HPlogo System Debug Reference Manual > Chapter 4 System Debug Command Specifications : - Exit

B (break)

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E0201 Edition 4
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Debug only

Privileged Mode: BA, BAX, BS

Break. Sets a breakpoint.


  B   logaddr [:pin|@] [count] [loud] [cmdlist]     Program
  BG  logaddr [:pin|@] [count] [loud] [cmdlist]     Group library
  BP  logaddr [:pin|@] [count] [loud] [cmdlist]     Account library
  BLG logaddr [:pin|@] [count] [loud] [cmdlist]     Logon group lib
  BLP logaddr [:pin|@] [count] [loud] [cmdlist]     Logon account lib
  BS  logaddr [:pin|@] [count] [loud] [cmdlist]     System library

  BU fname logaddr [:pin|@] [count] [loud] [cmdlist] User library

  BV  virtaddr [:pin|@] [count] [loud] [cmdlist]    Virtual address

  BA  cmabsaddr [:pin|@] [count] [loud] [cmdlist]   Absolute CST
  BAX cmabsaddr [:pin|@] [count] [loud] [cmdlist]   Absolute CSTX

The various forms of the BREAK command are used to set process-local and global (system-wide) breakpoints. Only users with privileged mode (PM) capability are allowed to set global breakpoints. Users without PM capability may only specify PINs that are descendant processes (any generation) of the current PIN.

Setting a breakpoint for another process is implemented such that it appears the target process set the breakpoint itself. Therefore, when the target process encounters the breakpoint, it enters Debug with its output directed to the LDEV associated with the target process.

If a breakpoint is set in CM code that has been translated by the Object Code Translator (OCT), Debug automatically sets a NM breakpoint in the closest previous corresponding translated code node point. If more than one CM breakpoint is set within a given node, only one NM breakpoint is set; however, a counter is incremented so the number of corresponding CM breakpoints can be tracked. If a NM breakpoint is set in translated code, no corresponding CM emulated breakpoint is set. Refer to appendix C for a discussion of CM object code translation, node points, and breakpoints in translated CM code.



A full logical code address (LCPTR) specifies three necessary items:

  • The logical code file (PROG, GRP, SYS,, and so on)

  • NM: the virtual space ID number (SID) CM: the logical segment number

  • NM: the virtual byte offset within the space CM: the word offset within the code segment

Logical code addresses can be specified in various levels of detail:
  • As a full logical code pointer (LCPTR):

    B procname+20

    procedure name lookups return LCPTRs

    B pw+4

    predefined ENV variables of type LCPTR

    B SYS(2.200)

    explicit coercion to a LCPTR type

  • As a long pointer (LPTR):

    B 23.2644

    sid.offset or seg.offset

    The logical file is determined based on the command suffix, for example:
    • B implies PROG

    • BG implies GRP

    • BS implies SYS

  • As a short pointer (SPTR):

    B 1024

    offset only

For NM, the short pointer offset is converted to a long pointer using the function STOLOG, which looks up the SID of the loaded logical file. This is different from the standard short to long pointer conversion, STOL, which is based on the current space registers (SRs).

For CM, the current executing logical segment number and the current executing logical file are used to build a LCPTR.

The search path used for procedure name lookups is based on the command suffix letter:


Full search path:




Search GRP, the group library.


Search PUB, the account library.


Search LGRP, the logon group library.


Search LPUB, the logon account library.


Search SYS, the system library.


Search USER, the user library.

For a full description of logical code addresses, refer to the section "Logical Code Addresses" in chapter 2.


The file name of the NM user library. Since multiple NM libraries can be bound with the XL= option on a RUN command,

   :run nmprog; xl=lib1,lib2.testgrp,lib3 

it is necessary to specify the desired NM USER library. For example,

   BU lib1 204c
   BU lib2.testgrp test20+1c0

If the file name is not fully qualified, the following defaults are used:
  • Default account: the account of the program file.

  • Default group: the group of the program file.


The virtual address of NM code.

Virtaddr can be a short pointer, a long pointer, or a full logical code pointer.

Short pointers are implicitly converted to long pointers using the STOL (short to long) function.


A full CM absolute code address specifies three necessary items:

  • Either the CST or the CSTX.

  • The absolute code segment number.

  • The CM word offset within the code segment.

