HPlogo Using the HP 3000 Workload Manager: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 3 Creating Workgroups

Creating a New Workgroup Configuration


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As you have seen, you use the NEWWG command to add a new workgroup to the current configuration. You can also use it to replace the existing set of workgroups with a new set. Substituting one workgroup configuration for another is useful when you can anticipate typical changes in the workload. For example, your system may run more efficiently if you introduce a new workgroup configuration at 6 p.m. on Friday afternoons (to accommodate the typical weekend workload) and then return to a “weekday configuration” at 9 a.m. Monday mornings. Or, for example, you may need a workgroup configuration that allocates more of the CPU to the finance department at the end of each month or each quarter, allowing them to produce critical reports in a timely manner.

Replacing the current configuration requires that you perform some or all of the steps listed below. What is required in your specific situation depends upon your starting point and whether or not you are creating a new configuration (using the indirect file) for the first time.

  1. Keep a copy of the current workgroup configuration as an ASCII file.

  2. Edit the file you just created so that it contains the new workgroups.

  3. Validate the contents of the indirect file so that the replacement will be successful.

  4. Introduce the new workgroup configuration now or at a specified time in the future.

Each of these steps is described in the next five sections.

To keep a copy of the current workgroup configuration

You can use the SHOWWG command with the WGFILE format to produce a complete description of the workgroups on your system. By redirecting the command output to a file (using CI I/O redirection), you can easily create an ASCII file that is suitable as input with the NEWWG command.

To keep a copy of the current configuration, follow these steps:

  1. At the MPE/iX prompt, enter:

       SHOWWG @;FORMAT=WGFILE > filename

    For filename, enter the name you want to use for the configuration file. For example, to create an indirect file named currwgs, enter:

       SHOWWG @;FORMAT=WGFILE > currwgs

    If you want to use a name that's longer than 8 characters, make sure you precede it with ./ to indicate HFS syntax.

  2. To save the file you just created as a permanent file, enter:

       SAVE filename

You can edit the file so that it defines a new workgroup configuration. Or, you can keep it as a “backup copy” of the current configuration. Either way, you introduce these workgroups to the system by specifying the file on the NEWWG command line.

NOTE: The output that you get with the SHOWWG @;FORMAT=WGFILE command is a snapshot of the current system configuration. The true system state is kept internally, in tables, and not in a user file.

To edit the configuration file

The file that you produce using the WGFILE format of the SHOWWG command will resemble the sample file shown on this page and the next.


Workgroup     = Payroll_online

;Memb_Logon   = @.Payroll

;Base         = 170

;Limit        = 190

;MinQuant     = 1

;MaxQuant     = 2000

;Boost        = DECAY

;Timeslice    = 200

;MinCPUPCT    = 0

;MaxCPUPCT    = 100


Workgroup     = Program_Development

;Memb_Logon   = "nm@,@.mytest"

;Memb_Program = editor.pub.sys,quedit.@.@,hpedit.@.@

;Base         = 160

;Limit        = 170

;MinQuant     = 1

;MaxQuant     = 2000

;Boost        = OSCILLATE

;Timeslice    = 200

;MinCPUPCT    = 0

;MaxCPUPCT    = 100


COMMENT  The following are system-defined (default) workgroups.


