HPlogo Using the HP 3000 Workload Manager: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems

Chapter 4 Tuning System Performance


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This chapter teaches you how to use workgroups to optimize system performance. In particular, it discusses how you can use the Workload Manager to handle predictable changes in CPU demand, how to respond to changes in the workload, and how to provide a more consistent level of service to your users.

The topics in this chapter include:

  • Scheduling anticipated workload changes

  • Giving one workgroup improved CPU access

  • Giving one workgroup degraded CPU access

  • Creating workgroups for reactive processing

  • Handling a starving process

  • Handling a CPU-bound process that impacts other users

  • Managing the workload to provide more consistent response times

  • Balancing workload during a system consolidation

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