Absolute code addresses can be specified in two ways:
  • As a long pointer (LPTR)

    BA 23.2644

    Implicit CST 23.2644

    BAX 5.3204

    Implicit CSTX 5.3204

  • As a full absolute code pointer (ACPTR)

    BA CST(2.200)

    Explicit CST coercion

    BAX CSTX(2.200)

    Explicit CSTX coercion

    BAX logtoabs(prog(1.20))

    Explicit absolute conversion

The search path used for procedure name lookups is based on the command suffix letter:





pin| @

The process identification number (PIN) of the process for which the breakpoint is to be set. If omitted, the breakpoint is set for the current process. The character "@" can be used to set a global breakpoint at which all processes stop.


Count has a twofold meaning: it specifies a break every nth time the breakpoint is encountered, and it is used to set permanent/temporary breakpoints. If count is positive, the breakpoint is permanent. If count is negative, the breakpoint is temporary and is deleted as soon as the process breaks at it. For example, a count of 4 means break every fourth time the breakpoint is encountered; a count of -4 means break on the fourth time, and immediately delete the breakpoint. If count is omitted, +1 is used, which breaks every time, permanently.


Either LOUD or QUIET. If QUIET is selected the debugger does not print out a message when the breakpoint is hit. This is useful for performing a command list a great number of times before stopping without being inundated with screen after screen of breakpoint messages. These keywords may be abbreviated as desired. The default is LOUD.


A single Debug command or a list of Debug commands that are executed immediately when the breakpoint is encountered. Command lists for breakpoints are limited to 80 characters. (If this is too few characters, write a macro and have the command list invoke the macro.) Cmdlist has the form:

   { CMD1; CMD2; CMD3; ... } 

NM Code Examples

   $nmdebug > loadinfo
   nm PROG  GRADES.DEMO.TELESUP           SID = $115
       parm = #0  info = ""
   nm GRP   XL.DEMO.TELESUP               SID = $118
   nm USER  XL.PUB.SYS                    SID = $f4
   nm SYS   NL.PUB.SYS                    SID = $a
   cm SYS   SL.PUB.SYS

Show the list of loaded files and the space into which they are loaded.

   $nmdebug > b PROGRAM+270
   added: NM    [1] PROG 115.00006a8c PROGRAM+$270

Set a breakpoint at the procedure PROGRAM plus an offset of $270. This corresponds to a statement in the outer block of the program being debugged. The name and offset were determined by looking at the statement map produced by the Pascal compiler (all language compilers produce similar maps). The expression evaluator found the procedure PROGRAM in the program file.

   $nmdebug > b 6a90
   added: NM    [2] PROG 115.00006a90 PROGRAM+$274

Break in the program file at offset $6a90. Remember that when only an offset is specified as a logical address for this command, the space (SID) for the program file is assumed. A STOLOG conversion (not STOL) with the "prog" selector is used to accomplish this.

   $nmdebug > b processstudent,,, {wl "Processing #" r26:"d";c}
   added: NM    [3] PROG 115.00005d24 processstudent

Set a breakpoint at the procedure called processstudent and provide a command list to be executed each time the breakpoint is encountered. In this example, we know that the student number being processed is passed to the routine in general register 26. Each time the routine is entered, Debug prints the student number and automatically continue execution of the process.

   $nmdebug > b nmaddr("processstudent.highscore"),-1
   added: NM   T[4] PROG 115.00005b50 processstudent.highscore

Set a breakpoint at the nested procedure highscore that is contained in the level 1 procedure processstudent. The NMADDR function is used to specify the breakpoint address since the expression parent_proc.nested_proc would not have been recognized by the expression evaluator (a.b implies space.offset, for example, a long pointer). This breakpoint is a temporary breakpoint, which is automatically deleted after it is encountered. T[4] indicates a temporary breakpoint with index number 4.

   $nmdebug > b average
   added: NM    [5] GRP 118.00015c88 average

   $nmdebug > bg average+4
   added: NM    [6] GRP 118.00015c8c average+$4

   $nmdebug > b grp(average)+8
   added: NM    [7] GRP 118.00015c90 average+$8

   $nmdebug > bs average
   Missing or invalid logical code address.  (error #1741)

Set a breakpoint at the procedure average. Notice that the routine was found in the group (GRP) library. The B command starts searching for symbol names in the program file and continues through all of the loaded library files until a match is found. The second example uses the BG command to explicitly restrict the search for symbol names to the group library. The third example shows how the coercion function GRP is used to restrict procedure name lookups to the group library. In the fourth example above, the BS command is used to restrict the search for procedure names to the system library. The routine average was not found in the system library, and so an error was generated.

   $nmdebug > dc pc
   GRP $118.15c88
   00015c88  average  0000400e  BREAK    (nmdebug bp)

   $nmdebug > wl r2

   $nmdebug > wl sr4

   $nmdebug > b r2
   The virtual address specified does not exist.  (error #1407)

   $nmdebug > errl
   $28:  The virtual address specified does not exist.  (error #1407)
   $28:  The virtual address does not exist.  (error #6017)
   $28:       VADDR= 115.15c74
   $28:  A pointer was referenced that contained a virtual address
   outside of the bounds of an object.

