HPlogo MPE/iX Quick Reference Guide > Chapter 6 System Debug

Debugging your system

MPE documents

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Table of Contents

  • Debug

  • Dump Analysis Tool (DAT)

  • Standalone Analysis Tool (SAT)

This chapter presents short descriptions of System Debug commands, window commands, standard functions, and environment variables. Refer to the System Debug Reference Manual for additional details on System Debug commands and functions described in this chapter.

System Debug Command Descriptions

This section presents short descriptions of System Debug commands. Commands that are inappropriate in either DAT or Debug are identified as "DAT only" or "Debug only". In addition, commands that require privileged mode (PM) capability are identified.


The CI command - Access to the MPE/iX command interpreter (CI).

  :[ command ] 


The calculator command. Calculates the value of an expression and displays the result in the specified base.

  = expression [base]  


Aborts/terminates the current System Debug process.



Defines an alias (alternative) name for a command or macro.

  ALIAS name command


Deletes the specified alias(es).

  ALIASD[EL] pattern [group] 


Restores the predefined aliases, in case they have been deleted.



Lists the currently defined aliases.

  ALIAS[LIST] [pattern] [group]

B (break)

Debug only. Privileged Mode: BA, BAX, BS.

Break. Sets a breakpoint.

  B   logaddr [:pin|@] [count] [loud] [cmdlist]    Program
  BG  logaddr [:pin|@] [count] [loud] [cmdlist]    Group library
  BP  logaddr [:pin|@] [count] [loud] [cmdlist]    Account library
  BLG logaddr [:pin|@] [count] [loud] [cmdlist]    Logon group lib
  BLP logaddr [:pin|@] [count] [loud] [cmdlist]    Logon account lib
  BS  logaddr [:pin|@] [count] [loud] [cmdlist]    System library
  BU  fname logaddr [:pin|@][count][loud][cmdlist] User library
  BV  virtaddr [:pin|@] [count] [loud] [cmdlist]   Virtual address
  BA  cmabsaddr [:pin|@] [count] [loud] [cmdlist]  Absolute CST
  BAX cmabsaddr [:pin|@] [count] [loud] [cmdlist]  Absolute CSTX


Debug only.

Breakpoint delete. Deletes a breakpoint entry specified by index number.

  BD [number | @ [:pin | @]] 


Debug only.

Breakpoint list. Lists breakpoint entries, specified by index number.

  BL [number | @ [:pin | @]] 


DAT only.

Closes a dump file.



Enters compatibility mode (cmdat/cmdebug). See the NM command.



Command list. Displays a list of the valid commands for System Debug.

  CMDL[IST] [pattern] [group] [options] 


Privileged Mode

Displays values in the CMGLOBALS record for a process.

  CMG [pin]  


Continues/resumes execution of user program.


D (display)

Privileged Mode: DA, DCS, DCA, DZ, DSEC.

Displays the contents of the specified address.

  DA   offset   [count] [base] [recw] [bytew]      ABS relative
  DD   dst.off  [count] [base] [recw] [bytew]      CM data segment
  DDB  offset   [count] [base] [recw] [bytew]      DB relative
  DS   offset   [count] [base] [recw] [bytew]      S relative
  DQ   offset   [count] [base] [recw] [bytew]      Q relative
  DC   logaddr  [count] [base] [recw] [bytew]      Program file
  DCG  logaddr  [count] [base] [recw] [bytew]      Group library
  DCP  logaddr  [count] [base] [recw] [bytew]      Account library
  DCLG logaddr  [count] [base] [recw] [bytew]      Logon group lib
  DCLP logaddr  [count] [base] [recw] [bytew]      Logon account lib
  DCS  logaddr  [count] [base] [recw] [bytew]      System library
  DCU  fname logaddr [count] [base] [recw] [bytew] User library
  DCA  cmabsaddr [count] [base] [recw] [bytew]     Absolute CST
  DCAX cmabsaddr [count] [base] [recw] [bytew]     Absolute CSTX
  DV   virtaddr  [count] [base] [recw] [bytew]     Virtual
  DZ   realaddr  [count] [base] [recw] [bytew]     Real memory
  DSEC ldev.off  [count] [base] [recw] [bytew]     Secondary store


Debug only. Privileged Mode.

Sets a data breakpoint.

  DATAB virtaddr [:pin|@] [byte_count] [count] [loudness] [cmdlist]


Debug only. Privileged Mode.

Deletes a data breakpoint entry specified by index number.

  DATABD [number | @ [:pin|@] ] 


Debug only. Privileged Mode.

Lists data breakpoint entries, specified by index number.

  DATABL [number | @ [:pin|@] ] 


Debug only. Privileged Mode.

DEBUG command access to DEBUG XL.



Delete various items. These are predefined aliases for other commands.

  DELETEB        alias for  BD
  DELETEALIAS    alias for  ALIASD
  DELETEERR      alias for  ERRD
  DELETEMAC      alias for  MACD
  DELETEVAR      alias for  VARD


Privileged Mode.

Adds/deletes/lists terminals used for demonstrating System Debug.

  DEMO ADD ldevs


Disassembles a single NM or CM assembly instruction, based on the current mode.

  DIS nmword [virtaddr]
  DIS cmword1 [cmword2] [cmlogaddr]


Reexecutes a command from the command stack.

  DO [cmd_string]
  DO [history_index]


DAT Privileged Mode.

Display data from the process identification block (PIB) for a process.

  DPIB [pin]  


DAT Privileged Mode.

Prints out the process tree starting at the given PIN.

  DPTREE [pin] 


Displays contents of the CM or NM registers.

  DR [cm_register] [base]
  DR [nm_register] [base]


DAT Privileged Mode.

Displays dump file information.

  DUMPINFO [options] 


Assigns a new value to one of the predefined environment variables.

  ENV var_name [=] var_value


Displays the current values for environmental variables.

  ENVL[IST] [pattern] [group] [options] 


Pushes a user error message onto the error command stack.

  ERR errmsg 


Deletes all errors on the error stack (reset the stack).



Error list. Lists the most recent error(s) on the error stack.



Exits/resumes execution of user program.

