HPlogo HP 3000 MPE/iX Release 6.5 System Software Maintenance Manual (Release C.65.00) > Chapter 7 Support Tools Manager (STM) for MPE/iX

Menus and Commands

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The mstm and cstm interfaces have different ways to display menus and accept commands from the user.

The following subsections detail the mstm and cstm menus and commands.

mstm Menus and Commands

In mstm, you traverse screens and menus, and select commands from pulldown menus:

Figure 7-3 mstm Menu Bar and Softkeys

[mstm Menu Bar and Softkeys]

Figure 7-4 mstm Pulldown Menu Example

[mstm Pulldown Menu Example]

Screen Navigation

There are two types of screen navigation:
  • Navigating between screens

  • Navigating within screens

To navigate between one screen and another, use the Tab key.

To navigate from one portion to another portion of the same screen, use the Prev and Next keys (or, alternatively, the Cursor Up and Cursor Down keys).

Menu Bar

The following table summarizes the use of the menu bar.

Table 7-1 Menu Bar Navigation

To do this: Do this:
Position the cursor on the menu bar Use the Tab key (or the Menu Bar on/off function key).
Move to a pulldown menuUse the cursor arrow keys.
Expand a menu/sub-menuUse the Return key.
Highlight a command or sub-menuUse the cursor keys.
Perform a commandUse the Return key.
Invoke a menu directly: Use Alt function key; then hit non-underlined character in menu title.
Activate a menu command/expand pulldown sub-menu: Hit the letter which is underlined in the command or sub-menu.

Figure 7-5 mstm Menus and Commands

[mstm Menus and Commands]

mstm Shortcut Keys

A new 'shortcuts' feature has been added to mstm which lets you do frequently performed operations quickly. For example, to select all disks and then run the verify tool on them, the user would hit the keys 'dv' then <RETURN> while the mstm map is displayed. For a list of the shortcut keys, hit the '?' key while the mstm map is displayed:

                                Shortcut Keys

 Device Selections              Device Tools               Utilities
  (a) all devices                (v) verify              (l) logtool
  (d) disks                      (e) exercise
  (m) memory                     (i) information
  (p) processors                 (s) current device status
  (t) tapes

 Other Shortcut Keys
  (?) this help page
  <cr> execute shorcut key commands and exit from this help page.
  <back-space> delete the last shortcut key entered and undo its
  - The first device selection will unselect all currently selected
    Subsequent selections will be additive.
  - Only one tool or utility operation is allowed per shortcut

 Shortcut Key Examples:
  "av<cr>"  Select all devices and run verifier.
  "l<cr>"   Run logtool.
  "dte<cr>" Select only disk and tapes and run exerciser.

cstm Menus and Commands

In cstm, you simply enter the command name (or its abbreviated form) at the prompt. There are no menus and you can enter any command at any time.

The following lists the cstm commands for the some HP-UX releases by category. The format is command (abbreviation):

File:                  System:                Device:
saveconfig (scfg)      connectsys (cs)        currdevstatus (cds)
restoreconfig (rcfg)   selcurrentsys (scs)    cleartoolstatus (cts)
recordcmdfile (rcf)    disconnectsys (ds)     select (sel)
stoprecordcmd (srcf)   savemap (smap)         selall (sall)
runcmdfile (rncf)      printmap (pmap)        selclass (scl)
recordoutput (ro)      remapsystem (rs)       unselall (usal)
stoprecordout (sro)    maplog (ml)            unselclass (uscl)
uiactlog (uial)        displaylic (dl)
readuutconfig (ruc)    license (lic)
updatetoolinfo (uti)   hplicense (hlic)
stmstartup (ssu)       deinstalllic (dlic)
stmshutdown (ssd)      sysactlog (sal)
resetsysactlog (rsa)   daemonstartup (dsu)
localmaplog (lml)      daemonshutdown (dsd)
localsysactlog (lsal)  daemonkill (dk)
syslog (sl)            daemonactlog (dacl)
os (os)                map (map)
exit (ex)

Tools:                 Tools (Continued)      Options:
information (info)     fwupdatefaillog (ffl)  infooptions (iop)
infolog (il)           fwupdateinfo (finf)    veroptions (vop)
infoactlog (ial)       experttool (xt)        diagoptions (dop)
infofaillog (ifl)      expactlog (xal)        exeroptions (eop)
infoinfo (iinf)        expfaillog (xfl)       fwupdateoptions (fop)
verify (ver)           expinfo (xinf)         expoptions (xop)
veractlog (val)        runutil (ru)           utiloptions (uop)
verfaillog (vfl)       utilactlog (ual)       launchoptions (lop)
verinfo (vinf)         utilfaillog (ufl)      mapoptions (mop)
diagnose (dgn)         utilinfo (uinf)        generaloptions (gop)
diagactlog (dal)       lateactlog (lal)
diagfaillog (dfl)      latefaillog (lfl)
diaginfo (dinf)        aborttool (abt)
exercise (exc)         suspendtool (st)       Help:
exeractlog (eal)       resumetool (ret)       help
exerfaillog (efl)      killtool (klt)         help more
exerinfo (einf)        abortutil (abu)        help syntax
firmwareupdate (fwu)   killutil (klu)         help all
fwupdatelog (fal)      displayquery (dq)      help COMMAND (ACCEL)
                       attach (at)            help help
                       wait (wait)            version (vers)

For more information on the commands, type help more or help syntax or help COMMAND_NAME at the cstm prompt.

Kinds of Support Tools

Getting Result Information (Logs)