The above example starts by showing that Debug has stopped in the group library in the average procedure. The B command was used to set a breakpoint at the address specified in r2, and this caused the command to fail. Recall that the B command assumes that the breakpoint is to be set in the program file when only an offset is provided. The SID for the program file ($115) is retrieved, and a long pointer is generated by performing a STOLOG conversion. The resulting address ($115.$15c74) does not exist in the program file; thus an error is generated.

   $nmdebug > bg r2
   added: NM    [3] GRP 118.00015c74 ?average+$8

   $nmdebug > bd 3
   deleted: NM    [3] GRP 118.00015c74 ?average+$8

The BG command is used to set a breakpoint at the offset indicated by the contents of general register 2. This command assumes the breakpoint is to be set in the group library. The SID for the group library ($118) is retrieved, and a long pointer is generated by performing a STOLOG conversion. The resulting address ($118.$15c74) is a valid group library virtual address, and so the breakpoint is set. The address corresponds to the export stub for the average procedure. Refer to the PA-RISC Procedure Calling Conventions Reference Manual for an explanation of the use and purpose of export stubs.

   $nmdebug > bv r2
   added: NM    [3] GRP 118.00015c74 ?average+$8

   $nmdebug > bd 3
   deleted: NM    [3] GRP 118.00015c74 ?average+$8

The BV command is used to set a breakpoint at the offset indicated by general register 2. Unlike the above example, the offset in r2 is converted to a long pointer by performing a STOL conversion. The resulting address (sr4.r2 = $118.$15c74) is a valid group library virtual address, and so the breakpoint is set. A full long pointer is always valid, so the command b 118.r2 also results in the breakpoint being set.

   $nmdebug > b P_INIT_HEAP
   added: NM    [8] USER f4.0012f2b8 p_heap:P_INIT_HEAP

   $nmdebug > bu xl.pub.sys U_INIT_TRAPS
   added: NM    [9] USER f4.001f9188 U_INIT_TRAPS

The above example sets a breakpoint at the procedure P_INIT_HEAP. The routine was found in one of the loaded user libraries (this process only has one loaded user library). The BU command is used in the second example to specify which user library to search when looking for procedure names. The U_INIT_TRAPS routine was found in the user library XL.PUB.SYS and a breakpoint was set.

   $nmdebug > bs ?FREAD,#100,q,{wl "Read another 100 records";c}
   added: NM    |10| SYS a.0074aa34 FREAD

Set a breakpoint at the FREAD intrinsic. Every #100 times the routine is called, stop and print out a message. The QUIET option is specified so this operation produces no extra terminal output. The vertical bars in the breakpoint notation indicates that the process does not stop the next time the breakpoint is encountered, since the count is not yet exhausted.

   $nmdebug > bs trap_handler:@,,,{trace ,ism}
   added: NM   @[1] SYS a.00668684 trap_handler

Set a system-wide breakpoint in the trap handler. This routine is in the system NL. When the breakpoint is hit, perform a stack trace. The "@" indicates that the breakpoint is a global breakpoint.

   $nmdebug > b pw+4
   added:  NM  [11] PROG $115.00006984 initstudentrecord+14 

Break at the address specified by adding 4 to the address of the first line in the program window. In this case, the program window must have been aimed at initstudentrecord+10.

   $nmdebug > bl
   NM    [1] PROG 115.00006a8c PROGRAM+$270
   NM    [2] PROG 115.00006a90 PROGRAM+$274
   NM    [3] PROG 115.00005d24 processstudent
         cmdlist: {wl "Processing #" r26:"d";c}
   NM   T[4] PROG 115.00005b50 processstudent.highscore
   NM    [5] GRP 118.00015c88 average
   NM    [6] GRP 118.00015c8c average+$4
   NM    [7] GRP 118.00015c90 average+$8
   NM    [8] USER f4.0012f2b8 p_heap:P_INIT_HEAP
   NM    [9] USER f4.001f9188 U_INIT_TRAPS
   NM   |10| SYS a.0074aa34 FREAD
         [QUIET]  count: 0/64  cmdlist:
           {wl "Read another 100 records";c}
   NM   [11] PROG $115.00006984 initstudentrecord+14
   NM   @[1] SYS a.00668684 trap_handler
         [QUIET]  cmdlist: {trace ,ism}

Now list all of the breakpoints just set above.