  E[XIT]      Same as CONTINUE (in Debug)
  E[XIT]      Exit program       (in DAT)  

F (format)

Formats a specified data structure.

  FT path ft_options
  FV virtaddr path fv_options

F (freeze)

Debug only. Privileged Mode.

Freezes a code segment, data segment, or virtual address (range) in memory.

  FC   logaddr [bytelength]         Program file
  FCG  logaddr [bytelength]         Group library
  FCP  logaddr [bytelength]         Account library
  FCLG logaddr [bytelength]         Logon group library
  FCLP logaddr [bytelength]         Logon account library
  FCS  logaddr [bytelength]         System library
  FCU  fname logaddr [bytelength]   User library
  FCA  cmabsaddr                    CM absolute CST
  FCAX cmabsaddr                    CM absolute CST
  FDA  dstoff                       CM data segment

  FVA  virtaddr  [bytelength]       Virtual address


Debug Privileged Mode.

Dynamically loads a specified NM procedure from any NM library.

  FINDPROC procedurename library_file [[NO]IGNORECASE]


Each time a FOREACH command is executed, name is set to the next expression value in value_list prior to the execution of cmdlist. Execution ends when there are no more expression values in the value_list.

  FOREACH name value_list  command
  FOREACH name value_list { cmdlist }


Reinitializes CM FPMAP symbolic procedure name access.



Function list. Displays information about the predefined functions.

  FUNCL[IST] [pattern]  [group]  [options]


DAT Privileged Mode.

Reads in a dump tape and creates a dump file.

  GETDUMP file [ ldevlist ]
  GETDUMP file [ DIR ]


Displays online help messages for System Debug.

  H[ELP] [topic] [options]


Displays the history command stack.

  HIST[ORY] option 


If condition evaluates to TRUE, then execute all commands in cmdlist, else execute all commands in cmdlist2.

  IF condition THEN command
  IF condition THEN { cmdlist }
  IF condition THEN  command1  ELSE  command2
  IF condition THEN { cmdlist } ELSE command2
  IF condition THEN  command1  ELSE { cmdlist2 }
  IF condition THEN { cmdlist } ELSE { cmdlist2 }


Protects the next command (list) from error bailout.

  IGNORE option


Privileged Mode.

Initialize registers from a specified location.



Debug only

Privileged Mode

Issues a request to process management to kill the specified process.

  KILL pin


Sets the current environment to the specified stack level in the stack markers.

  LEV [number]
  LEV [number] [interrupt_level] 


Controls the recording of input and output to a list file.

  LIST [ filename | ON | OFF | CLOSE ]


Displays the history command stack.

  LISTREDO               alias for HIST[ORY]


Debug only

Lists information about the currently loaded program and libraries.



Debug only.

Dynamically loads a specified CM procedure from a logically specified CM library selector.

  LOADPROC procedurename libselect


Defines a local variable within a macro body.

  LOC  var_name [:var_type] [=] var_value


Lists the local variables that are defined with a macro.

  LOCL[IST] [pattern] 


Controls the recording of user input to the logfile.

  LOG [filename | ON | OFF | CLOSE ]

M (modify)

Debug only. Privileged Mode: MA, MD, MCS, MZ, MSEC.

Modifies the contents of the specified number of words at the specified address.

  MA   offset   [count] [base] [newvalue(s)]        ABS relative
  MD   dst.off  [count] [base] [newvalue(s)]        Data segment
  MDB  offset   [count] [base] [newvalue(s)]        DB relative
  MS   offset   [count] [base] [newvalue(s)]        S relative
  MQ   offset   [count] [base] [newvalue(s)]        Q relative
  MC   logaddr  [count] [base] [newvalue(s)]        Program file
  MCG  logaddr  [count] [base] [newvalue(s)]        Group library
  MCP  logaddr  [count] [base] [newvalue(s)]        Account library
  MCLG logaddr  [count] [base] [newvalue(s)]        Logon group
  MCLP logaddr  [count] [base] [newvalue(s)]        Logon account
  MCS  logaddr  [count] [base] [newvalue(s)]        System library
  MCU  fname logaddr   [count] [base] [newvalue(s)] User library
  MCA  cmabsaddr  [count] [base] [newvalue(s)]      Absolute CST
  MCAX cmabsaddr  [count] [base] [newvalue(s)]      Absolute CSTX
  MV   virtaddr   [count] [base] [newvalue(s)]      Virtual
  MZ   realaddr   [count] [base] [newvalue(s)]      Real memory
  MSEC ldev.off   [count] [base] [newvalue(s)]      Secondary storem


Defines a macro.

  MAC[RO] name [(parameters)] [options] {body}


Macro delete. Deletes the specified macro definition(s).

  MACD[EL] pattern 


Controls the "echoing" of each macro command line prior to its execution.

  MACECHO pattern [level]


Macro list. Lists the specified macro definition(s).

  MACL[IST] [pattern] [options] 


Resets the reference count to zero for the specified macro(s).

  MACREF pattern


Controls the "tracing" of macro execution.

  MACTRACE pattern [level] 


Opens a file and maps it into a usable virtual address space.

  MAP filename [option] 


Lists the specified file(s) that have been opened with the MAP command.

  MAPL[IST] [pattern] 


DAT Privileged Mode.

Modification delete. Deletes a modification entry specified by index number.

  MODD [index | @]


DAT only.

Modification list. Lists current dump modifications.

  MODL [index | @]


Privileged Mode.

Displays information about the files which were used to build the operating system SOM portion of the NL.Pub.SYS for MPE/iX.

  MPEXL [fileset] [optionstring] [outputfile]


Privileged Mode.

Modifies the NM processor status word (PSW). Exercise a bit of care with this command.

  MPSW bit_string


Modifies the contents of the specified CM or NM register.

  MR cm_register [newvalue]
  MR nm_register [newvalue] 


Enters native mode (nmdat / nmdebug). See the CM command.



DAT Privileged Mode.

Opens a dump file.



Pauses (puts to sleep) a process for the specified number of seconds.



Privileged Mode.

Switches the process-specific pointers and registers to allow the examination of process related information.

  PIN [pin] [ANYSTATE] 


Lists the specified NM symbols in the specified NM executable library.

