HPlogo ALLBASE/SQL Release G2 Release Notes: HP 9000 Computer Systems > Chapter 2 What's in This Version?



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ALLBASE/SQL, version G2 contains several major enhancements providing significant benefits in the following areas:

  • Security

  • Year 2000 Compatibility

  • ODBCLink/SE

If you are updating from an earlier release of ALLBASE/SQL, refer to the migration information in the "Installation Procedures" section appearing in the chapter "Compatibility and Installation Requirements." To order this product, contact your HP Representative.

A list of ALLBASE/SQL reference manuals for HP-UX is provided in chapter 5.


Two new authorities have been added to the G2 release of ALLBASE/SQL: MONITOR and INSTALL. These new authorities can be granted to users using the GRANT command, or can be revoked from users using the REVOKE command.

MONITOR Authority

MONITOR authority gives a user the ability to run SQLMON, an online diagnostic tool that monitors the activity of an ALLBASE/SQL DBEnvironment. Before this new authority, SQLMON can only be run by the creator of the DBEnvironment (also known as the DBECreator), someone who knows the maintenance word (maint word), or someone who has superuser capability.

INSTALL Authority

INSTALL authority gives a user the ability to use the SQL preprocessors to create an SQL module owned by someone other than themselves, or to use ISQL to install a module owned by someone other than themselves. This is an important capability for those needing to move modules from a development DBEnvironment to a production DBEnvironment. Before this new authority, only a DBA had this ability.

Year 2000 Compatibility

As the end of the century quickly approaches there has been much concern about dates being handled correctly in the twenty-first century. This is particularly an issue for systems and applications that are using a two digit year to express dates. ALLBASE/SQL has always stored dates in a four digit year format which largely eliminates the year 2000 compatibility problem. ALLBASE/SQL applications can be coded using four digit year dates, thus avoiding any ambiguity. However, for existing applications that may allow dates to be entered using a two digit year format, there is still an issue as to how these dates get converted to the ALLBASE/SQL internal format using the TO_DATE function or TO_DATETIME. For example, what date value would the following functions return?


Would these functions evaluate the year as 1935 or 2035?


When YY is specified in the format specification of either TO_DATE or TO_DATETIME, and if its value of the year specified is less than 50, then the century part of the DATE or DATETIME defaults to 20, otherwise it is set to 19. This behavior can be overridden by setting the environment variable HPSQLsplitcentury to a value between 0 and 100. If the year specified is less than the value of the environment variable HPSQLsplitcentury then the century part is set to 20, otherwise it is set to 19.

For the above example,

Case 1: HPSQLsplitcentury is not set

TO_DATE('12/31/35','MM/DD/YY') = 2035-12-31
TO_DATETIME('351231235959','YYMMDDHHMISS') = 2035-12-31 23:59:59

Case 2: HPSQLsplitcentury is set to 0

TO_DATE('12/31/35','MM/DD/YY') = 1935-12-31
TO_DATETIME('351231235959','YYMMDDHHMISS') = 1935-12-31 23:59:59

Case 3: HPSQLsplitcentury is set to 70

TO_DATE('12/31/35','MM/DD/YY') = 2035-12-31
TO_DATETIME('351231235959','YYMMDDHHMISS') = 2035-12-31 23:59:59
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