CM Code Examples

   %cmdebug > loadinfo
       parm = #0  info = ""
   cm SYS   SL.PUB.SYS
   nm SYS   NL.PUB.SYS                    SID = $a

Show the list of all currently loaded files.

   %cmdebug > b ?processstudent
   added: CM    [1] PROG %   0.1665   ?PROCESSSTUDENT

Set a breakpoint at the entry point (indicated by the ? character) of the procedure PROCESSSTUDENT. The expression evaluator found the procedure in the program file in logical segment zero, at an offset of %1665 CM words from the start of the segment procedure.

   %cmdebug > b 0.1670
   added: CM    [2] PROG %   0.1670   PROCESSSTUDENT+%263

Set a breakpoint %1670 CM words into the program file's logical segment zero. That address corresponds to the %263rd CM word from the start of the PROCESSSTUDENT procedure. Note that this command sets a breakpoint in the program file, no matter where the process was stopped (in the group library for example), since the B command implies the program file.

   %cmdebug > b 1672
   added: CM    [3] PROG %   0.1672   PROCESSSTUDENT+%265

Set a breakpoint %1672 CM words into the program file. The logical segment number from the current value of CMPC is used as the segment number for this command.

   %cmdebug > b processstudent+14
   added: CM   [4] PROG %   0.1421   PROCESSSTUDENT+%14

Set a breakpoint %14 CM words into the start of the procedure PROCESSSTUDENT. This address corresponds to the first statement of the nested procedure HIGHSCORE which is contained in the level 1 procedure PROCESSSTUDENT. The correct offset to use for nested procedures is determined by looking at the statement map produced by the Pascal compiler. (All language compilers produce similar maps.) Unfortunately, information about nested procedure names and size is not available for CM programs.

   %cmdebug > b ob'+40,-3
   added: CM   T|5| PROG %   0.40     OB'+%40

Set a breakpoint %40 words into the procedure ob' (the outer block of the Pascal program being run). The third time the breakpoint is encountered, stop in Debug and delete the breakpoint. The notation T|5| indicates a temporary breakpoint with index number 2. The vertical bars indicate that the process does not stop the next time the breakpoint is encountered, since the count is not yet exhausted.

   %cmdebug > b ?average
   added: CM    [6] GRP  %   0.13     ?AVERAGE

   %cmdebug > bg ?average+4
   added: CM    [7] GRP  %   0.17     AVERAGE+%17

   %cmdebug > b grp(0.20)
   added: CM   [10] GRP  %   0.20     AVERAGE+%20

Set a breakpoint at the entry point to the procedure average. Notice that the procedure was found in the group (GRP) library. The B command starts searching for symbol names in the program file and continues through all of the loaded library files until a match is found. The second example uses the BG command to explicitly restrict the search for symbol names to the group library. The third example shows how the coercion function GRP is used to specify a logical segment in the group library rather than the program file.

   %cmdebug > bs ?fwrite,#100,q,{wl "Another #100 records written";c}
   added: CM    |11| SYS  %  27.4727   ?FWRITE
          NM    |1| TRANS 30.00737fb4 SUSER1:?FWRITE

The above example sets a breakpoint at the entry point of the FWRITE intrinsic which is located in the system library SL.PUB.SYS. Every #100 times the routine is called, stop and print out a message. The QUIET option is specified so this operation produces no extra terminal output. SL.PUB.SYS has been translated with the Object Code Translator (OCT), and so Debug automatically sets a breakpoint in the translated native mode code. Refer to appendix C for a discussion of CM object code translation, node points, and breakpoints in translated CM code.

 %cmdebug > bl
 CM    [1] PROG %   0.1665   ?PROCESSSTUDENT      SEG'      (CSTX 1)
 CM    [2] PROG %   0.1670   PROCESSSTUDENT+%263  SEG'      (CSTX 1)
 CM    [3] PROG %   0.1672   PROCESSSTUDENT+%265  SEG'      (CSTX 1)
 CM    [4] PROG %   0.1421   PROCESSSTUDENT+%14   SEG'      (CSTX 1)
 CM   T|5| PROG %   0.40     OB'+%40              SEG'      (CSTX 1)
        count: 0/3
 CM    [6] GRP  %   0.13     ?AVERAGE             SEG'      (CST 112)
 CM    [7] GRP  %   0.17     AVERAGE+%17          SEG'      (CST 112)
 CM   [10] GRP  %   0.20     AVERAGE+%20          SEG'      (CST 112)
 CM   |11| SYS  %  27.4727   ?FWRITE              SUSER1    (CST 30)
        [QUIET]  count: 0/144  cmdlist:
          {wl "Another #100 records written";c}
        Corresponding NM bp = 1

Now list the breakpoints that were set in the above examples.