  PROCLIST [pattern] [lstfile] [lookup_id] [detail] [outputfile]


DAT Privileged Mode.

Purges a dump file.



Reexecutes a command from the history command stack after optionally editing the command.

  REDO [cmd_string]
  REDO [history_index]


Lists the registers into a file in USE file format.

  REGLIST [filename] 


Restores macros or variables from a file that was previously created by the STORE command.

  RESTORE MACROS    filename


Exits from a macro, optionally returning a specified value.

  RET[URN] [value] 


Set new values for a select subset of all user configurable options.

  SET [ O[CT] | % | D[EC] | # | H[EX] | $ ] [ IN | OUT ]


The SETxxx commands are predefined aliases for other commands.

  SETALIAS    alias for  ALIAS
  SETENV      alias for  ENV
  SETERR      alias for  ERR
  SETLOC      alias for  LOC
  SETMAC      alias for  MAC
  SETVAR      alias for  VAR


The SHOWxxx commands are predefined aliases for other commands.

  SHOWALIAS    alias for  ALIASL
  SHOWB        alias for  BL
  SHOWCMD      alias for  CMDL
  SHOWDATAB    alias for  DATABL
  SHOWENV      alias for  ENVL
  SHOWERR      alias for  ERRL
  SHOWFUNC     alias for  FUNCL
  SHOWLOC      alias for  LOCL
  SHOWMAC      alias for  MACL
  SHOWMAP      alias for  MAPL
  SHOWSET      alias for  SET
  SHOWSYM      alias for  SYML
  SHOWVAR      alias for  VARL


Single steps.

  S[S]  [num_instrs] [ L[OUD] | Q[UIET] ]


Stores the currently defined macros or variables to a file.

  STORE MACROS    filename


Closes a symbolic data type file that was opened with the SYMOPEN command.

  SYMCLOSE symname


Lists all open symbolic data type files and their symbolic names.



Lists information/dump data for an opened symbolic data type file.

  SYMINFO [symname] [option] [offset] [length]


Lists information for the specified symbol name in an opened symbolic data type file.

  SYML[IST] [pattern] [symname] [option] 


Opens a symbolic data type file and sets up pointers to the symbolic debug records.

  SYMOPEN filename [symname] 


Prepares a program file containing symbolic debug information to be used by the symbolic formatter/symbolic access facility. Files modified through the use of this command are referred to as symbolic data type files.

  SYMPREP filename

T (translate)

Privileged Mode: TCA, TCS.

Translates the specified CM address to a virtual address.

  TA   offset                   ABS - Bank0
  TD   dst.off                  Data segment
  TDB  offset                   DB relative
  TS   offset                   S relative
  TQ   offset                   Q relative
  TC   cmlogaddr                Program file
  TCG  cmlogaddr                Group library
  TCP  cmlogaddr                Account library
  TCLG cmlogaddr                Logon group library
  TCLP cmlogaddr                Logon account library
  TCS  cmlogaddr                System library
  TCA  cmabsaddr                Absolute CST
  TCAX cmabsaddr                Absolute CSTX


Debug only.

Controls the synchronization of several debug processes on a single terminal.

  TERM   [ LIST | NEXT ]


Displays a stack trace.

  TR[ACE] [level] [options] 


Debug only.

Arms/disarms/lists various traps that are monitored by Debug.

  TRAP [trap-name] [option] 


Debug Privileged Mode.

Unfreezes a code segment, data segment, or virtual address (range) in memory.

  UFC   logaddr  [bytelength]          Program file
  UFCG  logaddr  [bytelength]          Group library
  UFCP  logaddr  [bytelength]          Account library
  UFCLG logaddr                        Logon group library
  UFCLP logaddr                        Logon account library
  UFCS  logaddr  [bytelength]          System library
  UFCU  fname logaddr [bytelength]     User library
  UFCA  cmabsaddr                      Absolute CST
  UFCAX cmabsaddr                      Absolute CSTX
  UFDA  dst.off                        CM data segment
  UFVA  virtaddr [bytelength]          Virtual address


Closes (unmaps) a file that was opened by the MAP command.

  UNMAP index 


Update the windows.



System Debug commands can be executed from a file with the USE command.

  USE  [filename]  [count]
  USENEXT  count
  USE [CLOSE] [ALL | @] 


Defines a user-defined variable.

  VAR  var_name [:var_type] [=] var_value


Variable delete. Deletes the specified user-defined variable(s).

  VARD[EL]  pattern


Variable list. Lists the value(s) for the specified user-defined variable(s).

  VARL[IST]  [pattern] 

W (write)

Writes a list of values, with optional formatting, to output.

  W    valuelist
  WL   valuelist
  WP   valuelist
  WCOL column


Displays online help messages for the window commands.



While condition evaluates to TRUE, executes all commands in cmdlist.

  WHILE condition DO cmdlist 


Utilizes symbol information in a local library/program file.

  XL localfile space_id [loaded-fname]


Closes files opened with the XL command.

  XLD  localfile


Lists all of the files that have been opened with the XL command.


Window Commands

This section presents short descriptions of System Debug window commands.


Redraws the entire screen display of windows.



Allocates a named user window at the specified address. The command name specifies which type of window to define. User windows are displayed within the group window.

  UWA   offset     [name]   Absolute memory relative (ABS)
  UWDB  offset     [name]   DB relative
  UWS   offset     [name]   S relative
  UWQ   offset     [name]   Q relative
  UWD   dst.off    [name]   Data segment and offset
  UWCA  cmabsaddr  [name]   Code (CST) segment and offset
  UWCAX cmabsaddr  [name]   Code (CSTX) segment and offset
  UWV   virtaddr   [name]   Virtual address
  UWZ   realaddr   [name]   Real address


Window defaults. Resets the default window sizes.



Changes to the specified group of user-defined windows.

  WGRP  [group_number]


Windows OFF. Turns off the windows.



Windows ON. Turns on the windows. If windows are already on, redraws them.



Window back. Scrolls the specified window backwards.

