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func cmbpinstr

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Returns the original CM instruction at a specified CM code address where a CM breakpoint has been set.


   cmbpinstr (cmaddr [pin])

This function accepts the address (either logical or absolute) of an existing CM breakpoint and returns the instruction associated with that breakpoint. The default action is to look for breakpoints set by the current PIN. Breakpoint indices for other PINs (including the global pin) may be retrieved by utilizing the optional pin parameter.

Formal Declaration

   cmbpinstr:s16 (cmaddr:cptr [pin:s16=0])



Look for this address in the CM breakpoint table. Both logical and absolute code addresses are supported.


Look for breakpoints set by this PIN. Default is the caller's PIN (a pin of 0 implies this). To specify system (global) breakpoints, use a -1 (or 32762) as the PIN.


   %cmdebug > dc FOPEN,1
   %005274:  FOPEN+%0                     004300  ..   STAX, NOP

Display code at the address of FOPEN so we can see what the current instruction at that address is.

   %cmdebug > b FOPEN
   added: CM      [1] SYS  % 161.5274  FOPEN+%0

   %cmdebug > dc FOPEN,1
   %005274:  FOPEN+%0                     003600  <.   BRKP

Now set a breakpoint at FOPEN and display the code there. The old instruction has been replaced with a breakpoint instruction.

   %cmdebug > wl cmbpinstr(FOPEN)

Use the function to look up the actual instruction. The instruction that is stored in the system breakpoint table is returned by the function.

Limitations, Restrictions


func cmbpindex

func cmentry