Translated Code Examples

   %cmdebug > bg ?average
   added: CM    [1] GRP  %   0.13     ?AVERAGE
          NM    [1] TRANS 3d.0016962c SEG':?AVERAGE

Set a breakpoint in the group library at the entry point to the AVERAGE procedure. The group library and program file have been translated by the Object Code Translator (OCT). Debug determined that the code is translated and thus set a CM breakpoint in the emulated code and a NM breakpoint in the translated code. Refer to appendix C for a discussion of CM object code translation, node points, and breakpoints in translated CM code.

   %cmdebug > b ?processstudent
   added: CM    [2] PROG %   0.1665   ?PROCESSSTUDENT
          NM    [2] TRANS 48.0000a610 SEG':?PROCESSSTUDENT

Set a breakpoint at the entry point to the PROCESSSTUDENT procedure. As in the above example, the code is translated, and so Debug sets two breakpoints.

   %cmdebug > b cmpc
   added: CM    [3] PROG %   0.1672   PROCESSSTUDENT+%265
          NM    [3] TRANS 48.0000a66c SEG':PROCESSSTUDENT+%265

   %cmdebug > b cmpc+1
   added: CM    [4] PROG %   0.1673   PROCESSSTUDENT+%266
          NM    [3] TRANS 48.0000a66c SEG':PROCESSSTUDENT+%265

Set a breakpoint at the current CM program counter. Both the CM emulated and NM translated breakpoints are set. Next, set a breakpoint at the instruction following the current CM program counter. Again, both the CM and NM breakpoints are set. Note that the index number for the NM breakpoint is the same. This is because the two CM breakpoints are contained in the same node. Appendix C provides a description of node points.

   %cmdebug > nm
   $nmdebug > b 20.b940,#100,,{wl "Read another 100 records";c}
   added: NM |4| TRANS $20.b940 FSEG:?FREAD

Break in space 20 at the indicated offset. Every 100 times the routine is called, stop and print out a message. As with all breakpoint commands, the address typed in is converted to a logical address. In this example, the long to logical (LTOLOG) routine is used by the debugger. Space 20 does not correspond to any of the native mode libraries or the program file. It is, however, found to correspond to a translated body of CM code (in this instance, the FREAD intrinsic). Note that the corresponding CM emulator breakpoint is not set by Debug.

 %cmdebug > bl
 CM    [1] GRP  %   0.13     ?AVERAGE              SEG'     (CST 112)
        Corresponding NM bp = 1
 CM    [2] PROG %   0.1665   ?PROCESSSTUDENT       SEG'     (CSTX 1)
        Corresponding NM bp = 2
 CM    [3] PROG %   0.1672   PROCESSSTUDENT+%265   SEG'     (CSTX 1)
        Corresponding NM bp = 3
 CM    [4] PROG %   0.1673   PROCESSSTUDENT+%266   SEG'     (CSTX 1)
        Corresponding NM bp = 3

 %cmdebug > nm
 $nmdebug > bl
 NM    [1] TRANS 3d.0016962c SEG':?AVERAGE
        CM Ref count = 1
 NM    [2] TRANS 48.0000a610 SEG':?PROCESSSTUDENT
        CM Ref count = 1
 NM    [3] TRANS 48.0000a66c SEG':PROCESSSTUDENT+%265
        CM Ref count = 2
 NM    [4] TRANS 20.0000b940 FSEG:?FREAD
        count: 0/64  cmdlist: {wl "Read another 100 records";c}
        CM Ref count = 1

Now list the breakpoints that have been set.

Limitations, Restrictions

You cannot set a breakpoint on a gateway page.

If breakpoints are set for a process other than the current PIN, Debug has no knowledge of the procedure names for the specified process unless the specified process is running the exact same program file.

Having breakpoints set causes slight process overhead. Arming a global breakpoint causes all processes to suffer this overhead.

Breakpoints are ignored in the following circumstances:
  • While on the ICS.

  • While disabled.

  • In a "dying" process. (See the DYING_DEBUG variable in the ENV command discussion.)

  • In a job. (See the JOB_DEBUG variable in the ENV command discussion.)

Breakpoints set in CM translated code (which has been optimized) may not always be hit. In some cases, the optimizer saves an instruction by targeting a branch to the delay slot immediately following a node point. As a result, a breakpoint that was set at the node point is not hit.

CAUTION: Setting global breakpoints must be done with extreme care, and only when debugging requires it. Do not try this on a system under use. A global breakpoint may cause processes to suspend unexpectedly.