  PB   [amount]                     Program, current mode
  CMPB [amount]                     CM program
  NMPB [amount]                     NM program

  QB   [amount]                     CM frame,  Q relative
  SB   [amount]                     CM stack,  S relative
  GB   [amount]                     Group window
  UB   [amount] [win_number]        User window
  VB   [amount] [win_number]        Virtual window
  ZB   [amount]                     Real memory window
  LB   [amount]                     LDEV window
  TXB  [amount] [win_number]        Text window


Window current. Marks the specified window as the current window. Many user window (U), text window (TX), and virtual window (V) commands operate on the current window.

  UC  [win_number]
  VC  [win_number]
  TXC [win_number]


Window disable.

  RD                        CM registers
  GRD                       NM general registers
  SRD                       NM special registers
  PD                        Program, current mode
  CMPD                      CM program
  NMPD                      NM program
  QD                        CM frame,  Q relative
  SD                        CM stack,  S relative
  GD                        Group window
  UD    [win_number]        User  window
  VD    [win_number]        Virtual window
  ZD                        Real memory window
  LD                        LDEV window
  TXD   [win_number]        Text window


Window enable.

  RE                        CM registers
  GRE                       NM general registers
  SRE                       NM special registers
  PE                        Program, current mode
  CMPE                      CM program
  NMPE                      NM program
  QE                        CM Frame,  Q relative
  SE                        CM Stack,  S relative
  GE                        Group window
  UE    [win_number]        User window
  VE    [win_number]        Virtual window
  ZE                        Real memory window
  LE                        LDEV window
  TXE   [win_number]        Text window


Window forward. Scrolls the specified window forward.

  PF   [amount]                     Program current mode
  CMPF [amount]                     CM program
  NMPF [amount]                     NM program
  QF   [amount]                     CM frame,  Q relative
  SF   [amount]                     CM stack,  S relative
  GF   [amount]                     Group window
  UF   [amount] [win_number]        User window
  VF   [amount] [win_number]        Virtual window
  ZF   [amount]                     Real memory window
  LF   [amount]                     LDEV window
  TXF  [amount] [win_number]        Text window


Window home. Returns a window to its original location.

  RH                                 CM registers window
  GRH                                NM general registers window
  SRH                                NM special registers window
  PH                                 Program window, current mode
  CMPH                               CM program window
  NMPH                               NM program window
  QH                                 CM frame window - Q relative
  SH                                 CM stack window - S relative
  GH                                 Group window
  UH  [win_number]                   User window
  VH  [virtaddr]   [win_number]      Virtual window
  ZH  [realaddr]                     Real memory window
  LH  [ldev.off]                     LDEV window
  TXH [win_number]                   Text window


Window information. Prints information about the indicated windows. This command is defined for the virtual (V) and text (TX) windows.

  VI  [win_number]
  TXI [win_number]


Window jump. Jumps window to the specified address.

  PJ     [logaddr]                    Program file
  PJG    [logaddr]                    Group library
  PJP    [logaddr]                    Account library
  PJLG   [logaddr]                    Logon group library
  PJLP   [logaddr]                    Logon account library
  PJS    [logaddr]                    System library
  PJU    [fname logaddr]              User library
  PJV    [virtaddr]                   Any virtual address
  PJA    [absaddr]                    Absolute CST
  PJAX   [absaddr]                    Absolute CSTX
  CMPJ   [logaddr]                    Program file
  CMPJG  [logaddr]                    Group library
  CMPJP  [logaddr]                    Account library
  CMPJLG [logaddr]                    Logon group library
  CMPJLP [logaddr]                    Logon account library
  CMPJS  [logaddr]                    System library
  CMPJA  [absaddr]                    Absolute CST
  CMPJAX [absaddr]                    Absolute CSTX
  NMPJ   [logaddr]                    Program file
  NMPJG  [logaddr]                    Group library
  NMPJP  [logaddr]                    Account library
  NMPJLG [logaddr]                    Logon group library
  NMPJLP [logaddr]                    Logon account library
  NMPJS  [logaddr]                    System library
  NMPJU  [fname logaddr]              User library
  QJ     [dst.off]                    CM Frame,  Q relative
  SJ     [dst.off]                    CM Stack,  S relative
  VJ     [virtaddr]  [win_number]     Virtual window
  ZJ     [realaddr]                   Real memory window
  LJ     [Ldev.off]                   LDEV window
  TXJ    [record_number]              Text window


Window kill.

  RK                        CM registers
  GRK                       NM general registers
  SRK                       NM special registers
  PK                        Program, current mode
  CMPK                      CM program
  NMPK                      NM program
  QK                        CM frame,  Q relative
  SK                        CM stack,  S relative
  GK                        Group window
  UK    [win_number]        User window
  VK    [win_number]        Virtual window
  ZK                        Real memory window
  LK                        LDEV window
  TXK   [win_number]        Text window


Window lines. Sets the number of lines in a window.

  RL   [numlines]                     CM registers
  GRL  [numlines]                     NM general registers
  SRL  [numlines]                     NM special registers
  PL   [numlines]                     Program, current mode
  CMPL [numlines]                     CM program
  NMPL [numlines]                     NM program
  QL   [numlines]                     CM frame,  Q relative
  SL   [numlines]                     CM stack,  S relative
  GL   [numlines]                     Group window
  UL   [numlines] [win_number]        User window
  VL   [numlines] [win_number]        Virtual window
  ZL   [numlines]                     Real memory window
  LL   [numlines]                     LDEV window
  TXL  [numlines] [win_number]        Text window


Window mode. Changes the mode for the Q or S window.

  QM  [addressmode] [signed]
  SM  [addressmode] [signed]


Renames a virtual window or a user-defined window.

  UN   [name] [win_number]    User window
  VN   [name] [win_number]    Virtual window


Sets the radix (output base) for the specified window.

  RR   base                     CM registers
  PR   base                     Program, current mode
  CMPR base                     CM program
  NMPR base                     NM program
  QR   base                     CM frame,  Q relative
  SR   base                     CM stack,  S relative
  GR   base                     Group window
  UR   base [win_number]        User window
  VR   base [win_number]        Virtual window
  ZR   base                     Real memory window
  LR   base                     Ldev window


Window shift. Shifts a window to the left or right. This command is defined for text windows (TX).

  TXS  [amount] [win_number]


Defines (enables) new windows.

