytype;
    To change this into a declaration of a pointer to a volatile type:
      ptr_mytype = ^ v_mytype;
      v_mytype = $VOLATILE$ mytype;

  2. The user must now specify how they want volatility handled in WITH statements if they use volatile records or pointers. The "top type" of the WITH expression is checked for a volatile record or pointer and an error is generated if the user has not specified how it should be handled. A new compiler option

    $VOLATILE_WITH has been added to allow the user to tell the compiler what it should do in this situation:
    $VOLATILE_WITH 0$ : do not make WITH temps volatile. This will generate the most efficient code, but may not be "safe."
    $VOLATILE_WITH 1$ : make the WITH temp volatile if the top level record type is volatile. (This is provided for completeness, it is unclear how useful it would be.)
    $VOLATILE_WITH 2$ : make the WITH temp volatile if the top level record type or pointer to the top level record type is volatile. This is the safest alternative, at the cost of code efficiency.

    When a WITH statement is seen, the $VOLATILE_WITH level currently in effect will be applied to all WITH result pointers (temps) for that statement.

    Only the "top type" is checked, because it is unlikely that a user will want the temp volatility to be based on every level of the whole expression. We go down one level to the first pointer because the pointer/pointed-to-type misunderstanding may be commonplace, given the previous ambiguity in volatile declarations.

    If the "top type" in a WITH expression contains a volatile, you will get the following error message:

    If you encounter this error, you should consider what you want to be volatile, possibly change your type declarations if they are incorrect, and add the appropriate $VOLATILE_WITH option.

    For example, given the original code fragments:

      ptr_type = ^ $extnaddr,VOLATILE$ mytype;
      var l_dptr : ptr_type;     {l_dptr is volatile}
      with ..., l_dptr^          {l_dptr is volatile, l_dptr^ is not}
    To generate the safest code, simply insert a $VOLATILE_WITH 2$ option at some point before the WITH statement. This will cause the suspicious WITH temp to be volatile; the compiler will generate code to always reload the temp and all subsequent expressions based on the temp. With this change, the WITH temp is reloaded on each reference, and all loads and stores through that pointer are present in the generated code. To generate more efficient code, carefully examine the type declarations to be sure you know what you want to be volatile. In this example, the thing that the user really wants to be volatile is the record type being pointed to, and the WITH temp (a pointer to that record type) should not be volatile. This means that ptr_type should be changed to a pointer to a volatile, and the $VOLATILE_WITH 0$ option can be used.

    For example:

      ptr_type = ^ $extnaddr$ v_mytype;
      v_mytype = $VOLATILE$ mytype;
      var l_dptr : ptr_type;     {l_dptr^ is volatile}
      with ..., l_dptr^
    With these changes, the WITH temp is not reloaded on each reference, but all loads and stores into the record are present in the generated code since the pointed-to record is volatile.

    Another alternative is to remove the suspicious WITH expression from the WITH statement and expand all references in the WITH body. Depending on the complexity of the expression and what parts are volatile, the efficiency of the generated code might be the same as using a WITH.

NOTE: An error will be generated when the compiler detects a volatile WITH situation. This approach is taken in order to raise its visibility. The user can simply add $VOLATILE_WITH 2$ to the global compiler options if the utmost code efficiency is not a concern.

The $VOLATILE_WITH option takes effect on a statement basis, so it will affect the entire list of WITH expressions for a WITH statement. If you have multiple expressions that require different $VOLATILE_WITH levels, you will have to break the WITH statement into multiple statements.

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