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Displays information about the specified process(es). (Native Mode)


   SHOWPROC [ [PIN=]{ pinspec

                      (pinspec [,pinspec ]...) }]

   [[;JOB=]{ jobspec

             (jobspec [,jobspec]...)}]


                DETAIL }]

   [{ ;TREE 

      ;NOTREE }]

   [{ ;USER

      ;ANYUSER }]

   [{ ;SYSTEM }]

   [{ ;TRUNC

      ;NOTRUNC }]



The process that you want to see.

The pinspec, expressed [#p ]pin, is a Process Identification Number (PIN). Specifying pinspec is optional and has no default; see jobspec.

An ordinary user may show processes matching their own user and account names (those which "belong to" the user) by specifying 0 as the pinspec. A user with SM or OP capabilities may show any process on the system. A user with SM capability (the system manager) may see system processes by specifying the SYSTEM option.

NOTREE is the default for all pinspec target processes, and can be overridden with the TREE option.

The USER and ANYUSER options do not apply to pinspec.


The name of the job or session whose processes you want to display. A jobspec can be any of the following: jobnumber, username, @S, @J, or @. A jobspec is optional and defaults to the user's current job ID, for example, #!HPJOBTYPE!HPJOBNUM.

The jobnumber must be in the form #Jnnn or #Snnn. SM or OP capability is required to specify another user's job or session number. The username must be in the form user[.account]. SM or OP capability is required to specify another user's username. If there is more than one job or session under the same username, all are displayed.

You can use the wildcard symbol @ in the following ways:


Shows process information for all sessions


Shows process information for all jobs


Shows process information for all sessions and jobs

An ordinary user can only see their own processes, even when jobspec is wildcarded. For example, if the user name is JEFF.MFG and you enter the command as shown below, then only processes for jobs logged on as JEFF.MFG are displayed.


   :SHOWPROC job=@J

On the other hand, if the user STEVE.UI (who has OP or SM capability) enters the command shown below, then all processes for all jobs on the system are displayed.


   :SHOWPROC job=@J

If the user STEVE.UI only wants to see his own job processes, he must enter:


   :SHOWPROC job=@J; user

The USER option, and its counterpart option, ANYUSER, are described below.

The SYSTEM option is ignored for all jobspec target processes.

TREE is the default for all jobspec target processes, and can be overridden with the NOTREE option.


This format displays a subset of a process' attributes. These include the subqueue name, process priority, CPU time, execution state, associated JOB or SESSION number, PIN (indented to show tree structure), program name, and INFO=string, if any (or command step if the process is CI.PUB.SYS). SUMMARY is the default format.


This format displays a more comprehensive set of the attributes associated with a process.


This option displays each process specified, as well as all of its descendents. TREE is the default for all jobspec target processes.


This option displays only the process specified. No information appears for the process's descendants. NOTREE is the default for all pinspec target processes.


The SYSTEM option is required if the target process from pinspec is a system process. It displays system processes as well as descendant user processes. SM capability is required. SYSTEM is ignored for all jobspec processes.


The USER option filters output when jobspec is wildcarded by displaying only processes matching the user's name. USER is the default for users without OP and SM capability.


This option defeats the filtering of the wildcarded jobspec and displays all matching processes. SM or OP capability is necessary to specify ANYUSER, and users with these capabilities get ANYUSER by default. OP or SM users may reduce the SHOWPROC output to just their own processes by using the USER option.


The TRUNC option truncates output records that would exceed the record width of $STDLIST for the user. A $ replaces the last character of the line to signify truncation. TRUNC is the default option.


This option displays output records in their full form. As a result, output from the command may wrap around the display.


The SHOWPROC command displays information about processes except lockwords, which are never displayed. By default, the processes shown are the root CI and its descendents (TREE option). Any user may issue this command. Users with OP or SM capability may see information for processes belonging to other users. SM users may also see system processes via the SYSTEM option.

Any user may issue the SHOWPROC command and see information about all processes that belong to them. A process "belongs" to a user if one or more of the following conditions exists:

  1. the process is within the user's logon job/session

  2. the process' user and account names match the user's user and account names and the system's JOBSECURITY is set to LOW

  3. the user has OP or SM capability.

If rule 1 or 2 applies or the user has SM capability then all information (except lockwords) is visible. Otherwise, only the Command Interperter (CI) command and/or program names are shown. That is, the parameters of a CI command and the INFO= string passed to a program are not visible.

When SHOWPROC is executed in a job, regardless of capabilities and process ownership, only the CI command name and program are displayed.

If you specify both the ;PIN= and ;JOB= parameters, information for the list of pins will precede the information for the list of jobs. Duplicate specifications are not detected.

SHOWPROC may be issued from a Session, Job, Program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break aborts the execution of this command.

The fields displayed are described below. The field's width, in characters, is shown within parentheses. A "v" indicates that the field has a variable size width.


CPUTIME is consumed in hh:mm:ss or m:ss.mls. A pair of asterisks (**) appears in the hours field when hours overflows. The three-character "mls" sub-field holds milliseconds.


The job or session number for the process.