  VW  virtaddr  [name]        Virtual window
  ZW  realaddr                Real Memory
  LW  Ldev.off                LDEV (Secondary Storage) window
  TXW filename                Text window
  UWm                         User window (see UWm command)

System Debug Function Specifications

This section presents short descriptions of the standard functions defined in System Debug. All functions are callable from both DAT and Debug.
The second line is the Formal Declaration.

func abstolog

Converts an CM absolute code address (ACPTR) to a CM logical code (LCPTR) address.

  abstolog (cmabsaddr)
  abstolog:lcptr (cmabsaddr:acptr)

func asc

Evaluates an expression and converts the result to an ASCII string.

  asc (value [formatspec])
  asc:str (value:any [formatspec:str = ''])

func ascc

Coerces an expression into a string value.

  ascc (value)  
  ascc:str (value:any) 

func bin

Converts a string expression to return a binary value.

  bin (strexp)  
  bin:any (strexp:str) 

func bitd

Bit deposit. Deposits a value into a specified range of bits.

  bitd (value position length target)  
  bitd:any (value:any position:s16 length:u16 target:any)

func bitx

Bit extract. Extracts a range of bits from an expression.

  bitx (source position length)  
  bitx:any (source:any position:s16 length:u16)

func bool

Coerces an expression into a Boolean value.

  bool (value)  
  bool:bool (value:any) 

func bound

Checks for an existing definition of an operand and returns its definition type.

  bound (operand)
  bound:str (operand:str)

func btow

Byte to word. Converts a CM DB-relative byte address to a CM DB-relative word address.

  btow (byteaddress [splitstack])
  btow:I16 (byteaddress:I16 [splitstack:bool=FALSE])

func cisetvar

Sets a new value for the specified CI (MPE/iX Command Interpreter) variable.

  cisetvar (civarname newvalue)
  cisetvar:bool (civarname:str newvalue:any) 

func civar

Returns the current value of a CI (MPE/iX Command Interpreter) variable.

  civar (civarname [stropt])  
  civar:any (civarname:str [stropt:str="NOEV"]) 

func cmaddr

Converts a CM procedure name (or primary/secondary entry point) to a CM logical code address.

  cmaddr (procname [lib])  
  cmaddr:lcptr (procname:str [lib:str=''])

func cmbpaddr

Returns the address corresponding to the indicated CM breakpoint index.

  cmbpaddr (bpindex [pin])
  cmbpaddr:lcptr (bpindex:u16 [pin:s16=0])

func cmbpindex

Returns the CM breakpoint index associated with the indicated CM code address.

  cmbpindex (cmaddr [pin])
  cmbpindex:u16 (cmaddr:cptr [pin:s16=0])

This function accepts the address (either logical or absolute) of an existing CM breakpoint and returns the logical index number associated with that breakpoint. The default action is to look for breakpoints set by the current PIN. Breakpoint indices for other PINs (including the global PIN) may be retrieved by utilizing the optional pin parameter.

func cmbpinstr

Returns the original CM instruction at a specified CM code address where a CM breakpoint has been set.

  cmbpinstr (cmaddr [pin])
  cmbpinstr:s16 (cmaddr:cptr [pin:s16=0])

func cmentry

Returns the CM (primary) entry point address of the CM procedure containing the specified CM logical code address.

  cmentry (cmlogaddr)  
  cmentry:lcptr (cmlogaddr:lcptr) 

func cmg

Returns the virtual address (SPTR) of a process's CMGLOBALS record.

  cmg (pin)  
  cmg:sptr (pin:u16) 

func cmnode

Returns the address of the closest CM node point corresponding to the specified CM logical code address.

  cmnode (cmlogaddr [node])
  cmnode:lcptr (cmlogaddr:lcptr [node:str="PREV"])

func cmproc

Returns the CM procedure name and offset corresponding to a CM logical code address.

  cmproc (cmlogaddr)  
  cmproc:str (cmlogaddr:lcptr) 

func cmproclen

Returns the length of the CM procedure which contains the specified CM logical code address.

  cmproclen (cmlogaddr)  
  cmproclen:u16 (cmlogaddr:lcptr) 

func cmseg

Returns the CM segment name for the specified CM logical code address.

  cmseg (cmlogaddr)  
  cmseg:str (cmlogaddr:lcptr) 

func cmstackbase

Returns the starting virtual address of a process's compatibility mode stack.

  cmstackbase (pin)
  cmstackbase:lptr (pin:u16) 

func cmstackdst

Returns the DST number for a process's compatibility mode stack.

  cmstackdst (pin)
  cmstackdst:u16 (pin:u16) 

func cmstacklimit

Returns the virtual address for the limit of a process's compatibility mode stack.

  cmstacklimit (pin)
  cmstacklimit:lptr (pin:u16)

func cmstart

Returns the starting point of the procedure containing the indicated CM logical code address.

  cmstart (cmlogaddr)
  cmstart:lcptr (cmlogaddr:lcptr) 

func cmtonmnode

Returns the address of the closest NM node point corresponding to the specified CM logical code address.

  cmtonmnode (cmlogaddr [node])  
  cmtonmnode:trans (cmlogaddr:lcptr [node:str=PREV]) 

func cmva

Returns the virtual address of a specified CM code address.

  cmva (cmaddr [pin])  
  cmva:lptr (cmaddr:cptr [pin:u16 = 0]) 

func cst

Coerces an expression into a CST absolute code pointer (ACPTR).

  cst (value)
  cst:cst (value:any)

func cstx

Coerces an expression into a CSTX absolute code pointer (ACPTR).

  cstx (value)
  cstx:cstx (value:any)

func dstva

Converts a CM data segment address to a virtual address.

  dsvta (dstoff)
  dstva:lptr (dstoff:lptr)

func errmsg

Returns an error message string, based on error number and an optional subsystem number.

  errmsg (errnum [subsys])
  errmsg:str (errnum:s16 [subsys:u16=$a9])

func grp

Coerces an expression into a GRP logical code pointer (LCPTR).

  grp (value)
  grp:grp (value:any)

func hash

Hashes a virtual address into a hash table (real) offset.

  hash (virtaddr)
  hash:s32 (virtaddr:ptr)

func lgrp

Coerces an expression into a LGRP logical code pointer (LCPTR).