COMMENT  Workgroup     = AS_Default

COMMENT  ;Memb_Queue   = AS

COMMENT  ;Base         = 13

COMMENT  ;Limit        = 99

COMMENT  ;MinQuant     = N/A

COMMENT  ;MaxQuant     = N/A

COMMENT  ;Boost        = N/A

COMMENT  ;Timeslice    = 1000





COMMENT  Workgroup     = BS_Default

COMMENT  ;Memb_Queue   = BS

COMMENT  ;Base         = 100

COMMENT  ;Limit        = 150

COMMENT  ;MinQuant     = N/A

COMMENT  ;MaxQuant     = N/A

COMMENT  ;Boost        = N/A

COMMENT  ;Timeslice    = 1000






COMMENT  Workgroup     = CS_Default

COMMENT  ;Memb_Queue   = CS

COMMENT  ;Base         = 152

COMMENT  ;Limit        = 154

COMMENT  ;MinQuant     = 1

COMMENT  ;MaxQuant     = 2000

COMMENT  ;Boost        = DECAY

COMMENT  ;Timeslice    = 200






COMMENT  Workgroup     = DS_Default

COMMENT  ;Memb_Queue   = DS

COMMENT  ;Base         = 202

COMMENT  ;Limit        = 238

COMMENT  ;MinQuant     = 2000

COMMENT  ;MaxQuant     = 2000

COMMENT  ;Boost        = DECAY

COMMENT  ;Timeslice    = 200






COMMENT  Workgroup     = ES_Default

COMMENT  ;Memb_Queue   = ES

COMMENT  ;Base         = 240

COMMENT  ;Limit        = 253

COMMENT  ;MinQuant     = 2000

COMMENT  ;MaxQuant     = 2000

COMMENT  ;Boost        = DECAY

COMMENT  ;Timeslice    = 200



Use the text editor you prefer to edit the configuration file that you produced from the SHOWWG command. Use the existing workgroup specifications as a guideline to add new workgroups to the file or make any necessary changes to the existing workgroups.

While you are editing the configuration file, remember the following points:

  • You cannot change or delete any of the system-defined workgroups via the NEWWG command, which is why they are preceded with the COMMENT keyword.

  • You cannot create a new workgroup that has the same name as one of the system-defined workgroups, or the name NATURAL_WG, (irrespective of case; the names themselves are reserved).

  • When you enter the information for a new workgroup, you must specify a workgroup name, at least one membership criterion, and the base and limit scheduling parameters.

  • You may enter an entire workgroup specification in one physical record (rather than entering each parameter on a new line, as occurs in the WGFILE format. It is not allowed, however, to have two workgroup specifications in the same physical record.

  • You may “comment out” a specification by inserting the COMMENT keyword before each line of the workgroup description.

  • The order that the workgroups appear in the list is significant. The Workload Manager uses a “first fit” algorithm when placing processes in workgroups. The first workgroup in the list for which a process qualifies will be its destination.

To keep the modified configuration separate from the original file, save it with a unique file name. You may have occasion to restore the previous configuration, and it will be useful to have this information on hand, in the ASCII format required by the NEWWG command.

To validate the indirect file

When you use the VALIDATE option of the NEWWG command, the Workload Manager will check the indirect file for errors in syntax or semantics without changing the current configuration. This is a good way to pre-test the file, particularly if you have just created or edited it, since it allows you the opportunity to fix any problems before you actually need to reconfigure the workgroups on your system.

To validate the indirect file without changing the configuration, enter:


   NEWWG ^filename;VALIDATE

Enter the name of your indirect file in place of filename. Also, be sure to precede the name with the caret ("^"), otherwise the Workload Manager will interpret the indirect file name as the name of a workgroup.

The Workload Manager will check the indirect file for any errors and report them to you.

To replace the configuration now

To replace the existing configuration with a new one now, enter the NEWWG command and specify the indirect file that contains the new workgroup information on the command line. In this case, the syntax of the NEWWG command is:

   NEWWG ^filename

Make certain that you precede the indirect file name with the caret ("^"), otherwise the CI will interpret the indirect file as the name of a workgroup.

For example, to replace the existing configuration with the workgroups contained in the file weekend, enter:


   NEWWG ^weekend

This action is atomic, i.e., either all workgroups are created or, if there were syntax or semantic errors, none are. A system-wide scan is done after all workgroups are created to determine workgroup membership for all processes on the system.

NOTE: To add a new workgroup to the existing configuration, you use a different syntax and enter all of the pertinent information on the NEWWG command line. For information, read “To create a new workgroup”, earlier in this chapter.

To replace the configuration at a specified time

Once you have created and validated an indirect file, you can schedule the introduction of the new workgroup at a specific time. To do so, you enter the NEWWG command in a job file, and then stream the job. Follow these steps:

  1. Using the text editor of your choice, create a job file using the sample below as a model:

       !JOB wgchange,manager.sys
       !NEWWG ^weekend
  2. Keep the job file with a name that is meaningful to you. It can be the same as the name of the job you created, for example wgchange.

  3. Use the STREAM command to schedule the job for introduction at a specified time. For example, if it is Friday morning and you want the new configuration to take effect at six p.m. in the evening, enter:

       STREAM wgchange; AT=18:00

To replace the configuration based on conditional criteria

You could also create a job that conditionally introduces a new workgroup configuration. For example, suppose you want to introduce a workgroup configuration that allocates a minimal amount of CPU to batch jobs, giving preference to your online data entry staff. However, suppose also that there was problem with the batch runs the night before, and they have not yet completed. In this case, you can create a job file that includes IF statements to check for a specified condition and, if it has been met, invokes the NEWWG command.

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