HPlogo E0300 MPE/iX Error Messages Manual Volume II > Chapter 9 System Startup, Shutdown, and Configuration

Class Errors

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Class Error A: Boot Path Test

Boot device related errors and/or channel I/O errors take the following multiplexed code form:
  • 01wx

  • Ayzz

  • w = CIO slot number (<> C)

  • x = Device address (always 0 for the console)

  • y = CIO mid-bus slot number

  • zz = IODC driver error code 00 - 7F.

Class Error A Messages

Class Error B: Initialization Messages

When the system halts, the reason for the halt can be seen on the SPU control panel status display (hex display). The first number is the source of the halt call, and following it are numbers of the form 0nxx where n is a number that starts at 1 and increments. The reason can be interpreted by stringing the xx values together to form a number.

When the monitor is the source of the halt, the first number is B000. System abort uses B007. The following codes relate the cause of the error.

Class Error B Messages

Class Error C: Bootstrap Display Codes

Bootstrap display codes take the form:
  • Cxxx

  • xxx = detailed error number.

Class Error C Messages

Class Error CA: Power Fail

Power fail message take the form:
  • CAxx

  • xx = detailed error number.

NOTE: See high-priority machine check detail errors for code CAF0 - CAFE.

Class Error CB: transfer of control

transfer of control messages take the form:
  • CBxx

  • xx = detailed error number.


None. (I)


General register 0 is not zero.



Class Error CE: ISL Messages and Error Codes

ISL sends messages both to the system console and to the four-digit front panel LED display. The codes that can be generated by ISL are listed in table 1-3.

Codes CE00 - CE09 are informative messages only.

Codes CE10 - CE27 indicate an error.

A nonfatal error causes ISL to issue a message. During autoboot, a nonfatal error causes the autoboot to abort and ISL prompts for input, just as if the autoboot had been interrupted through a console request within the first 10 seconds.

A fatal error stops the system and lights the front panel red self-test light. You are required to correct the problem indicated before rebooting the system.

See the note that follows the explanation of the individual codes for more information on particular codes.

Class Error CE Messages

Chapter 9 System Startup, Shutdown, and Configuration (cont)

Chapter 9 "Nonclass" Errors