LOGON (v):

The job/session, user, and account name associated with this process.


Process Identification Number for the process' parent (decimal). This field is unique to the DETAIL format. The DETAIL format displays PARENT so that process relationships can be determined. A zero indicates that the process does not have a parent (for example, PROGEN).

PIN (5):

Process Identification Number for the process (decimal). The SUMMARY format indents the PIN column by two spaces for each child process so that you can clearly see a process' descendants. The DETAIL format precedes the pin with a percent sign (%) to indicate that the process is an artificial member of its workgroup, and does not indent the display.

PRI (5)

The priority at which the process is currently executing. A lower numeric value indicates a higher priority. It also indicates whether the process is linear, runs with fixed priority (L), or is decayable (D). This field is unique to the DETAIL format.


The file name of the program the process is executing.

QUEUE (v):

The scheduling queue attribute associated with this process. The QUEUE field is unique to the DETAIL format.

QPRI (5):

A combination of SUBQUEUE and PRIORITY which appears as Qnnn[*]. Q is a single character abbreviation of the process' scheduling queue attribute. The nnn is the process' priority, and * indicates that this process is a system process. The QPRI field is unique to the SUMMARY format.

STATE (5):

The execution state of the process, which can be one of the following:

  • BLKIO blocked for terminal write or control.

  • WAIT generic process block, usually waiting for a message.

  • BLKCB blocked for control block.

  • BLKMM blocked for memory manager.

  • READY ready to execute (or executing).

STEP (v):

The command that the displayed CI process is currently executing. This field is not shown for non-CI processes.


The workgroup of which the process is a member. WORKGROUP appears as [%]name, where % indicates that the process is an artificial member of the workgroup, and name is the workgroup name. A process becomes an artificial member when it is explicitly placed into the workgroup via ALTPROC or AIFPROCPUT instead of naturally meeting the membership criteria of the workgroup.

On the next page is a sample output of the DETAIL format. In this example, pin 2 is a system mode process, running linearly at priority 142. Pin 99 is a user mode process running linearly at priority 160. Pin 121 is a user modeprocess that is an artificial member of the "Payroll_Online" workgroup


:SHOWPROC pin=(2,99,121,188);format=detail;system


-----  ------  -----   --------  -----   ------  --------------

 2  1          142 L   7:23.687  WAIT            (LOAD.PUB.SYS)


LOGON         :


QUEUE         :  BS

WORKGROUP     :  BS_Default



-----  ------  -----   --------  -----   ------  --------------

 99  68        160 L   0:05.020  BLKIO    S45    (QEDIT.PUB.SYS)



QUEUE         :  BS

WORKGROUP     :  Program_Development



-----  ------  -----   --------  -----   ------  --------------

 121 97       158 D   0:12.045  READY    J51     :tdp "text report"



QUEUE         :  DS

WORKGROUP     :  %Payroll_Online



-----  ------  -----   --------  -----   ------  --------------

 188 101      100 D   0:04.200  WAIT     S56     (TDP.PUB.SYS) text test1



QUEUE         :  BS

WORKGROUP     :  BS_Default

Below is a sample output of the default SUMMARY format.


:SHOWPROC #P54; tree; trunc


C152  0:12.999  WAIT  S12     54    :tdp "text myfile"

C152  0:02.000  WAIT  S12       38    (TDP.PUB.SYS) text myfile

C152  0:01.030  READY S12         67    (FCOPY.PUB.SYS)from=foo.pub.sys;to=b$

:SHOWPROC #P54; tree; notrunc


C152  0:12.999  WAIT  S12     54    :tdp "text myfile"

C152  0:02.000  WAIT  S12       38    (TDP.PUB.SYS) text myfile

C152  0:01.030  READY S12         67    (FCOPY.PUB.SYS)from=foo.pub.sys;to=ba



To display a summary of information for all non-system processes in the current job/session, enter:



To display a summary of information for PIN 42, enter:


   :SHOWPROC #p42

To display a summary of information for PIN 42 and all of its descendants, enter:


   :SHOWPROC #p42; tree

To display the detail information for PIN 42, enter:


   :SHOWPROC #p42; format= detail

To display a summary of information for all processes (requires SM capability), enter:


   :SHOWPROC 1 ;system ;tree

To display a summary of information for all non-system processes that are jobs (requires SM or OP capability), enter:


   :SHOWPROC job=@j; anyuser

To display a summary of information for PINs 150, 247, and 211, enter:


   :SHOWPROC (150,#p247,211)

To display a summary of information for all non-system processes logged on as MGR.PAYROLL (requires SM or OP capability), enter:


   :SHOWPROC job=mgr.payroll

To display a summary of information for all non-system processes belonging to Job 2 or logged on as ME.AP (requires SM or OP capability), enter:


   :SHOWPROC job=(#j2,me.ap)

To display the detail information for all non-system processes in the current job/session, enter:


   :SHOWPROC detail

To display the detail information for all non-system processes on the system (requires SM or OP capability), enter:


   :SHOWPROC job=@; format= detail

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MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual (32650-90028)

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