HPlogo Using the HP 3000 Workload Manager: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 3 Creating Workgroups

Purging a Workgroup


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To delete a user-defined workgroup from the current configuration, you use the PURGEWG command. You can delete one workgroup, several workgroups, or all of the user-defined workgroups on the system. You cannot delete any of the system-defined workgroups.

Here is the syntax of the PURGEWG command:

   PURGEWG [WORKGROUP=] {workgrpspec}

   {(workgrpspec [,workgrpspec]...)}


                  QUIT }]

   [{ ;CONFIRM 


      ;CONFIRMALL }]

   [{ ;NOSHOW

      ;SHOW }]







The options to the PURGEWG command allow you to determine what to do in case there is an error, how much control you have over the purge operation, and how much information you see.

To delete one workgroup

To delete one user-defined workgroup on the system, enter:


   PURGEWG WORKGROUP=workgrpspec

For example, to delete a workgroup named Payroll_batch, enter:


   PURGEWG WORKGROUP=Payroll_batch

Or you can enter:


   PURGEWG Payroll_batch

To delete all user-defined workgroups

To delete all user-defined workgroups on the system, you can issue the PURGEWG command and specify the @ wildcard character. Even though this literally translates to “all workgroups”, not just user-defined workgroups, the Workload Manager will not purge any of the system-defined workgroups.

For example, suppose you have 3 user-defined workgroups on your system and, of course, the 5 system-defined workgroups. When you issue the PURGEWG @ command, you'll see the following messages:



   8 workgroups matched

   Continue PURGEWG ? (YES/NO)y

   8 selected. 3 succeeded. 5 failed.

   Operation failed on some files. (CIWARN 490)

To defer scanning a workgroup

When you purge a workgroup, the Workload Manager immediately scans all of its member processes and moves them to other workgroups. This action is called a purgescan. You can choose to defer the purgescan until a later time with the NOPURGESCAN option of the PURGEWG command. Deferring a purgescan is a good idea when you are deleting multiple workgroups. Otherwise, the Workload Manager may place processes from the workgroup you just purged into another workgroup that you plan to purge subsequently.

For example, to purge the workgroup Payroll_batch and defer scanning, enter:



Once you have issued the PURGEWG command with the NOPURGESCAN option, the workgroup becomes “purge-pending”. Purge-pending workgroups are those which still have member processes, and they remain in a purge- pending state until the member processes are moved via a purgescan, until you explicitly reassign them to another workgroup, or until they die.

To request a purgescan of all purge-pending workgroups

To explicitly request that Workload Manager rescan all processes belonging to purge pending workgroups, enter:


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