HPlogo ALLBASE/SQL Release G2 for HP-UX 10.30 Release Notes: HP 9000 Computer Systems > Chapter 1 Announcements

OMNIBACK Support Dropped from SQLUtil


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ALLBASE/SQL no longer supports OMNIBACK as the backup routine in SQLUtil. Previously, OMNIBACK could be chosen to do the backup and restore operations in SQLUtil by invoking the SET BACKUP OMNIBACK option. SQLUtil now supports only ALLBASE/SQL internal backup mechanism, and it is the default setting.

SQLUtil is modified in the following manner:

  • SET BACKUP command will not accept OMNIBACK as the keyword. It will fail with the message, "Command not yet implemented. (DBERR 8102)."

  • SET will only display the following values for the flags: ECHO_ALL, EXIT_ON_DBERR, and ALLBASE.

  • Default backup setting is ALLBASE/SQL internal format. It can also be selected explicitly by SET BACKUP ALLBASE.

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