  lgrp (value)
  lgrp:lgrp (value:any)

func logtoabs

Logical to absolute. Converts a CM logical code address (LCPTR) into a CM absolute code address (ACPTR).

  logtoabs (cmlogaddr)
  logtoabs:acptr (cmlogaddr:lcptr)

func lptr

Coerces an expression into a long pointer.

  lptr (value)
  lptr:lptr (value:any)

func lpub

Coerces an expression into a LPUB logical code pointer (LCPTR).

  lpub (value)
  lpub:lpub (value:any)

func ltolog

Long to logical. Converts a long pointer into a NM logical code address (LCPTR).

  ltolog (longptr)
  ltolog:lcptr (longptr:lptr)

func ltos

Long to short. Converts a virtual address to a short pointer.

  ltos (virtaddr)
  ltos:sptr (virtaddr:ptr)

func macbody

Returns a string that is the macro body for the specified macro name.

  macbody (macroname)
  macbody:str (macroname:str)

func mapindex

Returns the map index number of the specified file name which has been previously mapped into virtual space with the MAP command.

  mapindex (filename)
  mapindex:u16 (filename:str)

func mapsize

Returns the size in bytes of the specified mapped file.

  mapsize (filename)  
  mapsize:u32 (filename:str) 

func mapva

Returns the virtual address of the specified mapped file.

  mapva (filename)  
  mapva:lptr (filename:str) 

func nmaddr

Returns the virtual address of the specified NM procedure/data path.

  nmaddr (path [lookupid])
  nmaddr:long (path:str [lookupid:str="PROCEDURE"])

func nmbpaddr

Returns the address corresponding to the indicated NM breakpoint index.

  nmbpaddr (bpindex [pin])
  nmbpaddr:lptr (bpindex:u32 [pin:s16=0])

func nmbpindex

Returns the NM breakpoint index for the NM breakpoint that has been set at the specified NM code address.

  nmbpindex (virtaddr [pin])
  nmbpindex:u32 (virtaddr:ptr [pin:s16=0])

func nmbpinstr

Returns the original NM instruction at a specified NM code address where a NM breakpoint has been set.

  nmbpinstr (virtaddr[pin])
  nmbpinstr:s32 (virtaddr:ptr [pin:s16=0])

func nmcall

Dynamically calls a procedure/function passing up to four parameters.

  nmcall (path) [parm1] [parm2] [parm3] [parm4]
  nmcall:s32 (path:str [parm1:sptr=0][parm2:sptr=0]
    [parm3:sptr=0] [parm4:sptr=0]

func nmentry

Returns the entry point of the NM procedure containing the indicated address.

  nmentry (virtaddr)  
  nmentry:lptr (virtaddr:ptr) 

func nmfile

Returns the file name corresponding to the indicated NM (code) address.

  nmfile (virtaddr [length])  
  nmfile:str (virtaddr:ptr [length:u16=$20]) 

func nmmod

Returns the NM module name corresponding to the indicated address.

  nmmod (virtaddr [length])  
  nmmod:str (virtaddr:ptr [length:u16=$20]) 

func nmnode

Returns the NM logical code address (TRANS) of the closest NM node point corresponding to the specified NM address.

  nmnode (virtaddr [node])  
  nmnode:trans (virtaddr:ptr [node:str="PREV"]) 

func nmpath

Returns the full NM code path name corresponding to the indicated address.

  nmpath (virtaddr [length])  
  nmpath:str (virtaddr:ptr [length:u16=$50]) 

func nmproc

Returns the NM procedure name and offset corresponding to the specified virtual address.

  nmproc (virtaddr [length])  
  nmproc:str (virtaddr:ptr [length:u16=$40]) 

func nmstackbase

Returns the virtual address of the start of the process's NM stack.

  nmstackbase (pin)  
  nmstackbase:lptr (pin:u16) 

func nmstacklimit

Returns the virtual address of the limit of a process's NM stack.

  nmstacklimit (pin)  
  nmstacklimit:lptr (pin:u16) 

func nmtocmnode

Returns the CM logical code address of the closest CM node point corresponding to the specified NM address.

  nmtocmnode (virtaddr [node])  
  nmtocmnode:lcptr (virtaddr:lptr [node:str="PREV"]) 

func off

Returns the offset portion of a virtual address.

  off (virtaddr)  
  off:u32 (virtaddr:ptr) 

func pcb

Returns the virtual address (SPTR) of a process's PCB (process control block).

  pcb (pin)  
  pcb:sptr (pin:u16) 

func pcbx

Returns the virtual address (SPTR) of a process's PCBX (process control block extension).

  pcbx (pin)
  pcbx:sptr (pin:u16) 

func phystolog

Converts a CM physical segment number and mapping bit to a CM logical code address.

  phystolog (physsegnum [mappingbit])  
  phystolog:lcptr (physsegnum:u16 [mappingbit:bool=FALSE]) 

func pib

Returns the virtual address (SPTR) of a process's process information block (PIB).

  pib (pin)  
  pib:sptr (pin:u16) 

func pibx

Returns the virtual address (SPTR) of a process's process information block extension (PIBX).

  pibx: (pin) 
  pibx:sptr (pin:u16) 

func prog

Coerce an expression into a PROG logical code pointer (LCPTR).

  prog (value)  
  prog:prog (value:any) 

func pstate

Returns the process state, for the specified PIN, as a string.

  pstate (pin)  
  pstate:str (pin:u16) 

func pub

Coerces an expression into a PUB logical code pointer (LCPTR).

  pub (value)  
  pub:pub (value:any) 

func rtov

Real to virtual. Converts a real address to a virtual address.

  rtov (realaddr)
  rtov:lptr (realaddr:u32) 

func s16

Coerces an expression into a signed 16-bit value.

  s16 (value)  
  s16:s16 (value:any) 

func s32

Coerces an expression into a signed 32-bit value.

  s32 (value)  
  s32:s32 (value:any) 

func s64

Coerces an expression into a signed 64-bit value.

  s64 (value)  
  s64:s64 (value:any) 

func sid

Returns the space ID (SID) portion from a virtual address.

  sid (virtaddr)  
  sid:u32 (virtaddr:ptr) 

func sptr

Coerces an expression into a short pointer.

