HPlogo Using the HP 3000 Workload Manager: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 3 Creating Workgroups

Altering a Workgroup


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To make changes in the scheduling characteristics of a workgroup, you use the ALTWG command. Do not use the ALTWG command to change the membership criteria or the workgroup name. To do that requires the NEWWG command.

Here is the syntax of the ALTWG command:

   ALTWG [WORKGROUP=]workgrp

   [[;BASE=]base] [[;LIMIT=]limit]

   [[;MINQUANT=]min] [[;MAXQUANT=]max]

   [[;BOOST=] {DECAY



   [[;MINCPUPCT=]minpercent] [[;MAXCPUPCT=]maxpercent]

For example, to set the Program_Development workgroup's timeslice to 500 milliseconds, enter:


   ALTWG Program_Development ;timeslice=500

Or, for example, to set new base and limit priorities for the Payroll_online workgroup, and give the workgroup a minimum CPU percentage of 30, enter:


   ALTWG Payroll_online ;base=190 ;limit=215; mincpupct=30

To set the same scheduling characteristics using positional parameters, enter:


   ALTWG Payroll_online,190,215,,,,,30 
NOTE: If you get an error message when attempting to set the minimum or maximum CPU percentages, issue a SHOWWG command to find out what other minimum and maximums have been set. For minpercent, the total for all workgroups cannot exceed 99 percent and, as a result, the Workload Manager will not allow you to set a minimum CPU percentage that raises this sum beyond 99. For each workgroup, the maximum CPU percentage (maxpercent) must be equal to or greater than minpercent.

To create an artificial workgroup member

An artificial member of a workgroup is a process that has been explicitly placed in the workgroup via the ALTPROC command. In general, it is preferable to let processes naturally migrate to the appropriate workgroup based on matching membership criteria. However, you may need to place a process in a workgroup when:

  • You want to move a process that is starving others to a low-priority workgroup.

  • You need to move a critical job that must be finished quickly to a higher-priority workgroup.

  • You get a call from a user whose system performance is sluggish, and he or she urgently needs to finish something.

Here is the syntax of the ALTPROC command:

   ALTPROC [[PIN=] { pinspec

                     (pinspec [,pinspec]...) }

            [;JOB=] { jobspec

                     (jobspec [,jobspec]...) }]


    [;WG=] { workgroup

             NATURAL_WG } }

   [{ ;TREE

      ;NOTREE }]

   [{ ;USER

      ;ANYUSER }]


For example, to move the user process identified as PIN number 47 to the CS_Default workgroup, enter:


   ALTPROC 47;WG=CS_Default

You can see which processes are artificial members of a workgroup with either the PROCS format of the SHOWWG command, or with the DETAIL format of the SHOWPROC command. In both cases, artifical workgroup members have a percent sign (%) next to their process identification number. For example, to display information about PIN 47, you enter:


NOTE: Avoid using the ;PRI= option of the ALTPROC command unless you have no user-defined workgroups on your system and you want to move a process to one of the other system-defined workgroups. Instead, to place a process at a specific priority, create a workgroup with the base and limit set to the values you want and then use the ALTPROC pin;WG= command to move the process to that workgroup.

To return a process to its natural workgroup

You also use the ALTWG command to return a process to its natural workgroup. To do so, identify the PIN of the process that you want to move, and then enter:


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