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Obtaining Help

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E0300 Edition 6 ♥
E1098 Edition 5

Use the HELP command for information about the supported FTP user commands. The REMOTEHELP command provides information about the remote host FTP server.

Listing FTP User Commands

Enter the HELP command at the ftp> prompt for a list of FTP supported user commands:

  ftp> HELP
  FTP recognizes the following commands:
  :             dir           mkdir         remotehelp     system
  append        disconnect    mode          rename         timeout
  ascii         exit          modtime       reset          trace
  binary        exitonerror   mput          rmdir          type
  bye           form          open          runique        verbose
  bytestream    get           prompt        send           user
  case          help          put           site           ?
  cd            lcd           pwd           size
  close         ls            quit          status
  debug         mdelete       quote         struct
  delete        mget          recv          sunique

  Additional help available on buildparms, ftperr#, tpwarn#, ftpinfo#

Enter the HELP command with a valid FTP user command to obtain information about individual commands supported. For example:

  ftp> HELP OPEN
  OPEN remote-host
  Establish a connection to the specified hot FTP server.
  Remote-host can either be an ARPA domain name, an MPE/iX NS
  node name, or an IP address.

Listing the Remote FTP Server Commands

The REMOTEHELP command displays the remote host supported server commands. A display similar to the following appears, (depending on the supported server commands).

  214-HP ARPA FTP SERVER recognizes the following commands
     USER    PORT    STOR    MSAM*   RNTO    NLST    MKD     CDUP
     PASS    PASV    APPE    MRSQ*   ABOR*   SITE    XMKD    XCUP
     ACCT*   TYPE    MLFL*   MRCP*   DELE    SYST    RMD     STOU
     SMNT*   STRU    MAIL*   ALLO*   CWD     STAT    XRMD    SIZE
     REIN*   MODE    MSND*   REST*   XCWD    HELP    PWD     MDTM
     QUIT    RETR    MSOM*   RNFR    LIST    NOOP    XPWD
  214 Refer to FTPDOC.ARPA.SYS for more FTP Server information.

Entering REMOTEHELP command, where command is a valid remote FTP server command, provides you with a brief description of the server command. For example:

  214 Syntax: USER username

FTP server commands may not have the same name as the user commands.

Temporarily Exiting FTP

Using FTP Commands in UDCs and Programs