  sptr (value)  
  sptr:sptr (value:any) 

func stol

Short to long. Converts a virtual address to a long pointer.

  stol (virtaddr)  
  stol:lptr (virtaddr:ptr) 

func stolog

Short to logical. Converts a NM short pointer (SPTR) to a NM logical code address (LCPTR).

  stolog (shortptr [logsel] [userfname])
  stolog:lcptr (shortptr:sptr [logsel:str="PROG"] [userfname:str])

func str

Returns a substring of a source string.

  str (source position length)  
  str:str (source:str position:u16 length:u16) 

func strapp

String append. Returns the result of concatenating two strings.

  strapp (source tail)  
  strapp:str (source:str tail:str) 

func strdel

String delete. Returns a string with a substring deleted from the source string.

  strdel (source position length)  
  strdel:str (source:str position:u16 length:u16) 

func strdown

String downshift. Returns a string that is the result of downshifting all alphabetic characters in the source string.

  strdown (source)  
  strdown:str (source:str) 

func strextract

String extract. Returns a string (extracted) from the specified virtual address.

  strextract (virtaddr [length])  
  strextract:str (virtaddr:ptr [length:u16=$4]) 

func strinput

Prompts on the input device for user input and returns the user input line as a string.

  strinput (prompt)  
  strinput:str (prompt:str) 

func strins

String insert. Returns a string after inserting another string into the source string.

  strins (insert source position)
  strins:str (insert:str source:str position:u16) 

func strlen

String length. Returns the current size of a string.

  strlen (source)  
  strlen:u32 (source:str) 

func strltrim

String left trim. Deletes leading blanks from the source string.

  strltrim (source)
  strltrim:str (source:str)

func strmax

String maximum. Returns the (constant) maximum size of a string.

  strmax (source)  
  strmax:u32 (source:str) 

func strpos

String position. Returns the index of the first occurrence of one string in another.

  strpos (source searchstring [position])
  strpos:u32 (source:str searchstring:str [position:u32=1]) 

func strrpt

String repeat. Returns a string composed of repeated occurrences of a source string.

  strrpt (source count)  
  strrpt:str (source:str count:u32) 

func strrtrim

String right trim. Deletes trailing blanks from the source string.

  strrtrim (source)
  strrtrim:str (source:str)

func strup

String upshift. Returns a string which is the result of upshifting all alphabetic characters in the source string.

  strup (source)  
  strup:str (source:str) 

func strwrite

Returns a string which is the result of formatting one or more expressions in a manner equivalent to that of the W (WRITE) command.

  strwrite (valuelist) 
  strwrite:str (valuelist:str) 

func symaddr

Returns the bit- or byte-relative offset of a component specified through the path specification, relative to the outer structure.

  symaddr (path [units])  
  symaddr:u32 (path:str [units:u16=8]) 

func symconst

Returns the value of a declared constant.

  symconst (path)  
  symconst:any (path:str)

func syminset

Returns a Boolean value of TRUE if the set member specified by the member parameter is in the set specified by the virtual address and the path specification.

  syminset (virtaddr path member)  
  syminset:bool (virtaddr:ptr path:str member:str)

func symlen

Returns the length of a data structure in bits or bytes.

  symlen (path [units])  
  symlen:u32 (path:str [units:u32=$8]) 

func symtype

Returns the type of a component described by the path specification.

  symtype  (path)  
  symtype:int (path:str) 

func symval

Returns the value of a simple data type specified by a virtual address and a path.

  symval (virtaddr path)  
  symval:any (virtaddr:ptr path:str)

func sys

Coerces an expression into a SYS logical code pointer (LCPTR).

  sys (value)  
  sys:sys (value:any) 

func tcb

Returns the real address of a process's TCB (task control block).

  tcb (pin)  
  tcb:u32 (pin:u16) 

func trans

Coerces an expression into a TRANS logical code pointer (LCPTR).

  trans (value)  
  trans:trans (value:any) 

func typeof

Returns the type of an evaluated expression as a string.

  typeof (expr)  
  typeof:str (expr:any) 

func u16

Coerces an expression into an unsigned 16-bit value.

  u16 (value)  
  u16:u16 (value:any) 

func u32

Coerces an expression into an unsigned 32-bit value.

  u32 (value)  
  u32:u32 (value:any) 

func user

Coerces an expression into a USER library logical code pointer (LCPTR).

  user ([library] value) 
  user:user ([library:str=''] value:any) 

func vainfo

Returns selected information for the specified virtual address.

  vainfo (virtaddr selector)  
  vainfo:any (virtaddr:ptr selector:str) 

func vtor

Virtual to real. Converts a virtual address to a real address.

  vtor (virtaddr)  
  vtor:u32 (virtaddr:ptr) 

func vtos

Virtual to secondary. Converts a virtual address to a secondary storage address.

  vtos (virtaddr)  
  vtos:lptr (virtaddr:ptr) 

System Debug Environment Variables

The following tables provide short descriptions of all System Debug environment variables, arranged by their logical groups. The information is organized as follows:

  Group Name   Access Rights    Variable Name    Return Type

Access rights abbreviations are listed below. PM indicates that privileged mode (PM) capability is required.

Read access


PM read access


Write access


PM write access


Display access (DR command)


PM display access (DR command)


Modify access (MR command)


PM modify access (MR command)

const - constants

  const   r     FALSE             : BOOL
  const   r     TRUE              : BOOL 

cmd - command related

  cmd     rw    AUTOIGNORE        : BOOL
  cmd     rw    AUTOREPEAT        : BOOL
  cmd     rw    CMDLINESUBS       : BOOL
  cmd     rw    CMDNUM            : U32
  cmd     rw    ECHO_CMDS         : BOOL
  cmd     rw    ECHO_SUBS         : BOOL
  cmd     rw    ECHO_USE          : BOOL
  cmd     rw    ERROR             : S32
  cmd     r     MACRO_DEPTH       : U16
  cmd     rw    MULTI_LINE_ERRS   : U16
  cmd     rw    NONLOCALVARS      : BOOL
  cmd     rw    TRACE_FUNC        : U16

io - input/output

  io      rw    CM_INBASE         : STR
  io      rw    CM_OUTBASE        : STR
  io      r     COLUMN            : U16
  io      rW    CONSOLE_IO        : BOOL     (Debug only)
  io      rw    FILL              : STR
  io      rw    FILTER            : STR
  io      rw    HEXUPSHIFT        : BOOL
  io      rw    INBASE            : STR
  io      rw    JUSTIFY           : STR
  io      rw    LIST_INPUT        : BOOL
  io      rw    LIST_PAGELEN      : U16
  io      r     LIST_PAGENUM      : U16
  io      rw    LIST_PAGING       : BOOL
  io      rw    LIST_TITLE        : STR
  io      rw    LIST_WIDTH        : U16
  io      rw    NM_INBASE         : STR
  io      rw    NM_OUTBASE        : STR
  io      rw    OUTBASE           : STR
  io      rw    PROMPT            : STR
  io      rw    TERM_KEEPLOCK     : BOOL    (Debug only)
  io      rW    TERM_LDEV         : U16     (Debug only)
  io      rw    TERM_LOCKING      : BOOL    (Debug only)
  io      rw    TERM_LOUD         : BOOL
  io      rw    TERM_PAGING       : BOOL
  io      rw    TERM_WIDTH        : U16

misc - miscellaneous

  misc    rW    CCODE             : STR     (Debug only)
  misc    rW    CSTBASE           : LPTR
  misc    r d   CPU               : U16
  misc    r     DATE              : STR
  misc    r     DISP              : BOOL
  misc    rW    DSTBASE           : LPTR
  misc    r     ENTRY_MODE        : STR
  misc    rW    ESCAPECODE        : U32     (Debug only)
  misc    r     EXEC_MODE         : STR
  misc    r     ICSNEST           : U16
  misc    r     ICSVA             : LPTR
  misc    r     LASTPIN           : U16
  misc    rw    LOOKUP_ID         : STR
  misc    r     MODE              : STR
  misc    r d   MONARCHCPU        : u16
  misc    rw    MPEXL_TABLE-VA    : LPTR
  misc    r     PIN               : U16
  misc    rW    PRIV_USER         : BOOL
  misc    r     PROGNAME          : STR
  misc    rw    PSTMT             : U16
  misc    rw    QUIET_MODIFY      : BOOL
  misc    r     SYSVERSION        : STR
  misc    r     TIME              : STR
  misc    r     VERSION           : STR

win - window

  win     rw    CHANGES           : STR
  win     rw    CMPW              : LCPTR
  win     r     LW                : LPTR
  win     rw    MARKERS           : STR
  win     r     NMPW              : LCPTR
  win     r     PW                : LCPTR
  win     r     PWO               : SPTR
  win     r     PWS               : U32
  win     r     SHOW_CCTL         : BOOL
  win     r     VW                : LPTR
  win     r     VWO               : SPTR
  win     r     VWS               : U32
  win     rw    WIN_LENGTH        : U32
  win     rw    WIN_WIDTH         : U32
  win     r     ZW                : U32

limits - limits for macros and variables

  limits  rw    MACROS            : U16
  limits  r     MACROS_LIMIT      : U16
  limits  rw    VARS              : U16
  limits  r     VARS_LIMIT        : U16
  limits  rw    VARS_LOC          : U16
  limits  r     VARS_TABLE        : U16

cmreg - compatibility mode regs

  cmreg   r dm  CIR               : S16
  cmreg   r dm  CMPC              : LCPTR
  cmreg   r dm  DB                : S16
  cmreg   r dm  DBDST             : S16
  cmreg   r dm  DL                : S16
  cmreg   r d   MAPDST            : S16
  cmreg   r d   MAPFLAG           : S16
  cmreg   r dm  Q                 : S16
  cmreg   r dm  S                 : S16
  cmreg   r dm  SDST              : S16
  cmreg   r dm  STATUS            : S16
  cmreg   r dm  X                 : S16

nmreg - native mode regs

  nmreg   r dm  ARG0 - ARG3       : U32
  nmreg   r dM  CCR               : U16
  nmreg   r dm  CR0               : U3
  nmreg   r dm  CR8 - CR31        : U32
  nmreg   r dm  DP                : U32
  nmreg   r dM  EIEM              : U32
  nmreg   r dM  EIRR              : U32
  nmreg   r dM  IIR               : U32
  nmreg   r dM  IOR               : U32
  nmreg   r dM  IPSW              : U32
  nmreg   r dM  ISR               : U32
  nmreg   r dM  ITMR              : U32
  nmreg   r dM  IVA               : U32
  nmreg   r dm  PC                : LPTR
  nmreg   r dm  PCOB              : U32
  nmreg   r dm  PCOF              : U32
  nmreg   r dm  PCQB              : LPTR
  nmreg   r dm  PCQF              : LPTR
  nmreg   r dm  PCSB              : U32
  nmreg   r dm  PCSF              : U32
  nmreg   r dM  PID1 - PID4       : U16
  nmreg   r dM  PRIV              : BOOL
  nmreg   r d   PSP               : U32
  nmreg   r dM  PSW               : U32
  nmreg   r d   R0                : U32
  nmreg   r dm  R1 - R31          : U32
  nmreg   r dM  RCTR              : U32
  nmreg   r dm  RET0              : U32
  nmreg   r dm  RET1              : U32
  nmreg   r d   RP                : U32
  nmreg   r dm  SAR               : U16
  nmreg   r dm  SL                : U32
  nmreg   r dm  SP                : U32
  nmreg   r dm  SR0 - SR7         : U32
  nmreg   r dM  TR0 - TR7         : U32

fpreg - floating point regs

  fpreg   r dM  FPSTATUS          : U32
  fpreg   r dM  FP0 - FP15        : LPTR    (until S64 is supported)
  fpreg   r dM  FPE0 - FPE7       : U32

system - system wide debug

  system  rW    CONSOLE_DEBUG     : BOOL    (Debug only)
  system  rW    JOB_DEBUG         : BOOL    (Debug only)
  system  rW    DYING_DEBUG       : BOOL    (Debug only)

state - process state

The state variables consist of all NMREG, CMREG, and FPREG variables.

Chapter 6 System Debug

Chapter 7 File System